[Es/En] 🚜Midtown Madness / Un juego de carreras de Locura 😵

in Hive Gaming4 months ago




Hola Gamers ¿Cómo están? Espero que estén super bien y sean bienvenidos a una nueva publicación hecha por mí. Hoy quiero hablarles de otro juego de carreras que la vida hizo que se cruzara en mi camino, el gusto por los videojuegos de carreras es gracias a varios familiares, en especial a mi primo que vive conmigo, esta persona ha jugado muchos más videojuegos de carreras que yo por lejos.



Hace un par de días me mostró un juego que me llamó mucho la atención, que es un juego bastante retro de hace 30 años justamente, el juego en cuestión es Midtown Madness, este juego me pareció muy curioso por muchos motivos, el primero es por sus gráficos, a ser un juego bastante retro creo que fue uno de los primeros que se atrevió a dar un enfoque en la calle un poco más realista, esto lo veremos más adelante con algunos detalles.



La otra cosa que me llamó la atención es algunos autos que aparecen en el juego, algunos modelos no los he visto en un juego de carreras y otros son muy poco comunes, digamos, exóticos jaja. Midtown Madness es un juego de carreras que te ofrece un enfoque diferente de conducción, claro para la época que salió jaja, una de las primeras cosas que quisiera hablar es sobre los modos de juego, el primero que probé fue el de carreras, en este modo es como en cualquier juego de carreras, tu estas en una carrera de determinadas vueltas y tu objetivo es llegar primero para ganar claro.

Posteriormente, probé el modo Checkpoint que es el famoso punto de control que se usa en muchos juegos de carreras para intercalar las carreras, en este caso, las carreras son en circuitos abiertos y tienes que llegar a los puntos de control contra reloj, es un modo difícil si no sabes cómo va la mecánica del juego, pero tranquilo que te puedes acostumbrar, eso si no te confíes mucho jaja.



Luego tenemos el modo Blitz que es como el modo Checkpoint pero mucho más difícil ya que el tiempo te lo reducen al límite, es decir, para que llegues a lo justo, un modo de juego que me parece algo innecesario jaja. Tenemos el modo Policías y ladrones que el nombre me recuerda a un juego que jugaba de niño en la escuela jaja, bromas aparte en este modo de juego somos ladrones y tenemos que conseguir dinero, pero hay que tener cuidado con los policías que nos van a estar persiguiendo durante toda la partida, algo muy parecido con los modos de persecución de los juegos de Need for Speed, pero de los primeros juegos de la franquicia, está muy parecido.

Mi modo favorito del juego sin duda es el modo libre, este modo nos permite explorar todo el mapa, sin restricciones, este modo me gusta porque podemos practicar un poco la jugabilidad del juego, probar los autos o explorar el mapa para ver todos los detalles, al ser un juego muy retro, ya contaba con un mapa que se puede explorar libremente como si fuera un juego de mundo abierto, este es uno de los detalles que me gustaron.



En cuanto a la jugabilidad, es muy rara, al menos para mí, aquí no corremos con las teclas principales (WASD), sino que lo hacemos con las flechas la flecha de arrima aceleramos, con la flecha hacia atrás frenamos, y con las otras flechas vamos de izquierda a derecha respectivamente, para retroceder debemos cambiar el modo a retroceso presionando la “R” algo muy raro, con ese sistema podemos retroceder en caso de colisiones, no hay nitro en el juego, los autos se pueden romper en varias partes y se nota cuando estamos corriendo.

Las Teclas (WASD) prácticamente están de adorno, solo sirven para cambiar de cámara, si presionamos la tecla “D” podemos seleccionar la cámara con vista del conductor desde el volante, esto me parece un buen detalle ya que en este juego se atrevieron a incorporar esa modalidad, creo que los primeros juegos de NFS también lo intentaron hacer, las colisiones parecen sacadas de una caricatura, si cochas tu auto con otro el otro auto se puede volcar fácilmente y es muy fácil hacer destrozos en este juego cuando es la primera vez que lo juegas.



Los gráficos me recuerdan a un juego de Nintendo DS que jugué hace mucho, no le puedo pedir mucho a los gráficos, pero no sé si es cosa mía o al juego le faltaron detalles por pulir, sobre todo en el diseño de los carros que me parecen que no están muy bien acertados. Por último, quiero hablar de los autos, voy a destacar sólo 5, y me da pereza hablar de todos ya que no me parecen muy relevantes, así que diré los mejores en mi opinión.

