Greetings community, today I went hunting alone, well not alone either because I was accompanied by my faithful furry companion Rasputin who gave me a mission. What happened is that I dreamed that Rasputin had given me a mission to kill all the big male animals in the reserve, but today my main intention was to hunt turkeys, however the accusing look of my dog did not leave me alone, he was watching me as if he was remembering the mission given in my dreams, so I ventured into the forest to see if I could fulfill Rasputin's wish and mine at the same time.
SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Saludos comunidad, hoy me fui de caza en solitario, bueno tampoco en solitario porque me acompaño mi fiel compañero peludo Rasputín el cual me dio una misión. Lo que pasa es que soñé que Rasputín me había dado una misión de matar todos los animales grandes machos de la reserva, pero el día de hoy mi intención principal era cazar pavos, sin embargo la mirada acusadora de mi perro no me dejaba en paz, me observaba como si estuviera recordando la misión dada en mis sueños, así que me aventuré al bosque a ver si lograba cumplir el deseo de Rasputín y el mío a la vez.

The Roocnache Heights is an area I've been scouting quite a bit, I've noticed there are several places where Merrian wild turkeys are found, so that was the starting point for this hunting trip. My arsenal comprised the 7mm slug rifle, a 22 express rifle for killing turkeys and other small game, a bow with heavy arrows and some decoys.
My main intention was to hunt turkeys, yes, I know I repeated it many times in the video but just in case you have doubts I say it again in written form, what happens is that Rasputin was very anxious that I kill large male animals, I think his plan is to keep all the females, there is some conspiracy around him, I do not quite understand it but as a good master I fulfill some of his wishes since he behaves very well with me.
SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Los Altos de Roocnache es una zona que he estado explorando bastante, he notado que hay varios lugares donde se encuentran pavos salvajes Merrian, así que ha sido el punto de partida para esta jornada de caza. Mi arsenal comprende el rifle de balas de 7mm, un rifle 22 express para matar pavos y otros animales pequeños, un arco con flechas pesadas y algunos señuelos.
Mi intención principal era cazar pavos, sí, ya sé que lo repetí muchas veces en el video pero por si acaso tienen dudas lo vuelvo a decir en forma escrita, lo que pasa es que Rasputín estaba muy antojado que matara grandes animales machos, creo que su plan es quedarse con todas las hembras, hay alguna conspiración en torno a él, no lo termino de entender pero como buen amo le cumplo algunos de sus deseos ya que se porta muy bien conmigo.

We started the game and a large group of deer were drinking water, so it was the first place where I was ready to spend gunpowder, then on the way I could run into elk, but no turkey, so I went to sleep to get up early and go to a post where turkeys usually rest. I got up very early in the morning and with a lot of cold I went to the place, I was waiting for an hour and not seeing any activity I was falling asleep, I was very careless and I did not realize that a group of turkeys was approaching me, when I saw them I already had them on me and I could not hit any of my shots, I felt like an imbecile, I said several bad words to myself for being silly. But I didn't give up and went to another turkey rest stand, it was already dawn and I still felt energized to try again.
SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
Iniciamos la partida y un grupo grande de ciervos estaban tomando agua, así que fue el primer lugar donde me dispuse a gastar pólvora, luego en el camino pude toparme con alces, pero ningún pavo, así que me fui a dormir para madrugar e ir a un puesto donde los pavos acostumbrar descansar. Me levanté muy de madrugada y con mucho frío me fui a lugar, estuve esperando por una hora y al no ver ninguna actividad me estaba durmiendo, me descuidé muchísimo y no me di cuenta que un grupo de pavos se estaba acercando a mí, cuando los vi ya los tenía encima y y no pude acertar ninguno de mis disparos, me sentí como un imbécil, me dije varias malas palabras por tonto. Pero no me rendí y me fui a otro puesto de descanso para pavos, ya estaba amaneciendo y todavía me sentía con energías para volver a intentar.

In the other waiting point I was more careful and patient, yes, you have to have a lot of patience in this job.
The day was excellent, I was able to get 4 turkeys that gave me Gold and Silver trophies and I was also able to kill some male deer to fulfill Rasputin's wish, yes, I had to walk a lot and be patient, but the objectives were achieved.
The next video will be hunting with my friend Perceval in La Sabana, the mission will be to hunt lions, but we will see how it turns out, you know, one thing is the hunting plans and another thing is to be in the place. See you soon.
SPANISH VERSION (click here!)
En el otro punto de espera fui más cuidadoso y paciente, eso sí, hay que tener mucha paciencia en este oficio.
La jornada estuvo excelente, pude conseguir 4 pavos que me dieron trofeos de Oro y Plata y también pude matar algunos ciervos machos para cumplir el deseo de Rasputín, eso si, tuve que caminar mucho y tener paciencia, pero se lograron los objetivos.
El próximo video será cazando con mi pana perceval en La Sabana, la misión será cazar leones, pero ya veremos que resulta, ya saben, una cosa son los planes de cacería y otra cosa es estar en el lugar. Nos vemos muy pronto.
Source of music used
▶️ 3Speak
Nice shots, buddy. I didn't know Rasputin could give you assignments. He's obviously craving turkey meat. I look forward to your adventures with Perce in the next chapter.
You eat turkey family. Rasputin is watching me strangely so I better comply with his wishes.
Thanks, my friend.
Hi, nice game, take my like.👍👍👍
Thanks for your visit my friend.
Rasputin and you have something against big males 😂. I see you have come a long way in the game. I think I've always seen you hunting deer, so turkeys are brand new. Maybe because thanksgiving is coming up? 😁. Just kidding. This is an excellent video game. I hope to try it someday and have my pet talk to me in my dreams too 😂. Cheers!
I have killed deer, elk, ducks, rabbits, but the most common at the beginning were deer, although lately playing with pravesh0 and barnacles I have been able to hunt other animals that do not exist in my reserve such as buffalo, wildebeest, jackals, wild boars, among others.
The game is quiet but very fun. Rasputin is a special case, I hope he doesn't keep talking to me in my dreams XD.