Hello everyone! Today I'm trying out this game, which promises to be amazing and give me hours of entertainment.
I had already played the previous parts many years ago, but this seems to be some kind of reboot from what I can tell.
Hola chic@s hoy estoy probando este juego, que promete ser una genialidad y darme nuevas horas de entretenimiento.
Ya habia jugado las partes anteriores hace muchos años pero este es como una especie reinicio por lo que me pareció.
Perhaps for many of you, this game isn’t new since it’s about 11 years old. However, I didn’t play it back then, and before diving into the latest installments, I decided to buy this one to follow the sequence and not miss out on this great title. I've heard it's amazing, and after watching some gameplay videos, my excitement only grew.
Quizas para much@s de ustedes este juego no sea una novedad ya que es de hace unos 11 años, pero en su momento no lo jugue y antes de entrarle a las ultimas partes decidí comprar este para poder llevar el orden de la secuencia y asi no perderme de este gran titulo que me han comentado que esta super genial y sumandole los Gameplays que he visto mis ganas eran muchas.
I imagine that playing this game at its release must have been mind-blowing. Just 20 minutes in, I was already impressed by its stunning graphics and visuals. The level of detail it offers on the PS3 is incredible, and I can only imagine how amazing it must have been on PC. Not to mention, the introduction to the story was really well done.
Exploring Lara's origins and diving into how she became the all-powerful Lara Croft will be a fascinating adventure. From the moment the game begins, it’s clear that this title aims to redefine the character's essence and deliver a more human and visceral experience.
Imagino que jugar este juego en su extreno fue una verdadera locura, ya que al jugar los primeros 20 min quede impresionado por el nivel del aparato gráfico y visual de este, todos los detalles que este ofrece en ps3 son impresionantes, e imagino que en pc fue super brutal apartando la introducción a la historia que fue bastante buena.
Explorar los orígenes de lara y adentrarme en como llego a ser la Lara Croft toda poderosa sera una aventura fascinante, ya que desde el momento en que el juego comienza, se nota que este título busca redefinir la esencia del personaje y ofrecer una experiencia más humana y visceral.
In this installment, we meet a young and inexperienced Lara, far from the confident and seasoned adventurer many of us remember. The story takes us to a mysterious island in the Dragon's Triangle, where the shipwreck of the Endurance marks the beginning of a desperate struggle for survival.
Here, we are kidnapped by someone we can’t see, and when we wake up, we find ourselves hanging in a cave. From there, we must escape if we don’t want to become the main course for some cannibal tribe or the target of a crazed cult of maniacs.
En esta entrega, conocemos a una joven e inexperta Lara, lejos de la aventurera confiada y experimentada que muchos recordamos. La trama nos lleva a una misteriosa isla en el Triángulo del Dragón, donde el naufragio del barco Endurance marca el inicio de una lucha desesperada por la supervivencia. Aquí somos secuestrada por alguien que no logramos ver pero al despertar nos encontramos colgandoen una cueva, de la que tendremos que escapar si no queremos ser el plato principal de alguna tribu caníbal o alguna secta de locos maniaticos.
One standout aspect is the cinematic sequences, which manage to convey a constant sense of danger and urgency. The transition between gameplay and cinematics is so seamless that it’s sometimes hard to tell them apart. All of this, combined with Lara's incredible (or terrible) luck, makes for an intense experience—just 20 minutes in, and everything imaginable has already happened to her! She’s cursed; she definitely needs some kind of cleansing ritual, seriously.
, Un aspecto destacable son las secuencias cinematográficas, que logran transmitir una sensación constante de peligro y urgencia. La transición entre gameplay y cinemáticas es tan fluida que a veces cuesta distinguir entre ambas, todo junto con la gran suerte de lara que en 20 min a llegado a pasrale de todo, esta maldita, necesita un despojo alaguema ñooff.
That said, if we take a moment to admire the landscapes during those rare times when we’re not about to die or be killed, it’s absolutely magnificent.
Eso si,si nos detenemos a observar los paisajes en los momentos que no estamos a punto de morir o ser asesinadas y sera magnífico.
Tomb Raider (2013) is not just a great reboot of the saga; it’s a game that redefines what it means to be Lara Croft. It offers a captivating story, varied gameplay, and a design that hooks you from the very first minute. While I still have a lot to explore, my first hours with the game have been an exciting and promising experience.
Soon, I’ll be sharing my weekly post about my adventure in this game, where I’ll tell you the story itself, my personal experience, and all the crazy things I’ll be doing in this new world full of adventures.
Tomb Raider (2013) no es solo un gran reinicio de la saga; es un juego que redefine lo que significa ser Lara Croft. Ofrece una historia cautivadora, una jugabilidad variada y un diseño que atrapa desde el primer minuto. Si bien aún me queda mucho por explorar, mis primeras horas con el juego han sido una experiencia emocionante y prometedora asi que próximamente estaran teniendo mi post semanal de mi aventura en este juego donde estare contándoles la historia del juego como tal, junto a mi experiencia en este y las locuras que estare haciendo en este nuevo mundo lleno de aventuras.
Oh wow, what a coincidence, I also just started playing it. Downloaded it from a third party as it was paid.
I was more focused on the landscapes and photography though... But still the game has an interesting story.
Haha, what a great coincidence! This is an amazing game. It really has beautiful landscapes to photograph, and the transitions are perfect for capturing stunning images. The story is just as great, not falling behind at all.
I really liked this game, it gives a more realistic approach to this Lara, I'm not complaining about the previous ones, but I like this one more, I also find it more beautiful, apart from that there are scenes of the game that has a certain resemblance to Uncharted. And it has a good development!
100% agree with you! I’m enjoying this Tomb Raider a bit more than the Uncharted games I’ve played. I can’t wait to progress and see how the story develops.
This was such an amazing game. I played it in 2015-16 and I had not played games with such visuals before. The story wasn't bad either. I am sure you are going to have a lot of fun.