En primera tenemos al VW New Beetle, este auto pensé que era más nuevo, pero no, salió en la época de los 90’s, este auto es un escarabajo, pero versión moderna y aparece en la portada en el juego, para mi gusto es raro pero muy bonito coche, sobre todo para mujeres jaja.



Luego tenemos al Panoz Roadster, este auto es muy exótico, de por si esa marca no es muy conocida, pero se dedican a hacer autos de carreras, el Panoz Roadster no es un auto que me guste mucho por su aerodinámica, pero en este juego es super rápido y es ligero, bueno en el juego se siente ligero, en la vida real debe ser pesado jaja. También tenemos el Ford Mustang GT que esta versión es una de las más feas para mí jaja, pudieron colocar otro modelo de Mustang este no me gusta, me gusta más la versión de los años 70’s que ese si se ve como un verdadero Muscle Card.



Cadillac Eldorado el auto más elegante que podemos conseguir en el juego, un auto que para mí es pesado, pero tiene una gran facha para los hombres millonarios, y para terminar tenemos el Panoz GTR-1 que es el mejor auto del juego en cuanto a rendimiento y destrezas, este Panoz sólo lo he visto en los juegos de gran turismo, precisamente en el Gran Turismo 4, en este juego el auto está bloqueado así que no lo pude seleccionar.



Bueno Gamers, espero que les haya gustado este post de hoy, Midtown Madness es un juego divertido, estaría bien jugarlo en consola con amigos para saber cómo sería su multijugador, como dije lo estuve jugando en PC, creo que sería otra experiencia jugarlo en consola, a pesar de que el juego siento que le faltan detalles me parece un juego entretenido, en serio, parece de Nintendo DS jaja.



Gracias por leer y por escuchar.


¡¡Muchas Gracias!!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator


🚜Midtown Madness / A Racing Game of Madness😵



Hello Gamers, how are you? I hope you are doing great and welcome to a new publication made by me. Today I want to tell you about another racing game that life made cross my path, my taste for racing video games is thanks to several family members, especially my cousin who lives with me, this person has played many more racing video games than me by far.



A couple of days ago he showed me a game that caught my attention, which is a very retro game from 30 years ago, the game in question is Midtown Madness, this game seemed to me very curious for many reasons, the first is for its graphics, being a very retro game I think it was one of the first that dared to give a focus on the street a little more realistic, this we will see later with some details.



The other thing that caught my attention is some cars that appear in the game, some models I have not seen in a racing game and others are very uncommon, let's say, exotic haha. Midtown Madness is a racing game that offers you a different approach to driving, of course, for the time it came out haha, one of the first things I would like to talk about is the game modes, the first one I tried was the racing mode, in this mode is like in any racing game, you are in a race of certain laps and your goal is to get first to win of course.

Later, I tried the Checkpoint mode which is the famous checkpoint that is used in many racing games to intersperse the races, in this case, the races are in open circuits and you have to reach the checkpoints against the clock, it is a difficult mode if you do not know how the mechanics of the game, but calm that you can get used to, that if you do not trust much haha.



Then we have the Blitz mode which is like Checkpoint mode but much more difficult because the time is reduced to the limit, that is, so that you get to the right thing, a game mode that seems to me somewhat unnecessary haha. We have the Cops and Robbers mode the name reminds me of a game I played as a kid in school haha, jokes aside in this game mode we are thieves and we have to get money, but you have to be careful with the cops who will be chasing us throughout the game, something very similar to the modes of the pursuit of Need for Speed games, but the first games in the franchise, is very similar.

My favorite mode of the game is without a doubt the free mode. This mode allows us to explore the entire map without restrictions. I like this mode because we can practice a little gameplay of the game, try the cars, or explore the map to see all the details. Being a very retro game, it already had a map that could be explored freely as if it were an open-world game. This is one of the details that I liked.



As for the gameplay, it is very rare, at least for me, here we do not run with the main keys (WASD), but we do it with the arrows, with the arrow keys we accelerate, with the back arrow we brake, and with the other arrows we go from left to right respectively, to go back we must change the mode to reverse by pressing the “R” something very rare, with that system we can go back in case of collisions, there is no nitro in the game, the cars can break in several parts and it is noticeable when we are running.

