After many years of waiting and finally playing the game and finishing it I can honestly say, yes we should of waited a couple of months more. First of all Cyberpunk 2077 is a huge game, there is seemingly an endless amount of content to experience inside the Night City and it was clearly developed to be a multi playtrough game. In my 50h on Steam I've barely scratched the surface of possibilities this game has to offer, the amount of details is staggering, I've never seen a game with so many details before this one.
I won't go deep into story territory because of the spoilers so you don't need to worry about that, I can only say that you are urged to finish the story because it is done masterfully with excellent voice actors and Keanu Reeves who was pretty damn breathtaking in this game, a true legend of Cyberpunk genre, he definitely proved his worth in this game, the story of Johnny Silverhand will be told many of generations to come.
Great RPG mechanics are what you can expect from a cyberpunk game and this game definitely delivered, when you level up you are presented with 2 progression systems, experience and street cred, with experience you gain your standard attribute points, street creed is more interesting because it unlocks better gear and more jobs, but basically you will only be slightly ahead with your street cred than your actual level. The game supports different play styles, slow and tactical hacking, guns blazing or agile assassin with all sorts of melee blades and body modifications, when you level up your perk trees you will become a badass killing machine. Cyberpunk 2077 goes deep into cybernetic power fantasy if you chose to go that path.
Itemization is pretty interesting too where you can craft or modify items, there is a lot to do and explore here, but in terms of weapon types you will mostly chose the most damaging one, I found the ones with headshot multiplier to be the most useful, the enemies tend to expose their heads easily. But there are some interesting tech weapons that allow you to shoot through the walls and over the walls, I definitely had fun using those. The cybernetics parts are also pretty good but very expensive, if you want to get them all you will need to do a lot of side jobs to earn cash. Luckily side jobs are very interesting, CD Project Red knows how to make side quests interesting, even your basic go from point a to b will have some interesting easter eggs to show, from my experience every side job I took was worth doing. For example this rogue AI taxi who wants to jump over the cliff was pretty fun to do.
The driving part is decent but it never grabbed me enough to explore all the car variety and models, I used one bike for the whole playthrough, so no, this is not a Cyberpunk GTA game. The immersion of Night City is insane, the music, graphics, overall atmosphere is one of the best you can experience to this day but only if you have what it takes to run it, and unfortunately this is where Cyberpunk 2077 disappointed many. Red Engine that runs the game is very next gen hungry, the performance of the game is very flimsy, sometimes you will have a decent frame rate, while in some other areas your game will barely move.
If you happen to be one of the lucky ones with strong gaming rigs you will still run into some substantial bugs, I mean there are huge amounts of bugs, good thing that these are mostly visual glitches that ruin immersion, I never had game breaking bug so for me it's not a big deal.
Bugs will definitely be fixed when given enough time, but right now I wouldn't go and say it is a 100% must buy in this state that it is today.
If you can handle the bugs and the game hunger for good hardware which I did it is a must buy game, and most definitely for me the best game of 2020. This game has so much to offer, great main story, great characters, the Night City, RPG mechanics, items, side jobs, I like it all, so for me the score should be high, would be even higher if they waited few more months to fix the technical issues.
Score: 90/100
I'm near the end of the game now and if we put bugs aside, it is a really nice game with great main quest. I bet ut will be great when they release online mode.
Too bad driving is awful because the game got really nice cars.
Yeah driving is kinda meh, most of the time i fast traveled.
I really gave it a try but it's not worth it. They could zoom our mini map a bit also
turn off HDR until its optimized. +10% framerate driving. Did you do any optimization yourself or just start the game and experience those issues out of the box?
I was okay with waiting longer and am going slow and saving my nomad run for when all the patches are done.
Patches and more optimization and this game will be golden, can't wait for possible DLCs for story continuation.
LOL they only have 25,000 buildings to choose from to animate, hopefully more than 10% of the buildings have missions by the end. I dont know what the ratio is now, but it seems like they could have added more shops etc...