Epic ending, 7k🏆 New level 🥇

in Hive Gaminglast year

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Un saludo para todos 🙌🏻 los Gaming, aquí nuevamente comparto un gran logro para mi, fue un gran esfuerzo para ganar, estuve a punto de perder, pero lo logré.

Esa es una meta de tantas que quería lograr dentro del juego, tenía una cantidad de copas 6998 solo me faltaban 2 copas para subir a la siguiente arena, ya que se complica por la cantidad de jugadores que tiene su cuenta maxiada.

Y yo humildemente aprovechando el evento donde suben el nivel de 4 cartas por temporada, el nivel de las cartas incrementará al nivel de tu torre, y quiero compartir el mazo con todos ustedes, por si quiere subir de Arena es muy útil.

Yo cada temporada aprovecho de variar de mazos por qué supercell, creador del juego Clash Royale tiene como costumbre ya cuando llevas una racha ganadora de 15 o 10 partidas consecutivas, los próximos emparejamiento son con contrincante que tienen cartas que te pueden hacer conters a la tuya.

Bueno sin más nada que decir espero disfruten de la partida, no estuvo fácil de paso el rival es un poco burlista y por su clan Brasil, creo que es brasileño.

También los invito a seguirme en mi perfil de tiktok como @luiskadilCR, próximamente Twitter y Twitch

Todo el contenido y las ediciones son de mi autoría, realizado con capcut y canvas


Greetings to all 🙌🏻 Gaming, here again I share with you a great achievement for me, it was a great effort to win, I was about to lose, but I did it.

That is a goal of many that I wanted to achieve within the game, I had a number of cups 6998, I only needed 2 cups to move on to the next arena, since it is complicated by the number of players who have the account at the maximum.

And I humbly take advantage of the event where they raise the level of 4 cards per season, the level of the cards will increase to the level of your tower, and I want to share the deck with all of you, in case you want. climbing the Arena is very useful.

Every season I take the opportunity to vary decks because Supercell, creator of the Clash Royale game, has the habit of having a winning streak of 15 or 10 consecutive games, and the following pairings are with opponents who have cards that can make you compete with yours.

Well, without more to say, I hope you enjoy the game, it was not an easy step, the rival is a bit of a joker and because of his Brazilian clan I think he is Brazilian.

I also invite you to follow me on my tiktok profile as @luiskadilCR, Twitter and Twitch coming soon

All content and editions are my own, made with capcut and canvas

▶️ 3Speak


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It was a close fight, man, congratulations on the win! If I wasn't so bad at this game I would love to download it and create a clan haha.

Thank you for the support, if sometimes it gets complicated but it's all about being tactical in battle, I'm really glad I'll soon make a post inviting you to participate and join my clan 👏🏻🎉 and everyone grow 🎉👏🏻

Hmm, I'm not sure there are many players who plays this game but try your luck dude!

Thanks my friend. 🙌🏻 But little by little I can create a community 🎉