The keys (WASD) are practically for decoration, they only serve to change the camera, if we press the “D” key we can select the camera with the driver's view from the steering wheel, this seems to me a good detail since in this game they dared to incorporate that mode, I think the first NFS games also tried to do it, the collisions seem taken from a cartoon, if you crash your car with another car the other car can easily tip over and it is very easy to make damage in this game when it is the first time you play it.



The graphics remind me of a Nintendo DS game I played a long time ago, I can't ask much for the graphics, but I don't know if it's just me or the game lacked details to polish, especially in the design of the cars that I think are not very well done. Finally, I want to talk about the cars, I'm going to highlight only 5, and I'm too lazy to talk about all of them since they don't seem very relevant to me, so I'll say the best ones in my opinion.

First, we have the VW New Beetle, a car I thought was newer, but no, it came out in the '90s, this car is a beetle, but a modern version and appears on the cover in the game, for my taste is a rare but very nice car, especially for women haha.



Then we have the Panoz Roadster, this car is very exotic, in itself that brand is not well known, but they are dedicated to making racing cars, the Panoz Roadster is not a car that I like much for its aerodynamics, but in this game is super fast and is light, well in the game it feels light, in real life, it must be heavy haha. We also have the Ford Mustang GT this version is one of the ugliest for me haha, they could put another model of Mustang that I do not like, I like the version of the 70s that if looks like a real Muscle Card.



Cadillac Eldorado is the most elegant car that we can get in the game, a car that for me is heavy, but has a great face for millionaire men, and to finish we have the Panoz GTR-1 which is the best car in the game in terms of performance and skills, this Panoz I have only seen in the Gran Turismo games, precisely in Gran Turismo 4, in this game the car is locked so I could not select it.



Well, Gamers, I hope you liked today's post, Midtown Madness is a fun game, and it would be nice to play it on a console with friends to know how would be its multiplayer, as I said I was playing on PC, I think it would be another experience to play it on console, although I feel that the game lacks details I think it's an entertaining game, seriously, it looks like Nintendo DS haha.



Thanks for reading and for listening.


Thank you very much!!

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Yahh the graphics sure looks nintendo, but its still an intresting racing that looks Like need for speed just a different graphics

Yes it is very similar, but the highlight of this game is the open world, the possibility to explore the map is a good experience.

Hmmm which means you cant go anywhere without the map then?

I was a huge fan of another Madness game, Motocross Madness and when I saw a magazine, I think it was PC Gamer, with the demo for Midtown Madness on the disc, I had to splurge and buy the mag (it was $8.50 back then (about $16 today). It was not cheap but it was fun. Plus it would let me get an idea how it would run on my old Gateway computer (not very well so I put this on my back burner for a future purchase).

It was fun but yeah, even back then, the graphics were dated quite a bit. It was just accepted though when dealing with an open world style game like this. If you wanted superior graphics you were limited to something track based like Need for Speed. The freedom of figuring out the best way around the map was part of the fun with these open world racing games. It just took A LOT from what they could do graphically at the time.

In what year did you buy that magazine? I wonder how it felt to buy items in those years and the PC with the Midtown Madness logo made me very curious.

If the 🚜Midtown Madness looks like a NIntendo 64 game because of the graphics, but on that console at least it was acceptable on PC it lacked details haha, it could also be because of the gameplay, but if one of the things that stands out the most is the ability to go all over the city in free mode, a blast.

It had to be late 1998 or early 1999 when I bought it. One of the few magazines with a demo disc that I splurged on (I missed out on the exclusive for Half-Life demo back in the day in a different issue).

Back then, racing games were never really super detailed in general. Sure, Need for Speed pushed graphics but fans complained back then similarly to N64 fans - "why are we passing the same barn 15 times in a lap, it looks great but it is the same."

This was the end of the big box era as it was coming to an end. Huge text book sized boxes for a jewel case and sometimes a printed gaming manual inside (another item that was on its way out). Not all releases were in big box but those that were stood out though the writing was on the walls that publishers were trying to save money. Most of the big boxes of this era really only had the jewel case inside.

I remember buying big box games on PC like SiN or Baldur's Gate in a huge box along with R4 Ridge Racer 4 on PlayStation in this little jewel case and joking with the cashiers at EB about how awesome the box art on the PC games was. How we saw so much more on the back, you could actually see the thumbnails of in game action and got a lot more text on the PC games.

We knew, deep down, those days were coming to an end though. We enjoyed it while we could.