Splinterlands Social Media Challenge Entry! SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN

in Hive Gaming5 years ago


Hello, what's up warriors/Splinterlands fans/lovers and gamers? I am doing good. I am a splinterlands warrior, lover, fan and gamer. This post is about @splinterlands social media challenge. Here is the social media challenge post link. If you wanna join this social media challenge challange, you are welcome and make a quality post about splinterlands anything(Cards stats, cards, abilities, gameplay).



SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN, a LIFE monster. This is a REWARD edition and RARE monster. This week, I am describing a LIFE splinter card(SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN)'s stats, abilities and interesting gameplays. This is a awosome card of SNEAK ability. This card has three awosome abilities. There are SNEAK(It hits the last monster of opponent team instead of first monster), DOUBLE STRIKE(Monster attacks twice each round) and POISON( Monster with poison ability have a chance to apply opponent monster when it hits, if it applyed then opponent monster loss 2- health each round). It cost 7 mana cap. It has 2 melee attack, 4 speed, 6 health and 1 armor. And i have only level 6 SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN.

The Assassins do not openly wear the insignia of the Order of the Silver Shield, for they take on the dirty work, the kind of work that is best forgotten after it is done. Armed with small jagged daggers and throwing knives, Silver Shield Assassins kill with the silence of a nightfall over the Khymeve Meadows. They never take prisoners. source





  1. Level 1: It needs only one card for level 1. Level 1, it has SNEAK and DOUBLE STRIKE power. You can play NOVICE league with level 1 SILVERSHIELD ASSASSIN. It has 5 health, 1 melee attack and 3 speed. It's speed is quite good. Btw level 1 gold foil card is not available bcz any gold foil card starts with level 2.

  2. Level 2: It needs 3 cards to make it level 2. It has also the SNEAK and DOUBLE STRIKE ability. You can play only BRONZE league . It has 5 health, 1 melee attack, 3 speed and 1 armor. On the other hand, REWARD gold foil card level 2 is not available.

  3. Level 3: Level 3 with 5 single bcx of card. It gives 2 melee attack, speed 3, 5 health and 1 armor. And it also has same ability as level 1/2. GF 1 cards of single bcx makes level 3 . You can play with it in SILVER league.

  4. Level 4: 11 single bcx of card makes it level 4. It gives same melee attack which is equal to level 3, 4 speed, 5 health and 1 armor. And it also has same ability as level 1/2/3. GF 2cards of single bcx makes level 4. You can also play with it in SILVER league.

  5. Level 5: It needs 21 cards to make it level 5. It gets another ability(POISON). You can play only GOLD league . It has 5 health, same melee attack, 1 armor and 4 speed. On the other hand,4 bcx gold foil card is level 5, you can play GOLD with level 5.

  6. Level 6: With 35 bcx of card makes it level 6. It has the same abilities of level 5. It has 2 melee attack, 6 health, 4 speed and 1 armor. By the way, 7 bcx of GF card makes it level 6. You can also play with this in Gold league.

  7. Level 7: Level 7 with 61 single bcx of card. It gives again 2 melee attack which is equal to level 6, 4 speed, 6 health and 2 armor. And it also has same ability as level 5/6. GF 12 cards of single bcx makes level 7 . You can play with it in DIAMOND, CHAMPION league.

  8. Level 8: With 115 bcx of card makes it level 8 and it's maxed. It has the same ability as level 5/6/7. It has 3 melee attack, 6 health, 4 speed and 2 armor. Btw, 22 bcx of GF card makes it level 8. You can also play with this in DIAMOND, CHAMPION league.

This card has really special abilities. This card is important for sneak, double strike and poison ability. Double strike helps to take back to back attack and poison helps to take 2- health each round. This card is useful for Sneak rule set, Melee mayhem rule set and Odd mana cap battles. Hope you guys will enjoy my battles.






Hope you all enjoy my battles. If you wanna say anything about my line up, please comment below.

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Very cool! love all the details, this would be really helpful for new players to check out what the various levels will get them!
