I never knew I could have such strong feelings about iron.
It's 6 a.m. on a sunday morning. In a normally bustling town, I pass three people on my way out into the wilderness. I'm on a mission this morning. I'm out to get some iron!
I know this area. I know where to get my materials. And this early in the morning, with hardly anyone around, I must get lucky. Right?
I pass a big cluster of hemp plants. During the day and evening, these are usually gone. Grabbed quickly by the various players that always fill this area. This morning, they're all mine.
I climb up the mountain and find all of the silver ore nodes intact. I am not used to such riches up on these mountains. Usually, all that's left are a few hewn out rocks on the grounds. My hope rises!
Even the starmetal ore a little further up is intact and ready for me to collect. Although I still have a lot of unrefined starmetal scattered throughout my banks, I know I'll one day need it. So I'll definitely take this with me! Now, on to the iron ore nodes!
I walk along the mountain edge and in the distance, I see a few iron nodes. Could I be this lucky?
Then, I notice a couple of pumas chasing after a man who's madly swinging around his weapon, trying to get rid of them. His target? MY IRON!
I rush over and am lucky enough to start hewing away at the one iron node this man hasn't gotten his hands on yet. Darn. Even now they stand in my way.
I walk along my well-known path to look for more of the regular iron nodes. All of them gone. Reduced to a bit of rubble on the floor.
Even an early sunday morning can't keep people away from these precious iron nodes.
Stand in one place long enough, and you might get lucky to catch a respawn of a nice, big iron node. Don't stand too close though, or it might not load for you and you'll find another player standing next to you, hacking away at air, gathering that precious iron you need so badly.
New World. I love all of the gathering and crafting options. I hate that I need iron for everything. My list of arch nemeses has been growing considerably since starting this game. People really need to stay away from my iron!
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Yessssss, need all the iron!
I did the same thing this morning. 😅 I found a nice little route in Everfall that, when all the nodes are up, will yield about 1800-2000 ore (with mining luck food and a proficiency booster).
My first run I got them all and I was so happy. But then, after crafting (I was trying to get my engineering up to 100) I realised I needed more. A LOT MORE. So I followed the route again and this time... everything was gone. There was a node in the distance! I sprint towards it, dodge roll to get there faster, and someone beat me by a hair's breadth.
Iron! That's where the real competition is at!!
Also, don't make my mistake. 😅 If you find yourself levelling Engineering to 100 so you can make starmetal tools, don't craft a million steel tools to do it. Turns out making a million iron arrows does the trick and doesn't waste all the precious steel.
Too late! I'm already at starmetal tools and I did it all by crafting bows and steel tools 😅
They did sell great though, those steel tools, so they helped me get a good amount of gold!
I keep seeing this game on Steam and was wondering if it was worth picking up. Brings back memories of the many hours spent in WoW. So I'm guessing on a scale of 1-10, you guys would give it a ?...
Well, let's put it this way: I play all day, or for as long as my head/wrists will let me.
I enjoy this game, because there is soooo muuuuch to do. Questing, gathering, crafting, dungeons, PvE, PvP, exploring, etc.
I can't promise you it'll be fun for a long time, because I really don't know how long it'll take to max out my gathering/crafting skills and that's what I'm doing most now. I do know it's already worth the money for me. There are still a few annoying bugs here and there though, but nothing game-breaking. And I keep forgetting what they are, so it can't be that important 😅
This game is totally worth the $40 paid and there are no subscription fees!
It hurts seeing Starmetal ore and not having the skill to mine it.
So much! My gathering skills are pretty high now, so I can gather most things I come across. Although I don't visit areas my level. I usually stick around lower level areas, so I don't run into many high level materials yet. I can't gather orichalcum, but I'm close...
I need to find the time to play more. :(
Yeah, that's the upside of staying at home, recovering from a burnout. Just gotta do nice things! Although I do play too much right now... It's not healthy in the long run! Giving myself a pass for now, because the game is new 😅
It's crazy how much Iron is in demand over anything else. I'm still trying to figure out how to craft better than uncommon on tools and weapons but no luck yet.
there are some caves that iron/silver/gold ore seems to resspawn pretty fast.
i was doing some power leveling in my mining this way today, but then some1 else stronger took my spot. I don't know how to turn off PvP lol, but np, i like this way =D
Ooh no, I always have PvP turned off, because I don't want to die all the time :D
You turn it off by pressing U while in a town, just in case you ever need it 😊
that is gonna be usefull ahhaha thanks !
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