Some good cards there, don't worry you gonna get those legendaries soon. 🤞
Did I read that correctly, 20K starbits giveaway... WOW! Rushing to make 10 more hive accounts🏃 LOL
Ofcourse !Count Me In
Loving the banner and the overall post is just beautiful, you and @yaziris both have gonna far in this game. I need to catch up soon.
Awe Pravesho my dear Friend, always a delight reading from you😂
Yes 20k starbits and no-to-bot accounts😂😂😂
Thank you so much, well truth is, To you and @Yaziris know that I'm like a leach, you both inspire and give me a positive push. Watching you both run makes me tell my Lazy arse to get to work, appreciate you both🤗
👍you're in & Goodluck🍀