
rate my performance. Have this in mind though : I'm still a newbie at this.

Nah, you are no newbie, you are TERRIBLE 🤣😂😜
Poor Ashe, with such a feeder (is what you would be called ;)) in her lane.

Good thing that I remember how I asked a friend many years ago: Medium Bots are pretty strong right? I mean human players cannot be much better? 🤣

Pro tipp: Try buying some items 😍
And you should go back to base by pressing "b" when you are too low life. Will take a few seconds though in which you must stand still and get no dmg!

And maybe play a different champion. Kayn is not the easiest to begin with.
From your playstyle I would suggest a Garen, Vladimir, Dr. Mundo, Sion, Ornn, Volibear, Cho Gath or Teemo

😂🤣 I really suck huh?. Thanks for the tips though will start with that and see what happens.
Will definitely improve in my next upload🙂.
Hope you enjoyed by the way and thanks for stopping by.

Let's say: It should be easy for you to improve :)