My journey in Dragon Age Inquisition./Mi viaje en Dragon Age Inquisition.[Eng-Esp].

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

A huge greeting to everyone in this incredible #HiveGaming community. I hope you're all having an excellent day.

Today, I bring you a game called Dragon Age: Inquisition, a masterpiece in the genres of action RPG and fantasy.

I'm here to share the story mode of this game, where we'll follow the Inquisitor, a hero chosen to seal rifts in the Veil while leading the Inquisition. With a vast open world, strategic combat, and rich narrative, this journey takes us into a land torn by war and chaos, where every decision shapes the fate of Thedas.

Don't move from your screens and enjoy.

Un saludo enorme a todos en esta increíble comunidad #HiveGaming. Espero que estén pasando un excelente día.

Hoy les traigo un juego llamado Dragon Age: Inquisition, una obra maestra del género RPG de acción y fantasía.

Vengo a compartir con ustedes el modo historia de este juego, en el que seguiremos al Inquisidor, un héroe elegido para cerrar grietas en el Velo mientras lidera la Inquisición. Con un vasto mundo abierto, combates estratégicos y una narrativa rica, esta aventura nos lleva a una tierra desgarrada por la guerra y el caos, donde cada decisión moldea el destino de Thedas.

No se muevan de sus pantallas y disfruten.

Since my last session, I’ve continued exploring the inner lands and discovered many fascinating things in this vast world, where magic is everywhere, and its beauty is unparalleled.
I decided to travel to every corner to enjoy the scenery and make sure I don't miss a thing in this title, which I came to about 10 years late. So, with my mount, I’ll make up for lost time.

Desde mi ultima partida he seguido explorando las tierras interiores y eh descubierto muchas cosas fascinantes en este basto mundo, donde la magia esta por doquier y su belleza no tiene igual.
Decidí recorrer cada rincon para disfrutar de la naturaleza y no perderme nada de este título al que llegue unos 10 años tarde, asi que junto a montura recuperare ese tiempo.

As you already know, the Rogue, one of my favorite classes, has the ability to unlock chests and hidden locks scattered throughout the map—something that reminded me a lot of "WoW" and many other old-school games.

Delving into catacombs to activate these magical mechanisms that keep otherworldly specters at bay was incredibly challenging and entertaining, stealing quite a bit of my time.

Como ya sabeis el picaro que es una de mis clases favoritas tiene la capacidad de abrir cerraduras y cofres ocultos en el mapa algo que me recordo mucho al "wow" y a muchos otros juegos de la vieja escuela.
Adentrarme en catacumbas para activar estos artilugios magicos que mantienen a raya a los expectros de otro mundo fue súper desafiante y entretenido robandome bastante tiempo.

On this journey, I encountered characters that I’d describe as somewhat secondary or filler, yet they play a significant role later on. They provide helpful rewards, which, for the beginning of the game, aren’t bad at all.

En este recorrido me fui encontrando con personajes un poco diria que de relleno pero que tambien me ayudan mas adelante y dandome recompensas que para ser el comienzo no estan nada mal.

Another mechanic that captivated me was being able to return to the Inquisition headquarters, gather the council at the war table, and make strategic decisions. Deciding which fronts to strengthen, where to move the troops, and assigning diplomatic or infiltration missions felt incredibly immersive. These elements added a layer of depth that I found absolutely brilliant!

Otra mecanica que me encanto fue la de poder ir a el refuigio y en l mesa de guerra reunir al consejo y tomar decisiones sobre los frentes que deberiamos reforzar y donde mover las tropas y las misiones de diplomacia e infiltración también son maravillosas uff algo que me resulto super bárbaro jjj

This section of the game was relatively calm, with little action, as I often found myself running away from enemies. They usually attack in groups, making it difficult to confront them head-on at my current low level. However, I’m almost at the point of unlocking the abilities I’ve been aiming for, and I hope to showcase them in my next update. Stay tuned!

Esta fue una sección bastante tranquiila y sin mucha acción, ya que cada que me salia un enemigo salia corriendo ya que suelen atacar en manadas los muy hp y mi nivel es bastante bajo como para enfrentar grandes grupos aun, pero ya estoy a punto de conseguir las habilidades que deseo y espero en el próximo post poder traeros una muestra de como son estas.


So, with my mount, I’ll make up for lost time.

Word of advice, ditch the mount. It's not really all that faster than walking and you miss out on party banter by using it!

Yes, yes, the part about the speed is true; they just add a wind animation, haha. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but I looked it up and got confirmation. I only use it to keep my companions from attacking enemies I don’t want or to prevent them from being detected and losing health unnecessarily.

But I didn’t quite understand what you meant about missing something. Could you explain it to me?

When you walk around with your party they talk to each other. It's called Party Banter. When you use a mount since your party dissapears you miss that. The banter is really good and helps you understand the characters better!