¡Hola a todos! Hoy vengo con la seguidilla del contenido de Need For Speed Unbound. In it previous chapter I have collected enough money to buy one of my favorite cars: the Mazda RX-7.
However, in this game, when you buy a car, you still have to spend a lot of money to customize it and improve its performance. Asi que tuve que seguir corriendo con mi viejo coche, otro Mazda más viejo.
¡Hola a todos! Hoy vengo con la seguidilla del contenido de Need For Speed Unbound. En el anterior capitulo he juntado el suficiente dinero para comprar uno de mis coches favoritos: el Mazda RX-7.
Sin embargo, en este juego, cuando compras un coche, todavia te tienes que gastar muchisimo dinero en poder personalizarlo y poder mejorar sus prestaciones. Asi que tuve que seguir corriendo con mi viejo coche, otro Mazda más viejo.
Advice: The video has been edited with Sharefactory(PS5) and uses copyright-free music provided by the platform
Aviso: El video ha sido editado con Sharefactory(PS5) y utiliza musica sin copyright brindada por la plataforma.
In this new Need For Speed, there is a new event called “Quedada”. In which the goal is to break objects continuously to accumulate a streak, it also adds points to do actions such as drifting or jumping. At the end of the race, each player's points are added up and the one who made the most, obviously, wins.
En este nuevo Need For Speed, hay un nuevo evento que se llama "Quedada". En el que el objetivo es romper objetos de forma continua para ir acumulando una racha, también suma puntos hacer acciones como derrapar o saltar. Al final de la carrera, se suman los puntos de cada jugador y se da el ganador.
Fortunately, the times I played this mode I found it quite easy, so I won by quite a margin. I love the animation when the race starts and when it ends, one of the few things they have done well with this game Electronic Arts!
Por suerte, las veces que juge este modo me resulto bastante fácil, asi que me hice con la victoria con bastante diferencia. Me encanta la animación cuando comienza la carrera y cuando termina, de las pocas cosas que han hecho bien con este juego.
While I was walking around the city with the car, I came across an event, which is a kind of side mission, you have to find a car and escape from the police. The curious thing about this car, is that it is a car that was literally designed to be a police car, the Ford Crown Victoria, a car that in real life has very good performance.
Mientras paseaba por la ciudad con el coche, me salio un evento, que es una especie de mision secundaria, que hay que buscar un coche y escapar de la policía. Lo curioso de este coche, es que es un coche que fue diseñado literalmente para ser un coche de policia, el Ford Crown Victoria, un coche que en la vida real tiene muy buenas prestaciones.
I managed to escape with that legendary vehicle used by the U.S. police, a model that I had once considered buying to customize it as a police car. Now, I continue to raise funds to continue improving my vehicle. So, I started a race where the only thing that matters is accelerating to the maximum and avoiding crashes, all while speeding down a highway in a straight line.
Logré escapar con ese legendario vehículo que utiliza la policía de Estados Unidos, un modelo que en algún momento había considerado comprar para personalizarlo como si fuera un coche de policía. Ahora, sigo reuniendo fondos para seguir mejorando mi vehículo. Por ello, empecé una carrera donde lo único que importa es acelerar al máximo y evitar los choques, todo mientras voy a toda velocidad en una autopista en línea recta.
There was a lot of money at stake in this race, plus the fact that at least three of my rivals' cars were superior in performance to mine, so I had to be sure not to make any mistakes. As a good cheater, I did not hesitate to resort to something called “pit” to destabilize the fastest rival cars at the start of the race. With this technique I managed to take advantage of them by making them lose control, leaving them behind.
En esta carrera se jugaba bastante dinero, además, del hecho de que al menos tres coches de los rivales eran superiores en prestaciones a mis vehiculos, asi que tenia que estar seguro de no cometer ningun error. Como buen tramposo, no dudé en recurrir a algo llamado "pit" para desestabilizar a los coches rivales más rápidos al inicio de la carrera. Con esta tecnica logré sacarles ventaja al hacer que perdieran el control, dejándolos atrás.
Finally, after about five intense races, I managed to raise a considerable amount of money. With that capital, I was able to upgrade my car enough to face the second heat of three, a step towards completing the story of this video game. That's all for today, thank you very much for reading!
Finalmente, después de unas cinco intensas carreras, logré reunir una cantidad considerable de dinero. Con ese dinero, pude mejorar mi coche lo suficiente para enfrentar la segunda eliminatoria de tres, un paso para completar la historia de este juego. Eso ha sido todo por hoy, ¡muchas gracias por leer!
Need for Speed Unbound Gameplay: Road to Mazda RX-7.
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Muy linda publicación amigo 🕹️
Gracias por el comentario, saludos a la flia.
Los saludos serán mandados... cuando jugamos pádel?
Hey, it looks like you're having a very nice time playing this NFS. After the NFS Carbon I never touched another NFS, but this looks very fun for me. By the way, The "Quedada" event sounds fun and challenging, and it's cool that you've been winning a lot :D . It is a nice surprise too find those little side missions. On the other hand, the Police Crown Vic looks Badass ha ha.
Regards and cool post, bro.
Thank you for your comment. I think there are no more games at the level of Carbon, the latest Need For Speed is good to play, but they are not a big deal. Since you were talking about Carbon, I tuned the Mazda just like the one in Carbon.
I'm agree, and by the way, that Rx-7 Looks great, pal.
Need of speed as always been my favorite racing play it never gets old. But its long i play though
Yes, it is a good saga, but Electronic Arts has lowered the level in all its productions.
Too bad though i guess other racing as replaced it