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~ 😘 Hi Hi My Splinterlands family around the world 😘 ~
Welcome back to my post, @queen-silvia. In this week the theme for the Battle Mage Secret ⚔️ Weekly Challenge is Even Stevens. Well, in my opinion, I think there's only 1 strategy 📝 we can use in this ruleset. Yep, as we can see in the title above, we should always remember meta cards which are belong to even mana number 2️⃣. Do you have any other strategy for this ruleset guys? If you do then feel free to put it 🖋 in comment section and let's have discussion with me 😎. We will discuss in depth about the strategy but first of all let's see the basic concept of Even Stevens first :
Fundamental Concept of Even Stevens
Even Stevens : Only units with even mana costs may be used. This rule does not apply to summoners.
Well, the ruleset is very easy to understand. The point is we can only use monsters 👺 who have even mana. That's it. Among all of those even mana cards, I do believe there are some cards 💳 which are used very often or we usually called them as meta cards. These are cards that we should always remember because they are helping us to win 🏆 many battles and giving high win rate 📈. Here are the top 5 even mana cards which I think the best 💯 in their respective splinter :
Fire | Water | Earth | Life | Death | Dragon | Neutral |
Countess SInash | Baakjira | Queen Mycelia | Shieldbearer | Harklaw | Vruz | Dr. Blight |
Antoid Platoon | Lobstradamus | Mitica Headhunter | Corsair Bosun | Phantom Soldier | Chaos Dragon | Runi |
Cerberus | Deeplurker | Failed Summoner | Dumacke Exile | Octopider | Djinn Chwala | Venator Kinjo |
Antoid Platoon | Demented Shark | Mycelic Infantry | Pelacor Conjurer | Cursed Windeku | Dhampir Infiltrator | Chain Golem |
Tinderlock | Djinn Oshannus | Unicorn Mustang | Dax Paragon | Venari Bonesmith | Fiendish Harphy | Elven Mystic |
Alright so the cards above are meta cards in my version. I think many people 👯 have their own preference of meta cards and that's fine. the points that I want to deliver is always remember those meta cards because we will use them very often in the battle ⚔️ when we found Even Stevens 2️⃣ ruleset.
Alright guys, Now let's have the discussion in depth in the battlefield where we can have more analysis to see how to use meta cards properly in Even Stevens ruleset :
There are 3 rulesets in this battle, Here they are :
 |  |  |
Close Range | Ferocity | Even Stevens |
Okay, the first ruleset is Close Range. It allows the ranged attack 🎯 of both players to attack in the first position 1️⃣. Any ranged attack monsters have trait as melee monster 👊 there. That's the advantage of Close range ruleset. It makes me think that my opponent will use some ranged 🎯 monsters so I have to anticipate it, either using headwinds 💨 ability to reduce the ranged damage or using return fire 🔥 ability and increase the damage using amplify.
The next ruleset is Ferocity 😡. Well actually what we need to do for this ruleset is depend on the mana of the battle. Ferocity works best when the opponent used taunt ability and the taunt is highly needed when the mana is high 5️⃣9️⃣. so this ruleset won't give any impact for low to mid mana battle. Taunt is also used in some ruleset like explosive weaponry 🔥 and equal opportunity 👀. So if we have ferocity along with both ruleset then ferocity will work effectively. Then, the question now is when we have high mana battle, explosive weaponry and equal opportunity ruleset, all along with the ferocity, what should we do? 🤷♀ well, actually nothing, we just need to avoid using monster with taunt ability in order to not getting double damage 🗡 by the opponent attack.
The last ruleset is even stevens 2️⃣. Well as we have discussed in the above section, I only have 1 strategy for this ruleset, we have to remember all the meta cards 💳 as we will use it pretty often. The most popular and frequently used cards are Runi and Dr. Blight (that's why I used both cards as the characters of the thumbnail for this post). I think everyone already know the power of Dr. Blight 👹, with just 4 mana, 2 magic attack and some cool abilities like Poison, affliction, camouflage, Scavenger and weaken, this card is super strong and a "must used card", just like summoner. He should always be there in the battle ⚔️ ha ha.
