What's up warriors/Splinterlands fans/lovers and gamers? I am doing good. I am a splinterlands warrior, lover, fan and gamer. This post is about splinterlands social media challenge. Here is the social media challenge post link. If you wanna join this social media challenge challange, you are welcome and make a quality post about splinterlands anything(Cards stats, cards, abilities, gameplay).
Today, I am describing a WATER splinter card(NAGA WINDMASTER)'s stats, abilities and gameplays. NAGA WINDMASTER, a reward edition, rare card. I like this card. This card has three awosome powers. HEADWINDS: It reduced 1- range attack to all opponent monsters, SHATTER: Opponent monster's armor destroyed when hit by an attack from monster with shatter and POISON: Monster with poison ability have a chance to apply opponent monster when it hits, if it applyed then opponent monster loss 2- health each round. I like it's all of power but SHATTER most. I have a maxed one NAGA WINDMASTER.
Since they are an amphibious people, Naga of the Water Splinter generally prefer to live under the waves, where life is decidedly easier to control. Still, some of the most rebellious of the gilled have decided to make their homes in the open air. These Wind Naga have taken a special interest in the air itself, which they find easier to manipulate with their magic than the waters below. Some of the Wind Naga have developed strong magical abilities that harness the powers of the wind and air. They are one of the only forces in the Splinterlands that can halt a Dragon in flight. They are known as Naga Windmasters. source
Level 1: It needs only one card for level 1. Level 1, it has only one HEADWINDS power. You can play NOVICE league with level 1 NAGA WINDMASTER. It has 3 health, 1 range attack and 2 speed. It's speed is low. Btw level 1 gold foil card is not available bcz any gold foil card starts with level 2.
Level 2: It needs 3 cards to make it level 2. It has also the HEADWINDS ability. You can play only BRONZE league . It has 3 health, 1 range attack and 1 speed. On the other hand, REWARD gold foil card level 2 is not available.
Level 3: Level 3 with 5 single bcx of card. It gives 2 range attack, speed 2 and 3 health. And it also has same ability as level 1/2. GF 1 cards of single bcx makes level 3 . You can play with it in SILVER league.
Level 4: 11 single bcx of card makes it level 4. It gives same range attack which is equal to level 3, 3 speed and 4 health. And it also has same ability as level 1/2/3. GF 2cards of single bcx makes level 4. You can also play with it in SILVER league.
Level 5: It needs 21 cards to make it level 5. It gets another ability(SATTER). You can play only GOLD league . It has 3 health, same range attack and 6 speed. On the other hand,4 bcx gold foil card is level 5, you can play GOLD with level 5.
Level 6: With 35 bcx of card makes it level 6. It has the same abilities of level 5. It has 2 range attack, 4 health and 3 speed. By the way, 7 bcx of GF card makes it level 6. You can also play with this in Gold league.
Level 7: Level 7 with 61 single bcx of card. It gives again 2 range attack which is equal to level 6, 4 speed and 4 health. And it also has same ability as level 5/6. GF 12 cards of single bcx makes level 7 . You can play with it in DIAMOND, CHAMPION league.
Level 8: With 115 bcx of card makes it level 8 and it's maxed. It gets a new abilities in level 8 which is POISON(Monster with poison ability have a chance to apply opponent monster when it hits, if it applyed then opponent monster loss 2- health each round). It has 2 range attack, 4 health and 4 speed. Btw, 22 bcx of GF card makes it level 8. You can also play with this in DIAMOND, CHAMPION league.
This card has really awosome abilities. This card is important for many rules. I think this card is important for REVERSED SPEED, WEAKEN MAGIC, CLOSE RANGE, EVEN STEVENS and LITTLE LEAGUE rules set. I am sharing some of my battle those are in REVERSED SPEED, CLOSE RANGE. Hope you guys will enjoy my battles.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/12)
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

This one of my favorite cards of water element and the only one with headwinds, I guess Hahaha, this card is awesome at max level.