I've just started this month as well, and that video by @Bulldog1205 was a game changer. That being said I just made it to Bronze II today. I tried to pick and choose from the bronze list from the video, but found I ended up having to use starter cards for more restricted rule sets. I'm no whale but I can spend a few bucks so I too decided to rent the entire Bronze list. (Took me a whole morning to navigate renting, too.) I had already paid for the spell book so I had 3000 credits that will last me a few days, in spite of the fact that the video seems to have caused card rental fees to climb.
Now that I have 200-ish rented cards, I wish I could figure out how the get the cards with the "S" out of my face - something I didn't get from bulldog is just how badly starter cards mess up your returns.
I have a couple of bones to pick with the Dawg: First in his other videos, he just seems so happy that us n00bs need to stake SPS to get earnings. Thanks a bunch.
Second, I've been a little FOMO about lands, and wondered if I can/should get a small piece of that action. I was excited to see a video by @bulldog1205 on the subject. Sadly, he basically just read the 1.5 white paper. You know, I can do that too. Mind you, it did cure my FOMO - nothing I read or heard gives me the slightest interest in getting a land plot.
One issue I ran into is that buying credits is easy, but my banks wont allow crypto purchases using credit cards (might be a Canadian thing). (I want no part of Google or Apple Pay.) Dont see a way to buy SPS or DEC with credits.
I'm still enjoying the game, and I have bulldog to thank for that. Now if I can just earn back my rental fees before I have to buy more credits...