Hi hivers/Splinterlands fans/ lovers/ gamers and traders, what's up? I am doing good. I am a splinterlands fan, lover and gamer. I am back with another Splinterlands post which is about a card(PIRATE ARCHER). This post is about @splinterlands . Here is the weekly battle challenge post link. If you wanna join this weekly battle challenge challenge, you are most welcome.
PIRATE ARCHER, a water splinter card. It's a REWARD edition, RARE card. This week theme is PIRATE ARCHER. This is a amazing water splinter card. This week I am gonna share PIRATE ARCHER's battle. It costs 2 mana cap which is very low. It has 3 health, 3 speed and 2 range attack. It has only 1 abilities in level 6. But i have only level 6 of PIRATE ARCHER. This card has only one ability at all level. Which is BLAST(If this power monster hit any target then some of nearest targets also take some damage) ability.
The Pirates of ΛZMΛRÉ have destroyed countless ships and crews with muskets and cannons, but recently they have added archery to their arsenal. Their arrows explode into flame upon contact. When they attack at night, the Archers like to go for the sails first; it makes a nice light show. source
I got two rules set battle(REVERSED SPEED: Monsters with low speed will attack first in this rule set and RISE OF THE COMMONS: Only common and rare monsters may be used in battle) and my opponent was BKT
. I got 26 mana cap battle with FIRE, WATER, DEATH and DRAGON splinters. I missed two splinter, EARTH splinter and LIFE splinter.
I was selected ALRIC STORMBRINGER as a leader of this battle, i mean as a summoner. This week theme was PIRATE ARCHER that's why i selected water splinter summoner. I could select SELENIA SKY but i didnt. I dont know why i didnt picked SELENIA SKY, i thought may be that time i was playing my water splinter quest. ALRIC STORMBRINGER, a WATER splinter, ALPHA edition and RARE summoner. This summoner gives 1+ magic all the friendly monsters.
The oldest ΛZMΛRÉan Summoner, Alric Stormbringer, founded the modern arts of Chaos Magic. He has many pupils from around the Splinterlands. Alric’s gift is not so much bringing the storm, but channeling it. He has lived for hundreds of years, and some stories claim he was alive before the Splintering. source
I was selected SPINEBACK TURTLE as a tank monster. I couldn't be select any legendary or epic card bcz of the rule set of RISE OF THE COMMONS. I think this card is right choose for this rule set. I could use FROZEN SOLDIER as a tank but as a low mana game that's why i skip him. It has only one THORNS(When any melee monster hits it then it give 2- damage back) ability.
Spineback Turtles live around the edges of the Dark Water, in the inner seas of ΛZMΛRÉ. They can breathe air, but the incredibly harsh climate of the Water Splinter makes the recesses of the deep more comfortable. They are generally gentle creatures, but when roused to battle,they are shockingly difficult to destroy. source
If i got Reverse speed and selected WATER splinter, i picked MEDUSA. It has low speed which is best choose for REVERSED SPEED and as it is a RARE card then it also best choose for RAISES OF THE COMMONS rule set. It cost 4 mana cap. It has 6 health, 3 magic attack and 3 speed. As it cost 4 mana cap then we can use this card in LITTLE LEAGUE rule set battle. It has only one ability which is STAN. STAN: it has a chance to apply STAN in opponent monster, if it does then the opponent monster will not attack in the next round.
Every water-breather in ΛZMΛRÉ knows that Gorgons live in their waters. A simple trip to the ocean floor reveals the statues of the unfortunate Merfolk who crossed the path of a Gorgon. Medusa is the only Gorgon to reveal herself to others without turning them to stone. At least they have a choice. source
It's an alpha edition, common card, named CRUSTACEAN KING.. It cost only 3 mana cap. It has 3 health, 2 range attack and 1 speed which is very low. It also has 2 different power. There are TANK HEAL: It heal to the friendly tank monster, PROTECT: It gives 2+ armor to the friendly monsters which protected from first large attack.
he intelligent Crustaceans of ΛZMΛRÉ are the result of ancient genetic experiments. They became too smart to be contained, escaped from their bondage and developed their own city on the edge of the Dark Water. Led by the Crustacean King, they farm the vast kelp fields of ΛZMΛRÉ. source
Another important card NAGA WINDMASTER. It is a reward edition and rare card. It has 3 special power. Headwinds: Reduce 1- range attack to the opponent monsters, Shatter: If it attack a monster which has armor it destroy armor, Poison: It's attack have a chance to give poison, poison will damage each round.
Since they are an amphibious people, Naga of the Water Splinter generally prefer to live under the waves, where life is decidedly easier to control. Still, some of the most rebellious of the gilled have decided to make their homes in the open air. These Wind Naga have taken a special interest in the air itself, which they find easier to manipulate with their magic than the waters below. Some of the Wind Naga have developed strong magical abilities that harness the powers of the wind and air. They are one of the only forces in the Splinterlands that can halt a Dragon in flight. They are known as Naga Windmasters. source
This week theme card is PIRATE ARCHER. This is a WATER splinter, RARE, REWARD monster. I like also this card for it's low mana cap and BLAST ability. It's card max range attack is 2. I like this card's ability. This card is perfect for LITTLE LEAGUE rule set, low mana cap battles(12, 13, 14 mana battle) and CLOSE RANGE rule set battles.
CYCLOPS, neural splinter monster. It's a RARE, BETA edition monster. It cost 6 mana which is mid level mana cap. It has 7 health, 1 speed and 3 range attack. As it has 1 speed that's why i used it. It has two abilities. SHIELD: It reduce opponent melee and range attack, STAN: It have a chance to apply STAN to opponent monster that will not attack in the next round.
There are not many Cyclops left in the Burning Lands; they are a remnant from long before the Splintering. More than anything, the Cyclops like to throw things, which makes them a terrifying opponent. Once each Ferexia year, all the Cyclops meet in the south for their annual Throwing Games. source
Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12
Nice battle it seemed like you saw through your enemies defense and week point. Great victory!