Oh Deer Is Good Fun With Friends

in Hive Gaming7 months ago

Party games that are designed to be played with a group of friends can be good fun. There's quite a lot of them out there but the one that caught my friend groups attention recently was Oh Deer. It's a silly little game in the style of Dead By Deadlight where four deer have to survive being hunter by the hunter.


Act natural...

The game can be played with up to five people. When a game starts four players are chosen to play as deer while one person will become the hunter. The map will be littered with NPC deer and the hunters has to weed out and shoot the player deer before his sanity drains. Sanity drains slowly over time for the hunter or large chunks get taken off if he shoots NPC deer. Shooting a player deer will instead restore a good chunk of sanity.

Players playing as the deer basically has to act natural. Player deer will have a hunger bar that slowly drains and are refilled by eating mushrooms. NPC deer don't eat mushroom so this is one way for the hunter to spot the fake deer. Player deers can also fart to rocket jump forwards or sprint on two legs. That's another way for the hunter to spot them. Their stomachs will also rumble when they're hungry.


If the hunter manages to take out all the player deer he will win the round. If however the hunter's sanity drains all the way the map will go dark and the remaining player deer will turn into wendigo like monsters that have to chase him down before he can make it safely back to his cabin. If he makes it back he wins. If the player deer manage to maul him they win instead.

We had a lot of fun playing this as a group of five. Trying to act as natural you can as a deer or trying to bamboozle the hunter to shoot the NPC deer is good fun. It's equal amounts of fun trying to bait out the player deer as the hunter. We had a good laugh for two straight hours playing this and we're definitely getting back to it at some point.

It is however very monotone with only one game mode. The only change you get is that once everyone has been the hunter on a map you'll move on to a new map. That changes up the monotonity a little bit.


The game currently costs roughly $10 and I wouldn't say it's worth the price. You only get one game mode to play and you have to play it with friends to have proper fun. We bought it at a 50% sale and in my opinion the developer should just change the price of the game to this to make it worth peoples money. Still, lots of fun to be had with a good gang.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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 7 months ago  

Lol. The game is for sure interesting and I can imagine the level of intensity when the sanity goes all down and hunter has to return to cabin 😂

Am a fan of hunting game and you right this one Is way too expensive with just a look at the graphics it should be worth 4 or 3$

By that logic there's a lot of games out there that should have their prices lowered. Graphics doesn't make a game.

Hmmm really well if you say so

Nahhh it's way more expensive from the graphics though, the hunter is clean but yet less expensive than this

 7 months ago  

This game looks really good, besides the graphics look great, it looks a lot like my favorite graphic style, I imagine the gameplay must be extremely good.

I have never played this kind of games, there is one that has pretty good graphics but I don't know its exact name or if it is this one.