My Super Mario Remake Speedrun attempt - Gameplay [ENG-ESP]

in Hive Gaming2 years ago

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Hola amigos de hive, hoy les traigo nuevamente un gameplay del primer remake de super Mario con el emulador Snes9x EX + para Android, está vez intenté hacerlo lo más rápido que pude, sin embargo, en algunos niveles me puse un poco lenta ya que se me hacen difíciles por los botones en la pantalla, aun así, me divertí bastante jugándolo.

Hello hive friends, today I bring you again a gameplay of the first super Mario remake with the Snes9x EX + emulator for android, this time I tried to do it as fast as I could, however, in some levels I got a little slow because I find it difficult because of the buttons on the screen, even so, I had a lot of fun playing it.


La vez anterior lo jugué más lento porque apenas estaba probando el emulador, y no había practicado mucho, pero está vez fue un poco más rápido, gane, pero no me dieron fuegos artificiales, jaja, casi pierdo, ya que me caía estúpidamente en los espacios que había que saltar, aunque solía jugarlo bastante, era básicamente con el control de súper Nintendo, realmente es una experiencia bastante distinta, de todas formas me encantó jugar de nuevo este juego retro, y pasar el nivel 2, los pececitos no estaban tan en mi contra, los calamares tampoco me mataron, aunque me siguen dando un poco de miedo al verlos, ya que ellos persiguen mucho, esta vez sí logré tomar más ítems que la vez pasada, los de forma de hongo y de flor, hay otro botón que hace que Mario corra literalmente, y he buscado la forma de presionar dos botones, pero se me ha hecho difícil presionar ese botón y los demás al mismo tiempo.

Last time I played it slower because I was just testing the emulator, and I hadn't practiced much, but this time it was a little faster, I won, but I didn't get fireworks, haha, I almost lost, since I fell stupidly on the spaces to jump through, although i used to play it quite a bit, it was basically with the super nintendo controller, it really is quite a different experience, i loved playing this retro game again anyway, and getting through level 2, the little fishes weren't so Against me, the squids did not kill me either, although they still scare me a bit when I see them, since they chase a lot, this time I did manage to take more items than last time, the mushroom and flower ones, there is another button that makes Mario literally run, and I've been looking for a way to press two buttons, but it's hard to press that button and the others at the same time.


El ítem en forma de hongo-champiñón que en la realidad se le conoce como Amanita Muscaria, hace que Mario se vuelva gigante en tiempo limitado, este efecto se puede deshacer si un enemigo lo toca, se consigue golpeando un Bloque, el Champiñón saldrá del bloque y empezará a desplazarse, el jugador tendrá que buscarlo, antes que se vaya por algún precipicio, este ítem es opcional ya que se puede ganar sin tomarlo, sin embargo da algunas habilidades, como saltar más alto, puede golpear bloques y destruirlos, ser más resistente frente los enemigos, hay otro hongo, que siempre está escondido, al ser usado te otorga una vida más, en la realidad probablemente sea la Russula Virescens, este ítem aparecía en uno que otro bloque, el cual no se puede ver, también hay una flor, llamada la flor de fuego, está flor otorga el poder del fuego si la tocas, esto permite que puedas lanzar bolas de fuego a tus enemigos y quemarlos instantáneamente, derrotándolos muy fácilmente.

The mushroom-shaped item that is actually known as Amanita Muscaria, makes Mario become giant in a limited time, this effect can be undone if an enemy touches it, it is achieved by hitting a Block, the Mushroom will come out of the block and it will begin to move, the player will have to look for it, before it goes off some cliff, this item is optional since it can be won without taking it, however it gives some abilities, such as jumping higher, it can hit blocks and destroy them, be more resistant against enemies, there is another mushroom, which is always hidden, when used it gives you one more life, in reality it is probably the species of Russula Virescens mushroom, this item appeared in one or another block, which cannot be see, there is also a flower, called the fire flower, this flower grants the power of fire if you touch it, this allows you to throw fireballs at your enemies and burn them instantly, defeating them very easily.


En Super Mario hay unos cuantos atajos que te permitirán saltarte algunos de los mundos más difíciles en mi opinión, y avanzar rápidamente por algunos niveles, en esta ocasión decidí hacerlo directo sin tomar atajos, también se puede recolectar monedas, e irse al cielo con una planta enredadera a buscar monedas, por ahora solo intente hacerlo rápido y me salte esas cosas interesantes, espero lograr hacerlo más rápido, y así mostrarles un gameplay súper rápido de este maravilloso juego, bueno hivers espero que les haya gustado tanto como a mi este juego tan entretenido, gracias por su atención, espero que tengan una semana fantástica, voten si les gusto y comenten si quieren agregar algo, me despido, bye.

In Super Mario there are a few shortcuts that will allow you to skip some of the more difficult worlds in my opinion, and fast forward through some levels, this time I decided to go straight without taking shortcuts, you can also collect coins, and go to heaven with a creeper plant to look for coins, for now I just try to do it fast and skip those interesting things, I hope to be able to do it faster, and thus show you a super fast gameplay of this wonderful game, well hivers I hope you liked this game as much as I did so entertaining, thanks for your attention, I hope you have a fantastic week, vote if you like it and comment if you want to add something, I say goodbye, bye.


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When I was little, I found it very difficult to play this game, but now that I watch it, I realize how easy the level designs are. In 10 minutes you went through quite a lot of levels, yes, even with speedrun, 8 levels in 10 minutes is not bad at all. Thanks for sharing it with us!

I could have spent more but I think I need a control, haha, when I was little it was also much more difficult for me, thanks for commenting, cool

Sí te hace falta un control, speedrunnear mario con los controles en pantalla es jodido.

Si es difícil presionar tantos botones a la vez ahhh 🤕

I still don't understand how they manage to make these speedruns look so simple, to me it looks like magic

Actually it's a vague attempt at speedrun, because I can't do it properly for the phone screen, little by little I'll improve, regards.

super mario bros (NES edition) is one of those games that kept me company when I was sick. Using shortcuts and knowing where to get the mushrooms I would get to the penultimate level with about 20 lives to use but I would lose more than half of them in that level alone. That was always a big obstacle for me. I never completed the game without shortcuts, I should try again. 😁

hahaha, the shortcuts are the best but I wanted to do it just, the world of water is terrible D:, there they can take all your lives just like the world of flying fish, well for me they are a bit difficult, thanks for comment.

in the world of flying fish you had to find the right rhythm. It was also the most difficult level for me and the shortcut was gold.

Is there a shortcut to the world of fish? 👀

no the shortcut is before this level

ah ok, haha, I'll use it next time, cheers