Mana and Splinters
Alright so the mana is very high 📈. It's 59. We have to remember that there's a choice to use monster with taunt ability but we shouldn't use it because that monster will receive double damage 🗡 whenever the opponent attack. since some splinters available are fire, death and dragon, I think some high mana monster who have headwinds 💨 ability like Ash Mirage, Queen of Crows, Soul Storm and Zalfran Efreet can be very useful in the battle. In high mana battle, players tend to use magic 🔮 and ranged attack 🎯 monster (unless the ruleset allow melee monster to attack from any position like equal opportunity 👀, melee mayhem 🔨 or super sneak).
Talking about the tree splinters available, fire 🔥, death 💀 and dragon 🐉, there are some summoners which are great as some options, let say Yodin Zaku 🦊, Mimmosa Nightshade and Quix The Devious. Well. Since Yodin is Weak in this ruleset against the Devious and I need to use dragon monsters 🐉 since the mana for battle is very high, I would like to choose Quix the Devious rather than Yodin Zaku and Mimmosa Nightshade. Dragon monster is very important in high mana 📈 since most of the cards mana are higher than other splinters and that means dragon monsters 🐉 are stronger and tougher than other elements.
Alright guys, now let's see the line up and have discussion why I chose the monsters for the battle :
Alright, the summoner I used in the battle was Quix the Devious because the ruleset was close range. the ruleset gives advantage to all ranged attack 🎯 monster so anticipating their attack using summoner who can reduce 1 ranged damage 🎯 would be good idea. Another reason why I chose Quix because he is the Dragon Summoner 🐉 so I can use Dragon monsters in my line up.
Tips 💡
Anticipate range monster attack using summoner who can give -1 range damage and headwinds.
Use dragon summoner in high mana battle in order to be able to play dragon monsters.
First Monster
Well, this monster is a perfect tank monster in very high mana battle because ; first, he has protect 🛡 ability which gives additioanl +2 armor to all friendly monsters. Second, his forcefield ability will give only -1 damage against the opponent's monster who has 5️⃣ or more damage. The third is his halving ability. It cuts 🗡 the damage of the targeted monster in a half. This ability is very special, The Dangerous monster will lose his strength 💪 unless being cleansed ✨.
"Tips 💡 : Arkemis The Bear is one of the best tank monster in very high mana battle because of his halving ability"
Second Monster
The second monster is Tinderlock. The reason why I put him in the second position is because he has very high health points 1️⃣1️⃣ so he can hold the opponent's attack for some round. Another ability which I like from this monster is his silence 😖 ability. It reduces the opponent's magic 🔮 by -1 and it's stacked which means that if we have some monsters with silence ability (let say 2) then we can reduce the opponent's magic 🔮 damage by -2 too.
"Tips 💡 : Tinderlock is a good option as a second tank monster as he has high health points"
Third Monster
This monster is always useful in mid mana battle because of his opportunity 👀 and true strike 🎯 ability. Both abilities are very powerful to kill the opponent's monster very quickly. Another ruleset, reflection shield 🛡 is also quite useful is certain ruleset like Briar Patch 🌵 and Explosive Weaponry 🔥. In Briar Patch ruleset, he will not getting -2 damage from Thorn effect since the reflection shield ability protect him and in case of explosive weaponry, he is protecting the friendly monster in the backline from getting blast 🔥 effect. We can put him in the second 2️⃣ or fifth 5️⃣ position.
"Tips 💡 : With Opportunity, Reflection Shield and True Strike, Runi is a great option for mid mana battle and some ruleset like Briar Patch and Explosive Weaponry"
Forth Monster
The next monster is Chaos Dragon 🐉. This monster is great option to be used in very high mana 📈 because he has 6 damage in total (3 magic 🔮 as main damage and 2+2 magic from blast 🔮 effect of his magic). The dragon has lots of cool abilities, flying 🦅 will increase the opponent chance to miss their target, scattershot is the counter for taunt and the explosive weaponry 🔥 will give -2 damage to the adjacent monsters. Blind will increase the chance for the opponent to miss their target.
"Tips 💡 : In high mana battle, Chaos Dragon is great option with his blind, Blast and Scattershot ability"
Fifth Monster
The fifth monster is Dr. Blight. This monster is very special as he has over-powered ability. The affliction will prevent the opponent to be healed ✨. The camouflage helps dr. blight to hide 🌳 from the opponent attack unless he moved into the first 1️⃣ position. The poison has 50% to be activated and will give -2 damage directly into their health points. The scavenger 🦃 will give additional health points whenever a monster die in the battlefield ⚔️. This is the strongest 4 mana monster in the game.
