Lords of the Fallen (2014) Is Incredibly Bad

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Since the new Lords of the Fallen released in 2023 has been getting better and better reviews I decided to give the original game a go before jumping into the new one. I knew it wasn't very popular and the reviews were bad but I've played games in the category before and they're never as bad as people say they are. This one is though.


Slow, heavy, clunky

Basically three things you don't want a game to be. It's weird to me how a studio can have the master recipe that is Dark Souls in front of them and still create a souls-like that is the polar opposite of what a souls-like fan wants. Lords of the Fallen (2014) feels slow, heavy and very clunky to play.

I gave the game roughly three hours before I just had to drop it. In that time I spent a lot on energy just to try and get the game ro run properly. There isn't an FPS limit, and according to the FPS counter it runs perfectly stable at 60 FPS when playing on my 4K monitor. Still, it feels like barely 15 FPS which is really weird. I don't know if it's some weird engine issue or what it is.

On top of this all of the animations feel really slow and heavy. Even when you have a standard shortsword that you would expect to swing fast and be agile with it's like your character is logging around a hammer that weighs a ton. When you pick up actual two-handed weapon it just becomes worse...


Barely worth $1

Luckily I didn't waste any worthy sum on this game. I bought it on sale for like $1 and since I played it for three whole hours I couldn't even refund it. It would have felt petty to refund a $1 game but that just further explains how bad it is. I guess this will just be sitting in my steam library as a mockery for all time.

Stay away.


All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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 2 months ago  


bad performance for sure.

Not going to lie... it looks like an amazing game but I'd rather not buy it 🤣🤣 there's not a lot of games lately that impress me... it's almost as if the industry is bought out right...

Hey, I really appreciate that you are encouraged to play games that in general people say they are bad and indeed they are, it is good to be able to get your own opinion if you are willing to dedicate that time. How sad that a studio that can produce a good game doesn't do it, they have budget, facilities, people but maybe because of time, pressures from external people they end up making really bad things, really bad effort and money wasted. That's what I admire about indie studios, few people and resources but in spite of all that they do their best and take advantage of their resources to make something nice.