Key Rewards over 90000 Koen - Arena Breakout | Gameplay

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Hello everyone! I hope you are well. Today I want to share a new battle in Arena Breakout where I participate in an encounter in impostor mode. Here I enter camouflaged trying to avoid the contractors who enter the playing field with all their arsenal. This is a fairly short battle because in just the first few minutes of play I get a key worth 90,000 Koen, enough to immediately leave for the extraction point.

In the first house I enter, when I examine one of the first bags I get a light silencer which I can use to build a new weapon, as well as sell it on the market for 4000 Koen.

In this same house when I go up to the second floor I find a file which has several drawers and in the second drawer is where I get the special prize which is a Royal Bridge Hotel Key worth 90,000 Koen, this object alone costs more than all the accessories that the characters have on them, including weapons, vest and other accessories. In addition to being able to sell the key in the market, it is used to open doors that may have incredible chests.

As soon as I grabbed the key, I didn't think about it much and went straight to the map to be able to locate the nearest extraction point, since I didn't have enough equipment to defend myself and lose that valuable object.

On the way from the house where I was to the extraction point I only found 2 enemies which I eliminated in order to advance.

In this battle it only took me less than 5 minutes where normally on average I always take 10 minutes or more in one of these encounters but the best part was the loot I took home with a value of more than 100,000 Koen and 2 eliminated.

I hope you liked my post, I'll be uploading new gameplays to this great community soon


Hola a todos! Espero se encuentre bien hoy quiero compartir una nueva batalla en Arena Breakout donde participo en un encuentro en modo impostor, aquí entro camuflado tratando de esquivar a los contratistas que entran con todo su arsenal al campo de juego. Esta es una batalla bastante corta porque en tan solo los primeros minutos de juego consigo una llave con un valor de 90000 Koen lo suficiente como para salir de inmediato al punto de extracción.

En la primera casa que entro al examinar uno de los primeros bolsos consigo un silenciador liviano el cual lo puedo utilizar para construir una arma nueva cómo también lo puedo vender en el mercado por 4000 Koen.

En esta misma casa cuando subal segundo piso me consigo un archivo el cual tiene varias gavetas y en la segunda gaveta es donde me consigo el premio especial que es una Llave de Hotel del Puente Real con un valor de 90000 Koen, tan solo objeto cuesta más que todo los accesorios que tiene personajes encima contando armas chaleco y los demás accesorios. La llave además de poderla vender en el mercado sirve para abrir puertas que pueden tener cofres increíbles.

Apenas agarré la llave no lo pensé mucho y me fui al mapa directamente para poder ubicar el punto extracción más cercano, ya que no tenía el equipo suficiente como para defenderme y perder ese objeto tan valioso.

En el camino de la casa donde estaba hasta el punto de extracción solo me conseguí 2 enemigos los cuales los eliminé para poder avanzar.

En esta batalla solo tardé menos de 5 minutos donde normalmente en promedio siempre tardo 10 minutos o más en uno de estos encuentros pero la mejor parte fue el botín que llevo a casa con un valor de más 100000 Koen y 2 eliminados.

Espero les haya gustado mi publicación pronto estaré subiendo nuevos gameplays a esta grandiosa comunidad

 2 months ago  

Wait, is it an extraction shooter? You don't have to win the round to exit you can just choose to exit after breaching a threshold. What's the benefit for staying longer other than getting more of this currency?

If it is an extraction shooting game, for that reason you can leave whenever you want, the problem is that to get to these extraction points you have to go through almost the entire map. There is no specific benefit for the time, the most important thing is to get a good reward without dying and of course get there before time runs out because otherwise you will be eliminated.

 2 months ago  

Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining. How exactly do you get these extraction points?

These points appear randomly at the beginning of the battle, you can see them on the map, there are some of these points that have some rules like paying 3000 Koen, doing the extraction without weapons or many other rules.