"Tips 💡 : Dr. Blight is a meta card which is very strong and power full card in many rulesets and mana"
Sixth Monster
The last monster is Countess Sinash. she is my favorite monster since she has the opportunity 👀 ability to kill 🗡 the monster who has the lowest HP among others. It makes her super strong 💪 combined with Yodin Zaku 🦊 because Blast 🔥 and Opportunity 👀 is so deadly combo. She has the same trait as Dr. Blight as both monster has camouflage ability so there's very low probability for them to be target of opponent monster, some attack that might hit them are trample and blast 🔥 only.
"Tips 💡 : Countess Sinash is great choice for Even Stevens as she has swiftness, opportunity, affliction and camouflage"
Alright, all the line up has been explained, Now let's move to the battlefield and see how the meta cards can help us to win the battle. Let's Go!
Here is the battle looks like in the first round :
Alright so as one of the ruleset is Close Range, we have the same idea to use Quix because the summoner can give both -1 to ranged damage 🎯 and speed ⚡️ respectively. We decided to choose Quix because in fire 🔥, death 💀 and dragon 🐉 splinter, the probability to use magic 🔮 monster is low unlike earth splinters which has many magic 🔮 monsters. As we can see in the battle above, we use 3 same monsters : Arkemis the Bear, Chaos Dragon, and Countess Sinash. The difference is I used Tinderlock which reduce the opponent's Chaos Dragon 🐉 with his silence 😖 ability, Dr. Blight who has posion and Runi with his true strike and opportunity ability.
The power of Poison from Dr. Blight
Well, if we see the battle (in the link below), The poison ability by Dr. Blight 👺 has been activated to the opponent's Arkemis The Bear and Chaos Dragon, it really became the game changer as both tank died 💀 pretty fast. The -2 poison reduced their health point quickly and bring the win to Dr. Blight team. Another interesting stuff to see is the silence 😖 ability by Tinderlock. He reduced magic damage of Chaos Dragon 🐉 from 3 to 2 and it makes the total magic damage 🔮 became 4 only 2 from main attack and 1+1 from the scattershot. Well, My Chaos Dragon 🐉 is stronger with total 10 damage and it helps me to win the battle as well.
📺Click here to see the complete battle📺
Alright guys, now it's time for the giveaway. We have 48 participants for the Giveaway #91. I'd like to say Thank you very much for visiting my blog and joined the giveaway. Here are the list of participants :
@danideuder, @outwars, @engilhramn, @olaf.gui, @allama, @jats-0, @henruc, @alex2alex, @ank12c, @holdeck2, @rayius, @syel25, @candnpg, @blitzzzz, @josephbr550, @javeson, @ianballantine, @thebighigg, @jhuleader, @kryptofire, @tinyputerboy, @stamato, @gs1, @wommi, @vaynard86, @flummi97, @pero82, @grijanklys, @ganzanello, @theacks, @gregory-f, @pablito.saldo, @jarmeson, @willendorfia, @blitzzzz, @cpol, @grijanklys, @holdeck2, @ianballantine, @jarmeson, @jhuleader, @ladymisa, @oadissin, @olaf.gui, @pablito.saldo, @pero82, @soltecno, @torran
(Blitzzzz, Cpol, Grijanklys, Holdeck2, Ianballantine, Jarmeson, Jhuleader, Ladymisa, Oadissin, Olaf.gui, Pablito.saldo, Pero82, Soltecno, Torran got additional 1 ticket as they re-blogged the post)
I hope I don't miss out any names there. Regardless you win or not, I hope you guys keep supporting me by participating in my upcoming giveaways because sharing to the community is fun. Here is the snapshot of the winner :
Congratulations to @jarmeson for winning Lv.3 Gold Foil Cruel Sethropod. This card has 3 melee attack, 6 armor and 7 health point at maximum level which are very powerful in the battle.
1 BCX of Lv.3 GF Cruel Sethropod has been sent to IGN : @jarmeson, enjoy that GF Cruel Sethropod 👍. For other participants who didn't win, you can try your luck taking a part in the next giveaway below (Giveaway #93).
