Here is the social media challenge post link. If you wanna join this social media challenge challange, you are welcome and make a quality post about splinterlands anything(Cards stats, cards, abilities, gameplay).What's up warriors/Splinterlands fans/lovers and gamers? I am doing good. I am a splinterlands warrior, lover, fan and gamer. This post is about @splinterlands social media challenge.
PRISMATIC ENERGY, a neutral monster. This is a REWARD edition and COMMON monster. This week, I am describing a neutral splinter card(PRISMATIC ENERGY)'s stats, abilities and interesting gameplays. This is a awosome card for tank or any placement monster. I always use this monster. This card has two abilities. There are MAGIC REFLECT(When a magic monster hits this monster, it will feedback some magic attack) and VOID(Reduced damage from magic attacks). It cost 8 mana cap. It has 2 magic attack, 5 speed and 11 health. And i have only level 7 PRISMATIC ENERGY.
A Gloridax experiment gone awry has resulted in a blinding Prismatic Energy loose in the Splinterlands. The Gloridax news briefs have assured the public that there is only one Prism on the loose, but the mysterious Energy moves fast, leaving a wake of magical destruction wherever it goes. source
Level 1: It needs only one card for level 1. Level 1, it has only one MAGIC REFLECT power. You can play NOVICE league with level 1 PRISMATIC ENERGY. It has 9 health, 1 magic attack and 3 speed. It's speed is low. Btw level 1 gold foil card is not available bcz any gold foil card starts with level 2.
Level 2: It needs 3 cards to make it level 2. It has also the MAGIC REFLECT ability. You can play only BRONZE league . It has 9 health, 1 magic attack and 4 speed. On the other hand, REWARD gold foil card level 2 is not available.
Level 3: Level 3 with 5 single bcx of card. It gives 1 magic attack, speed 4 and 10 health. And it also has same ability as level 1/2. GF 1 cards of single bcx makes level 3 . You can play with it in SILVER league.
Level 4: 11 single bcx of card makes it level 4. It gives 2 magic attack , 4 speed and 10 health. And it also has same ability as level 1/2/3. GF 2 cards of single bcx makes level 4. You can also play with it in SILVER league.
Level 5: It needs 21 cards to make it level 5. It gets another ability(VOID). You can play only GOLD league . It has 10 health, same magic attack and 4 speed. On the other hand,4 bcx gold foil card is level 5, you can play GOLD with level 5.
Level 6: With 35 bcx of card makes it level 6. It has the same abilities of level 5. It has 2 magic attack, 10 health and 5 speed. By the way, 7 bcx of GF card makes it level 6. You can also play with this in Gold league.
Level 7: Level 7 with 61 single bcx of card. It gives again 2 magic attack which is equal to level 6, 5 speed and 11 health. And it also has same ability as level 5/6. GF 12 cards of single bcx makes level 7 . You can play with it in DIAMOND, CHAMPION league.
Level 8: With 115 bcx of card makes it level 8 and it's maxed. It gets a same abilities in level 8 as before level 5/6/7. It has 3 magic attack, 11 health and 5 speed. Btw, 22 bcx of GF card makes it level 8. You can also play with this in DIAMOND, CHAMPION league.
This neutral monster has really awosome abilities. This is also a important card that i have ever seen in neutral monster. This card is important for many rules set. In KEEP YOUR DISTANCE rule set, this card is really useful. In LOST LEGENDARIES rule set, it can be used instead of LORD ARIANTHUS card just bcz of its MAGIC REFLECT and VOID abilities. Also, RISE OF THE COMMONS rule set also perfect for this card.
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar

Powerful magic tank, it's incredible with magic reflect and void.
Cool, I like these little walkthroughs about individual cards, very helpful for new users!