Here is the social media challenge post link. If you wanna join this social media challenge challange, you are welcome and make a quality post about splinterlands anything(Cards stats, cards, abilities, gameplay).What's up warriors/Splinterlands fans/lovers and gamers? I am doing good. I am a splinterlands warrior, lover, fan and gamer. This post is about @splinterlands social media challenge.
NECTAR QUEEN, an EARTH splinter monster. This is a REWARD edition and COMMON monster. This week, I am talking a EARTH splinter card(NECTAR QUEEN)'s stats, abilities and interesting gameplays. This is a awosome card for tank monster. I always use this card as a tank monster. This card has three abilities. There are FLYING(Have a chance to miss melee and range attack from opponent monsters those who has no-flying monsters), RETALIATE(it also have a chance to retaliate opponent monster when opponent monster attack with melee attack) and last one POISON(Monster with poison ability have a chance to apply opponent monster when it hits, if it applyed then opponent monster loss 2- health each round). It cost 9 mana cap. It has 5 melee attack, 4 speed and 13 health. And i have a NECTAR QUEEN max.
Unlike most queen bees, Nectar Queens like to get out of the nest and get their Proboscis dirty. Fortunately, you can hear one coming long before it reaches you. Unfortunately, they have a real taste for blood. source
Level 1: It needs only one card for level 1. Level 1, it has only one FLYING power. You can play NOVICE league with level 1 NECTAR QUEEN. It has 10 health, 4 melee attack and 2 speed. It's speed is low. Btw level 1 gold foil card is not available bcz any gold foil card starts with level 2.
Level 2: It needs 5 cards to make it level 2. It has also the FLYING ability. You can play only BRONZE league . It has 11 health, 4 melee attack and 2 speed. On the other hand, REWARD gold foil card level 2 is not available.
Level 3: Level 3 with 14 single bcx of card. It gives 4 melee attack, speed 3 and 11 health. And it also has same ability as level 1/2. GF 1 cards of single bcx makes level 3 . You can play with it in SILVER league.
Level 4: 30 single bcx of card makes it level 4. It gives same melee attack which is equal to level 3, 3 speed and 12 health. And it also has same ability as level 1/2/3. GF 2cards of single bcx makes level 4. You can also play with it in SILVER league.
Level 5: It needs 60 cards to make it level 5. It has the same ability as before level. You can play only GOLD league . It has 12 health, same rmelee attack and 4 speed. On the other hand, 5 bcx gold foil card is level 5, you can play SILVER with level 5.
Level 6: With 100 bcx of card makes it level 6. It has the same abilities of level 5 and get another one named RETALIATE. It has 4 melee attack, 12 health and 4 speed. By the way, 9 bcx of GF card makes it level 6. You can also play with this in Gold league.
Level 7: Level 7 with 150 single bcx of card. It gives again 4 melee attack which is equal to level 6, 4 speed and 13 health. And it also has same ability as level 6. GF 14 cards of single bcx makes level 7 . You can play with it in GOLD league.
Level 8: With 220 bcx of card makes it level 8. It has the same abilities as before in level 6/7. It has 5 melee attack, 12 health and 4 speed. Btw, 20 bcx of GF card makes it level 8. You can also play with this in GOLD league.
Level 9: 300 single bcx of card makes it level 9. It gives same melee attack which is equal to level 8, 4 speed and 13 health. And it also has same ability as level 6/7/8. GF 27 cards of single bcx makes level 9. You can also play with it in DIAMOND and CHAMPION league.
Level 10: It needs 400 cards to make it level 10 and its maxed. It gets another ability which is POISON. It has 5 melee attack, 13 health and 4 speed. You can play DIAMOND and CHAMPION league. On the other hand,38 bcx gold foil card is level 10 and its also maxed. It has the same ability as Normal maxed card. You can play DIAMOND and CHAMPION league with level 10.
When i got any mid or high mana battle, i always try to picked EARTH splinter with NECTAR QUEEN as a tank monster. This card perfect for any rules set battle if yours mana was min 25. Bcz it cost 9 mana that's so high. We can use this card in EARTHQUAKE rule set battle, ODD MANA battle, AIM TRUE battle RAISE OF THE COMMONS and also UNPROTECTED rule set battle. Now enjoy my battles.
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar
Yeah, this card is so incredible, a flying tank is unusual on Splinterlands.