In the previous post we had a Lv.3 Gold Foil Cruel Sethropod card for the giveaway. In this giveaway post, there will be another Gold Foil card that you could possibly win, Here is the card :
Lv.3 Gold Foil Shadow Snitch |
I will use Wheel of Names for the drawing and the name picked out will be given the card prize.
How to participate :
- Please put your IGN (In-Game Name) in the comment section.
- If you feel like the post is useful feel free to follow me for more battle tips and tricks and 2 weekly giveaways continuously. I'll make sure we will be good friends :)
- Upvote is not a requirement but it will be greatly appreciated to increase the quality of the next giveaway.
- Re-blogging this post will give you 2 tickets, higher tickets, higher chance to win the rewards 😉
Notes :
- The cut off time is the pay-out of this post (7 days). I will put a comment "TIME'S UP" when the time is up.
- The winner will be announced in the next giveaways.
- If you want to give feedback or critics, feel free to leave any comments. As long they are constructive and not offensive, they will be appreciated.
- Started from now, I will tag all of the participants who have joined (in the previous giveaway) in case you want to join the giveaway again, if you want me to stop tagging your IGN, feel free to comment STOP in the comment section.
- Every time I posted blogs whether Battle Challenge or Social Media Challenge, there will be 1 card be rewarded for the giveaway winner.
Notification List :
Click to see the Notification list
Previous participants:
@henruc, @pulubengdugs, @outwars, @akiraymd, @danideuder, @tinyputerboy, @engilhramn, @ianballantine, @jats-0, @olaf.gui, @poplar-22, @mario89, @seeweed, @syel25, @bechibenner, @arveno, @mxm0unite, @willendorfia, @saydie, @candnpg, @flummi97, @ijat, @dk1trade, @noctury, @jhuleader, @jdike, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @thebighigg, @vaynard86, @pero82, @gregory-f, @circlebubble, @rayius, @javeson, @cpol, @cribbio, @gasaeightyfive, @ianballantine, @jhuleader, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @marcocasario, @maxmaka, @mxm0unite, @oadissin, @pero82, @pulubengdugs, @russia-btc, @bitandi, @obifenom, @cryptoph0823, @hendrot, @kryptofire, @canada804, @mvl2304, @chaosbug, @speedtuning, @seewed, @theacks, @mario89, @dgi, @gamesworld, @supergtom, @yahuzah, @canada804, @supergtom, @saydie, @cryptoace33, @alex2alex, @shiekhnouman, @subidu, @dafusa, @stamato, @gs1, @meta007, @chaosbug, @bfciv, @sheikh27, @allama, @offia66, @kran1um, @inuke, @evans-education, @mario89, @diochen, @squishna, @actordontee, @kran1um, @byz8tine, @subidu, @ganzanello, @oadissin, @hendrot, @juliocamacho, @holdeck2, @ank12c, @tub3r0, @jhridoy14, @pablito.saldo, @faruq10, @daddydog, @wommi, @josephbr550, @greatsaiyanman, @zm984, @diochen, @ebastion, @professorrotten, @ak08, @arc-echo, @zm984, @ramadhanight, @grijanklys, @jarmeson
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Alright, that's the end of this article guys, Thank you for visiting my blog. See you in the next article and giveaway. Take care~
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dr blight is pretty god in this ruleset in gold league and higher. You did play all the good even cards I think :P and wow you bought runi?
yeah i agree, he is pretty strong card,
Yea i bought runi for $250 several months back
O.O Queen you are a secret whale i think
Thank you very much for your support, @fsc69
Much appreciate it
Thank you for the support, splinterboost
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curation-cartel tipped queen-silvia
candnpg tipped queen-silvia
queen-silvia tipped candnpg
jats-0 tipped queen-silvia
queen-silvia tipped kryptofire
torran tipped queen-silvia
queen-silvia tipped jats-0
queen-silvia tipped engilhramn
engilhramn tipped queen-silvia
queen-silvia tipped torran
queen-silvia tipped fsc69 @willendorfia tipped @queen-silvia
amazing battle, this review of meta card for this rule help a lot
count on me for the giveaway
have a nice day
Thank you for the kind words, syel.
