Does this game really look like this nowadays? Wtf, it's changed a lot. I remember its graphics were pretty simple, this is one of my favorite game genres.
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Does this game really look like this nowadays? Wtf, it's changed a lot. I remember its graphics were pretty simple, this is one of my favorite game genres.
I played sooooo much Age of Empires back in the day. I remember as a kid, I would make my own custom maps just full of forests, set my people to lumberjacks, and leave the computer on all night to see how much they had chopped down by the time I woke up in the morning haha!
I don't mind the new look of the new Age of Empires so much -- a lot of people don't like the style of the graphics whereas I just can't stand how badly optimised they are. I'm hoping they improve that! Either way, it's going to be free to game pass subscribers, so I might subscribe and try it again when it's released... and hopefully actually be able to play it by then. 😬 The trailer and previous gameplay videos looked so good!