Half Life
El inicio de una pasión!
The beginning of a passion!
Un juego desarrollado por la empresa Valve llego a mis manos a finales del 2002 gracias a mi amigo Ricardo. Lo instalé en mi Pentium III y una vez iniciado me enamore de esa gloriosa joya, solo el intro me entusiasmo: Ver a la Leyenda Gordon Freeman camino al Conjunto black mesa a través de un transportador siendo este el mejor comienzo para toda la magia que vendría.
A game developed by the Valve company came to my hands at the end of 2002 thanks to my friend Ricardo. I installed it on my Pentium III and once started I fell in love with that glorious jewel, only the intro excited me: Seeing the Legend Gordon Freeman on his way to the Black Mesa Set through a transporter, this being the best start for all the magic that would come.
Sinceramente ese día no dormí bien pensando en lo que había sucedido, el fallo en la secuencia de resonancias en el laboratorio, solo terminé el primer capítulo. Al día siguiente luego de clases continúe mi aventura en el universo de HalfLife. Disfrutando de cada textura que para el momento eran lo máximo, los armamentos y los personajes que iba encontrando.
Honestly that day I did not sleep well thinking about what had happened, the failure in the sequence of resonances in the laboratory, I only finished the first chapter. The next day after school I continued my adventure in the HalfLife universe. Enjoying each texture that for the moment were the best, the weapons and the characters that he was finding.
Sí, haz llegado hasta acá y no conoces este juego lo mejor es que continúes tu camino...Ya que para los veteranos del mundo gamer es parte fundamental de nuestras vidas.
Yes, you have come this far and you do not know this game, the best thing is that you continue on your way ... Since for the veterans of the gamer world it is a fundamental part of our lives.
Si se preguntan cómo nace un gamer, de verdad siempre va a existir un juego que lo marcó para siempre, en mi caso fue Half Life 1, siendo un super Juego el cual logré terminar por completo.
If you wonder how a gamer is born, there will really always be a game that marked him forever, in my case it was Half Life 1, being a super Game which I managed to finish completely
Porque tarde tanto en jugarlo si habia salido hace unos años antes, bueno Yo soy de Venezuela y las cosas llegaban un poco tarde, sin embargo en aquel entonces las cosas marchaban mejor que ahora. Pero eso es otro tema que les contaré luego.
Because it took so long to play it if it had come out a few years ago, well, I am from Venezuela and things were a bit late, however back then things were going better than now. But that is another topic that I will tell you later.
Existen varios títulos y expansiones de este juego, Están disponible en la plataforma steam, sin embargo todos los aficionados aun esperamos la última entrega, Half Life 3.
There are several titles and expansions of this game, They are available on the steam platform, however all fans are still waiting for the latest installment, Half Life 3.
Los Resultados
Luego del sorprendente final donde podías escojer 2 opciones para terminar el juego, me dejo un hambre insaciable de querer volver a vivir experiencias similares y allí comenzó lo que yo llamo, mi pasión por los video juegos avanzados. Porque si nos vamos al principio de donde viene esas ganas de jugar Atari y cónsola NES, eso se lo debo a mi mamá hasta el día de hoy juega activamente en su teléfono móvil.
The results
After the surprising ending where you could choose 2 options to finish the game, I was left with an insatiable hunger to want to live similar experiences again and there began what I call, my passion for advanced video games. Because if we go to the beginning, where does that desire to play Atari and the NES console come from, I owe that to my mother until today, she actively plays on her mobile phone.
¿Alguno de ustedes tienen algún juego favorito? ¡Déjamelo en los comentarios!
Do any of you have a favorite game? Leave me in the comments!
¡Hasta la próxima Cracks!
Until next time Cracks!
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Gracias por los consejos, iré mejorando. Trataré de seguir sus consejos.
Welcome to Hive and the Gaming Community! Awesome to see a new face around.
Could I give some constructive criticism right off the bat? It would be nice if you made it clearer that there's an English and Spanish version of your post. I came in here and read the first paragraph was Spanish and only barely noticed you had written it in English as well. I was about to leave and just skip this post. A post is easier to read when it's split into to full sections instead of every other paragraph being English and Spanish. It's hard to read. Check out how Gabotask is doing his posts for instance: https://peakd.com/hive-140217/@gabotask/persona5-royal-the-best-jrpg-enes.
Hello, thanks for the advice, I will try as much as possible to improve my post. I had been trying to get started for a long time but I decided to do it and improve along the way. I will follow your recommendations!