Diamonds, Dogs, and Deaths HIVELAND SMP

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


Hello happy gamers. For the last few days, I have been playing in the HIVELAND SMP server. I took a mining job and started digging, searching for those ever elusive diamonds, as well as redstone and lapis, which are very valuable in their own right.

My new friends

I had the pleasure of talking briefly with a couple people who were on the server, though they were pretty far away. I will have to plan some visits with my server-mates in the near future. I was out searching for a mate for the single bee that I found near my base, and, I came across two very happy dogs. I couldn't help it, I had to take them home with me.


I was able to dig out 23 diamonds, though, it took a long time. I found most of them by branch mining, and I found a few in a ravine. I actually totaled 24, but, one I found in a minecart chest in the abandoned mineshaft I showed you last time.


I then went to the nether, stupidly, and too early. It is best to have some armor enchantments before entering the nether, but, sometimes, I like to throw caution to the lava and just jump in. I died by blaze and then by wither when I went back for my stuff. No, I didn't bring any diamonds in there and I am glad, because I ended up losing all my gear.. twice. Definitely get some enchantments before going in there!

( I also noticed that you lose all of your levels for visiting the nether on this server. It isn't a big deal if you think about it before you go in, but, the first time I went, I was at level 27, then I realized I had forgotten a gold helmet and went immediately back, just to discover my levels were all gone. It was no big deal because I died and would have lost them anyway. I just wanted to give you a heads up.)


I also "rescued" some villagers from a nearby town. They are my friends now and I will make sure they have a happier life then they would have in that horrible town they came from. I may go do improvements on the village. They don't even have a farm there. Poor starving villagers, only one had a job.

I got my shaders working as well. Now, I feel better about doing videos and such. I downloaded Optifine and my favorite shaders, BSL Shaders. You can see from my screenshots that my shaders are engaged. I don't always play with them because it does tank my frame rate from the 130s down to the 30s or 40s. I shouldn't affect the server though, so I get my screenshots with them on.

And, with that, we come to the end of the episode for now. I will keep you all updated. I hope you have a lovely day, bye!

 3 years ago  

I haven't been able to get Optifine to work with 1.16.5 🙁 every time I try to log into the server it says that spigot is outdated and won't let me onto the server. So I've just been playing with a texture pack and nothing fancy. 😅

Thanks for heads up about losing your levels in the Nether. I haven't been in there yet but was planning on going in there today. 😬 Must enchant things first.

I had to download OptiFine for 1.16.5 because my 1.18 wouldn't work.

 3 years ago  

Yeah, I downloaded the one for 1.16.5 too 🙁 but alas, it didn't want to work. Oh well, I'm fine with not having it for now... might try again later though. 😅