I Made It To Level 10 In Hardcore World of Warcraft

in Hive Gaming3 months ago

After dying a tragic and unnecessary death at level 6 with my last character I had to do one better with this new one. Level 10 isn't really something amazing to reach in World of Warcraft but just because 10 is a rounded number it's a bit of a milestone, and it's one that I'm proud to show off. I therefore present to you; Skruk. The level 10 Undead Rogue.

HC ThumbSKRUK.png

A safe journey

Skruk's journey so far has been a mix of safe and dangerous. Where I took stupid chances by pulling more than I could handle with my last character I'm not doing the same with Skruk. I pull only mobs that are a maximum of one level above my own and I never pull more than one mob unless I have to. So far that has been working out just fine. Skruk is still alive and he has even made it to level 10.

Level 10 is a decent milestone for Rogues, because I get access to two things that are quite fun. I get sprint, which means I can quickly dash away from danger if I have to and I also get to dual wield weapons. That means extra damage which means killing enemies faster which means even higher chance of survival. I've read the melee characters are the hardest to keep alive in the early levels and I can see why. Now that I'm starting to unlock more of my toolkit I'm feeling a lot safer.


A professional thief

Since I managed to stay alive for longer this time I've also had time to start up my professions. I've read that engineering and alchemy are the two best for playing hardcore. Engineer will give you some more damage output and target dummies that can taunt enemies for you and save you from a dangerous situation. Alchemy gives you access to potions that give you powerful buffs. I decided to go with alchemy for this run.

Being able to have potions up that give me extra armor and passive healing over time has been quite helpful. It hasn't necessarily helped me survive directly but it's definitely helped me feel more safe when I've been out questing.


What now?

The last thing I did before logging off today was pick up a rogue quest that has me going to the Undercity. That's probably going to be my next task once I sit back down to play again. Let's pray my next post about Hardcore World of Warcraft isn't another death post.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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 3 months ago  

After dying a tragic and unnecessary death at level 6 with my last character I had to do one better with this new one

so that's why your thumbnail has an male undead now. 😆

Let's pray my next post about Hardcore World of Warcraft isn't another death post.


I hope that being undead.... I don't die? very bad joke, sorry. I strongly love two handed weapons and definitely mele characters are the hardest to keep alive, they are at the forefront of danger.

Best wishes for you to survive your next adventure and share it here.