Dragon Age Inquisition – A journey through time and chaos at redcliffe chantry.

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

I had faced dangers before on my path as an Inquisitor, but what happened in the Redcliffe Cathedral was something entirely different—an experience that shook me to my core and left an indelible mark on my soul. It wasn’t just about magic or swords, but about the very perception of reality, time, and who I was amidst it all.

Había enfrentado peligros antes en mi camino como Inquisidor, pero lo que ocurrió en la Catedral de Risco Rojo fue algo completamente diferente, una experiencia que me sacudió hasta el alma y dejó una huella imborrable. No se trataba solo de magia ni de espadas, sino de la misma percepción de la realidad, del tiempo y de quién era yo en medio de todo esto.

The mission began like so many others: a report about a Rift Mage using the energy of the Veil for dark purposes. My companions and I knew it would be a challenge, but none of us anticipated what we would truly encounter. Entering the cathedral felt like stepping into the heart of a nightmare. The structure was in ruins, the walls whispered echoes of the past, and the air felt heavy, almost as if time itself was crumbling around us.

La misión comenzó como tantas otras: un informe sobre un mago de la brecha que utilizaba la energía del Velo para propósitos oscuros. Mis compañeros y yo sabíamos que sería un desafío, pero ninguno de nosotros esperaba lo que realmente encontraríamos. Entrar en la catedral fue como adentrarse en el corazón de una pesadilla. La estructura estaba en ruinas, las paredes susurraban ecos del pasado y el aire se sentía denso, casi como si el tiempo mismo estuviera desmoronándose a nuestro alrededor.

When we finally confronted the mage, he unleashed a spell that trapped us in an illusion more vivid than life itself. That’s when everything shifted. I found myself separated from my companions, somehow transported to a future where, according to them, I had fallen in battle. What I encountered was devastating: the world was engulfed in chaos, the skies torn apart with rifts from the Veil everywhere, and the Inquisition had crumbled.

Cuando finalmente encontramos al mago, desató un hechizo que nos atrapó en una ilusión que parecía más real que la vida misma. Fue entonces cuando todo cambió. Me vi separado de mis compañeros, y de alguna manera, viajé al futuro. Un futuro en el que, según ellos, había muerto en combate. Lo que encontré fue desolador: el mundo estaba sumido en el caos, los cielos estaban abiertos con grietas del Velo por todas partes, y la Inquisición había caído.

The most heartbreaking part was seeing my own companions trapped in this alternate timeline, not just physically but mentally. Each of them was broken in ways I never thought possible. Cassandra, who had always been the rock of our group, was now a shadow of herself, burdened with infinite guilt over my death. Varric, the ever-optimistic storyteller, had lost his spark, speaking as if words no longer held meaning. Solas was... distant, even more than usual, as if his mind was elsewhere, lost in thoughts he wouldn’t dare share.

Lo más desgarrador fue ver a mis propios compañeros atrapados en este tiempo alternativo, no solo físicamente, sino mentalmente. Cada uno de ellos estaba roto de maneras que nunca imaginé posibles. Cassandra, quien siempre había sido la roca de nuestro grupo, parecía una sombra de sí misma, cargando una culpa infinita por mi muerte. Varric, el siempre optimista narrador, había perdido su chispa y hablaba como si las palabras ya no tuvieran sentido. Solas estaba... distante, incluso más de lo normal, como si su mente estuviera en otro lugar.

Getting them out of that mental prison was no easy task. Each of them had built a wall of despair, a barrier I had to break down with words and memories of what was still possible. Cassandra needed to be reminded of her purpose, of the strength she always carried within her. Varric needed to remember the stories he still had to tell, the lives his words could still inspire. And Solas… well, he was more complicated. His enigmatic nature made reaching him difficult, but even he couldn’t deny the importance of our mission and the hope it still carried.

Sacarlos de esa prisión mental no fue fácil. Cada uno de ellos había creado un muro de desesperanza, una barrera que tuve que derribar con palabras y recuerdos de lo que aún era posible. Cassandra necesitaba ser recordada de su propósito, Varric de las historias que aún tenía por contar, y Solas... bueno, él fue más complicado, pero incluso él no pudo ignorar lo que significaba nuestra misión.

Facing the mage again, I realized that all of this—the fractured time, the despair, the alternate future—was a manifestation of his power, an attempt to shatter us from within. But together, we proved stronger than his illusions. Each of us brought our strengths to the fight, united by the bonds we had rebuilt.

Defeating him wasn’t just a victory in combat; it shattered the illusion, broke the spell, and set time back on its rightful path. The oppressive darkness of that alternate future gave way to the light of the present, and with it, the hope we had nearly lost.

Al enfrentar al mago nuevamente, comprendí que todo esto era una manifestación de su poder, un intento de rompernos desde dentro. Pero juntos, logramos superarlo. Destruirlo no solo rompió el hechizo, sino que también devolvió el tiempo a su cauce.

Upon emerging from that nightmare, I felt the weight of everything we had experienced. That chaotic future wasn’t just a possibility; it was a dire warning. It served as a stark reminder of why we were fighting, of the fragile balance we were trying to preserve, and of the unimaginable cost if we failed.

The vision of a world torn apart, of my companions broken and hopeless, lingered in my mind. It wasn’t something I could simply brush off. It reminded me that every decision we made, every battle we fought, carried consequences far beyond what we could see in the moment.

As we stepped out of the crumbling cathedral, the air felt lighter, though the gravity of our mission weighed heavier than ever. Together, we had faced despair, risen above our fears, and found strength in one another. And now, with renewed determination, we were ready to confront whatever the Breach and its horrors had yet to throw at us.

Al salir de esa pesadilla, sentí el peso de lo que habíamos experimentado. Ese futuro caótico no era solo una posibilidad, era una advertencia. Me recordó por qué estábamos luchando y lo que estaba en juego si fracasábamos.

Dragon Age: Inquisition has always been a journey filled with tough decisions, but the experience at the Redcliffe Chantry was more than that. It was a test of our spirit, our connection as a team, and my resolve as the Inquisitor. Although we emerged victorious, I couldn’t help but think about that chaotic future and how close we came to it becoming our reality.

Dragon Age: Inquisition siempre ha sido una travesía llena de decisiones difíciles, pero la experiencia en la Catedral de Risco Rojo fue más que eso. Fue una prueba de nuestro espíritu, de nuestra conexión como equipo y de mi determinación como Inquisidor. Aunque salimos victoriosos, no pude evitar pensar en ese futuro caótico y en lo cerca que estuvimos de que se convirtiera en nuestra realidad.

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I love these adventure games. I want to play these adventure games a lot. But these are PC games so I can't play them..

Leete es vivir un poco el videojuego. Me gustó mucho ❤👏

This game was given away by Epic in the Game of the Year Edition and I've been very tempted to download it, it really looks incredible and well it seems that the story has enough substance to get hooked!

I have extremely fond memories of this game and since I have zero interest in their new installment I may just have to go back and do another playthrough of this.

If you want to wash away the bad taste of the latest installment, go back to Inquisition—a true gem.

i know that is true. Inquisition remains one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. I wonder how it runs on the PS5 or if it even does. I do recall there were some segments in the game where the FPS dropped a lot on the PS4 so maybe it will be imrproved on the much more powerful ps5

 2 months ago  

The most heartbreaking part was seeing my own companions trapped in this alternate timeline, not just physically but mentally.

Damn, sounds scary bro. Good thing that there was a way to free them of this horrible spell.

When I got to this part, I was puzzled, but this game is amazing.

Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!@magicalex, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.