
one of my favorite games. I am on the ps4 version tho which means I don't get any custom songs. The 60 odd tracks they do provide have gotten extremely stale. I might have to buy the BTS music pack and play some k-pop just to have fun. 😒

Good thing about the official songs is they are mapped really well. Some of the songs I’ve downloaded have horrible mapping so you gotta look around for the good ones. The community seem to have a good rating system though.

Lol whenever I get too whiney with my PC BeatSaber friend (because he's showing off cool well mapped songs) he usually reminds me that he spends more time playing vanilla songs due to their good mapping

Beat Saber is probably the best music game in VR. You should get the attachment that will let you play like this


Oh hell yeah I need that!

Ohh I see you are enjoying the experience of Alyx, I insist that it is a gamechanger for the way of developing games in virtual reality, it has so many variants and you can approach the game situations in so many ways that it is overwhelming at times. to this day I keep going through the campaign for the 3rd time just to play around.

Yep I'm having a bast with it! It's just getting better the further I get as well. No doubt a great game. Really excited to see where the story takes me.

I've seen this game somewhere and it looks familiar, it's great to use the vr with a music style game and with a know I'd definitely play a game like this I'd be sure to break something in the house.

Haha! I was afraid I would break things to but the Oculus has a great system called Guardian in place to make sure that doesn't happen. Also you're pretty stationary while playing this which helps.

I think one of the major reasons why only 3% of steam users have beat the campaign is due to the modding and custom maps. I know that's why I haven't at least. Once I found out about the ability to get custom maps I only played those from then on. I might go back to the campaign for the achievements though.
It is a really fun game though, I'm always excited to play it more

Yeah, I get that. Honestly though after playing nothing but the original songs it's quite a downgrade going to the community songs. Not all of them are well mapped at all. Really gotta find the gems.

What's your username? Let's play against eachother!!!!

 4 years ago  

I am your father lol, imagine playing some anime with so many movements all over the place in 3D lmao

Alright now I have to at least try it. I've had my Quest 2 for about 3 weeks now and haven't downloaded Saber because I was never into rhythm games. Seems like a completely different experience in VR so Im going to check it out. I've been messing around on Rec Room but I've spent most of my time on the social/networking apps.

Be careful now. It's so easy to get addicted to it. It's the kind of game where the more you play, the better you get and the more fun it gets. Fun is scaling with skills. Enjoy! Let me know what you think about it.

"Beat Saber has sold 4 million copies and 40 million songs, totaling an estimated $180 million in revenue. "
Really inspiring numbers, Beat Saber proves there's some serious money to be made in Virtual Reality