World of Warcarft Shadowlands - How to get in to Tazavesh

in Hive Gaming4 years ago


Hello Everyone a cople of months I got in to wow shadowlands and today is the second week of chains of domination patch 9.1 . Here in this post I will show you the new dungeon named Tazavesh and how you can get in to it .

Here is a shot of me on the start location of the quest chain in Oribos (the main town in shadowlands ),


after you got the quest from here you need to get in to one staircase room which I forgot to shot, but any way after it you follow some other quests and next you need to go back to Oribos to speak with this Oribos dude (I don't know if he is male or female :D ) Ta'meri.


After talking with him, he will take you to Tazavesh with his boat .


when you travel in between the shadowlans the experience is a little bit like star wars hyperspace, but anyway here is me chilling on the boat

And here we are in the entrance of Tazavesh .
After getting in to here I got one more quest from the quest chain and it require to enther the dungeon and do some stuff there to continue, but I need a group for it so I will leave it for some other time.


This was it for today, Hope you like this post it will be more of it, me exploring shadowlands.

And btw if you are intrested what character I am playing I am arcane mage Troll with kyrian covenant.

Seee ya in my next post. :)