dCity - A Suggestion For A New Card Type: ORGANISATIONS

in Hive Gaming3 days ago


Here’s a suggestion for adding another type of NFT card that would add another layer to the cities, and add a bit more utility to some building, and also certain citizens.

What if Citizens could join Organisations?

What are Organisations? Glad you asked!

An Organisation would be a new type of NFT card. Not a building, not an individual, and not a technology, but rather a group idea. An idea, an association, a political party, or a distinct spirit that some or all Citizens can rally around.

Let’s take the hypothetical Student Social Club as a example.

Student Social Club

Member Cap: 50
Building Cap: 9
Perk 1 (20% Representation): Popularity Bonus
Perk 2 (50% Representation): Education Bonus per University in City
Perk 3 (80% Representation): Student Claim
Associated Building: University Campus
Associated Citizen: Student, Student (Debt)

This would represent a student fraternity or student sorority. It would be open for 50 students to join, and need some University Campus to be effective.

As a fraternity/sorority it would increase the likelihood of a lively student life, thus increasing a City’s Popularity.

A healthy student life, student enjoying their university time, and the increased number of students would allow for a larger university faculty and increase the Education given by each University in the City.

It would increase the likelihood of out-of-town student moving here to study, thus being eligible for a Claim of a Student, in the same manner as a Communal Housing.

Obviously the exact perks granted and their magnitude need some balancing, but you get the idea. Perk 1 is low tier, while Perk 3 is something decently impactful.

Breakdown Of An Organisation

Example: Student Social Club

You need to own at least 1 Student Social Club for students to join. If you have none of a certain Organisation NFT, then this particular organisation is not represented in your city. You could own many copies of the Student Social Club, representing many different fraternities or sororities.

What are Associated Citizens?

These are the members of the Organisation. Some organisation are open to every type of citizen, but a Student Social Club is only open for students to join. An organisation needs members to be relevant and represented in your city. This is half of the Representation value. More on that below.

What are Associated Buildings?

An organisation needs some type of home building, a headquarter, or other place to practice their agenda. This Student Social Club needs there to be enough University Campus in the City. No Campus, no student life. This is half of the Representation value. More on that below.

What Is The Representation Value?

This is the strength of an organisation. To be a strong and relevant organisation, both members and buildings are required.

An organisations Representation is calculated as the total of Current Members/Max Members added with Current Building/Max Buildings, divided by 2.

If you have 10 current members out of 50 members, that’s 20%.
Then you have 3 current building out of 10, that’s 30%. The total Representation would then be 25%. The higher Representation, the better Perks unlocked.

What Are Perks?

Perks are benefits thematically close to the Organisation. In the case of the Student Social Club you could have the following:

  1. Perk 1 (unlocked at 20% Representation)
    Increased Popularity bonus for each University Campus in the City.
  2. Perk 2 (50% Representation)
    Increased Education bonus for each University Campus in the City.
  3. Perk 3 (80%)
    Student Claim for the Student Social Club card.

How Do Citizens Join An Organisation?

The organisation would need time to establish itself, and the joining process would be a bit slow. By design. A slow process, but a powerful Perk 3 as incentive.

There would be a random chance each day that Citizens would join an organisation. This would basically only need time, no player action or cost. This shouldn’t be able to be skipped by simply throwing SIM at the organisation. Members would join organically, or at least pseudo-organically.

The joining rate could be affected by the following:

  1. An organisation with 10/10 Associated Buildings would have a higher joining rate that an organisation with 1/10 Associated Buildings.
  2. The more of one particular Organisation card you own, the higher chance of a Citizen joining this specific organisation. If you have 10 Organisation X cards, but only 1 Organisation Y card, Citizens would be more likely to join Organisation X.

The exact mechanic for getting a Citizen to join an Organisation, I leave for further thought. Though I’d prefer some lightweight coupling only. Not being Loaded into the Organisation. The Organisation should be a level above buildings and citizens, and should not permanently use up or disable the Citizen or the Building. If a Citizen is sold or if a Student (Debt) is transformed into another Citizen, the Citizen simply loses all affiliation with current organisation and starts looking for another organisation that fits them.

Thoughts On Organisations

Having a card type such as Organisations would give another layer to the city. It would flesh it out and give it more of a feeling of that the Citizens have lives and goals themselves.

It could bring utility to under-utilized Citizen cards. An organisation for the Homeless, maybe.

It could bring utility to other Building NFTs and increase their demand and market value. A Teachers Association with Associated Building School, perhaps.

The reason the maximum Representation would be set to 80% instead of 100% for Perk 3 is so that there’s some room for Citizens to Retire before an organisation looses the top level Perk.

Organisations would be something to strive for and to work for, generally speaking. They would be quite rare, a ”late game” thing so to speak. And a bit more active that other cards, because of members retiring and new members need to join. This would promote the need for a larger body of Citizens in a City.

Maybe Organisations couldn’t be crafted or combined, at all?
Maybe they arise spontaneously during certain Events or as Special Event Rewards?

This is just an unpolished idea I leave here on the chain. Maybe it could be polished to something cool.


I’ll end the post with some examples of other possible Organisations. Some quite spares to build further on, some a bit more polished.

Examples of Organisations

Underground Criminal Network

Associated Building: Prison.
Associated Citizen: Criminals.
Small chance to turn regular members into criminals. Increases crime. Decreases popularity.

An example of a Negative Organisation, something to try to counter or get rid off.

Neighborhood Watch

Associated Building: Luxury Homes.
Associated Citizen: Any Adult.
Decreases crime chance.

Sports Supporter Club

Associated Building: Stadium.
Increases popularity and increases crime.
A large fan organisation, open to many.

Local Sports Team

Member Cap: 20
Perk 1 & 2: Increases Popularity
Perk 3: Increases ENTRY production of Stadiums.
Associated Building: Stadium.
Associated Citizens: More Athletic Types, maybe?
A small organization, ment for some more athletic or harder to get Citizens. A great fit for Super-Citizens, potentially.

Civil Defense Organisation

Associated Citizens: Maybe Policeman, Soldier, Nurse, that kind. No young citizens.
Decrease Natural Disaster impact.

Volontary Firefighter Association

Associated Building: Fire Stations.
Associated Citizens: Maybe Policeman, Soldier, Nurse. No young citizens.
Decreases effects of Fires.

Homeless Shelter Organisation

Associated Building: Barracks.
Associated Citizen: Homeless.
Perk 1: Popularity 0 on Homeless.
Perk 2: 1 Tax Refund per Homeless.
Perk 3: Small chance to train Homeless into a Worker.

Amateur Radio Club

Associated Citizens: Engineer. Scientist.
Associated Building: Waves Broadcast Tower.
Increases Popularity and Creativity for Waves Broadcast Tower.
