I Infiltrated A Dwarven Stronghold in Hardcore World of Warcraft - (The Life of Skruk)

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

I mentioned my big rogue moment when infiltrating a Gnoll stronghold in Silverpine Forest the other day. I've gone and done it again but this time it was a Dwarven stronghold which really leaned into the fantasy of the war between the Horde and the Alliance in World of Warcraft. An Undead Rogue stealthing around in a stronghold, assassinating dwarves and taking their loot? Yes please.

HC ThumbDWARF.png

Rogue privilege

Being a rogue I do have the privilege of being able to stealth around almost where I want to. As long as I don't go into higher levels of enemy territory I shouldn't be discovered. In general caves and building are looked on as death traps in Hardcore World of Warcraft and for a reason. Enemy density is usually high and you have few escape routes. A lot of people tend to just stay away for that reason, which means I as a Rogue get to keep them and their riches for myself.

What I said above is really true for this place. So far the servers have been so packed with people that every questing location has been full of people, meaning you have to fight over who gets to tag mobs all the time. This place was completely barren of people meaning I got all the enemies and experience to myself. For that reason I ended up staying longer than I anticipated, simply because it was a breath of fresh air to have so many enemies to myself. They gave decent experience to and I ended up grinding out half a level here even if I didn't really need to.


It's easy to see why people would stay away from this place in Hardcore World of Warcraft. There's a lot of enemies in here and the rooms and hallways aren't big at all. There's only one way out and that's through the main entrance. It definitely felt a lot more dangerous than the Gnoll stronghold. That place had several back exits I could use to get out if I ended up in a pinch. In this place you're most likely dead if end up messing it up. Luckily I didn't even have to use my vanish once.

I completed three quests while I was here, grinded out half a level from pure enemy experience and looted two chests containing a decent alchemy recipe and some materials to sell for gold. All in all another great rogue moment.

I decided to skip on one quest which wanted me to kill the level 30 boss and his four or five henchmen. I already took a risk going in here but I'm not taking this one. It's certain death for sure.


All of this took me up to level 26 so I'm going to head to Ashenvale now and complete the quests there. It's going to be a breath of fresh air to quest in a forest zone instead of these orange wasteland zones.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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Wow, dude, that must be seasonal for users to come back. That happened the same way in an MMORPG I used to play. Since it's December, more people have a chance to log in. In any case, good luck with getting back to gaining fortress experience.

Well, despite the high difficulty with your skills you have been able to take advantage of the experience and the items sometimes one must make that difficult cost-benefit decision to take a risk. Good that you were able to find the emergency exits in case you needed to get out if things got complicated but apparently you planned it so well that it wasn't necessary and good that you were sensible not to fight against that boss.
I wish you a good end of the year, a prosperous adventure and a Merry Christmas.