Sure, Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day
!PIZZACount me in @engilhramn
Sure engilhramn,
Good luck for the giveaway and have a delicious pizza too
Excellent list of meta cards for Even Stevens! Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for the kind words, torran,
have a pizza too
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
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Nice battle. Count me in for the next giveaway.
Thanks for the kind words, jats
Sure, Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day
good day ! count on me for the giveaway =D
good day for you too, daddy dog.
Sure, Good luck for the giveaway :)
Count me in
IGN olaf.gui
Thanks as always for the tips and sharing.
Your welcome, candnpg,
Have a delicious pizza too
reblogty @jhuleader
Your welcome, thank you for reblogging the post,
You got an additional ticket for the giveaway as usual
Your battle was impressive. I will boost my fire warriors considering the strategy displayed in your article.
It is a nice initiative to giveaways cards to players.
Count me in
Thank you
Greetings, Nice idea :)
Yeah sure, good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day, buddy
Dr. Bligh at max leveel was my favorite meta card! it is really powerfull
yeah, agree, i only play him at level 3 though, because my league is gold only XD
count me in
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
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I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
Sure Kryptofire,
good luck for the giveaway and have a delicious pizza too
Thanks for the giveaways. Please count me in.
Good luck, all.
Your welcome,
Sure Tinyputerboy, Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day
Count me in @allama
Sure Tinyputerboy,
Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day
Thanks! Have a nice day!
Thanks for the tips. Count me in please. IGN outwars
Your welcome,
Sure outwars,
Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day
count me in
Sure Henruc,
Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day
Yeah Dr Blight is such a sick card. I mentioned it in my recent post too! Too bad I’m on the receiving end of Dr Blight’s wrath 🥲 Hope I too get to play with it someday!
Count me in again for the giveaway please!
IGN: ak08
Yeah, very powerful card. I think we can rent it for 90 DEC :)
Sure, good luck for the giveaway, ak08.
Have a great day
Yeah too OP in my opinion!
I’m actually playing for a scholar account, can’t rent it to play since I don’t have the authority keys 🥲
Hello, I like the abilities of "Runi", his "Reflection Shield" protected him from the "blast" of "Chaos Dragon" and he can also resuscitate.👍👍👍
Yeah, Runi is a very strong card too and become one of the meta cards in Even Stevens ruleset.
You won this battle very easily.😊
Count me in: JHRIDOY14
Yeah sure jhridoy14,
Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day :)
Very interesting post, thank you very much for sharing your experience in the game with the community.
Thank you very much for your kind words, gaming.yer.
Glad to engage regularly with the community :)
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Thank you for the support, bhatt bhai,
Much appreciate it
Count me in @wommi
Yeah sure wommi,
Good luck for the giveaway and have a great day :)
count me in
Okay Rayius,
Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day :)
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Count me in please.
IGN: @flummi97
Sure Flummi,
Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day
I have to get myself a Dr blight one day :)
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
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I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
Yeah, me too XD
Excellent list for Even Stevens. Though you have Antoid Platoon on there twice under fire 😉
Also, please count me in for the giveaway.
Yeah, I love the scavenger ability of Antoid Platoon. It's very nice ability in little league
Sure, Good luck for the giveaway and have a nice day :)
Count me in @pulubengdugs
count me in
Count me in again, please. Many thanks - Ian :)< @ianballantine
IGN grijanklys 👍🏽
!gif Luck
Via Tenor
im in @gs1
Count me in
add me pls @ladymisa :)
Count me in again 👍🏻 Thanks! @blitzzzz
They are a series of very good tips and the idea is developed in a way that is easy to understand.
It all goes into my notebook. Thank you so much.
Count me in.
!Gif thank you IGN: @vaynard86
Via Tenor
Do you know you can win a Chaos Legion pack and many other things just by following some simple steps ?? Check out our Latest Daily Showcase and Participate our latest Giveaway. Thanks
Gold Foil Shadow Snitch is a great giveaway!
IGN: gregory-f
Count me in plz @josephbr550
The Queen is back !! 😄
Thanks for your advice on this ruleset.
I think if you don't have RUNI, then CHARLOK MINOTAUR at level 6 is not a bad choice either. Alternatively CORNEALUS, through the ruleset this definitely has no disadvantage.
Thanks for your advice and looking at the opponent's team, of course you already played a lot of good cards that he played.
Furthermore I wish you a lot of success in your games, a lot of !LUV and please include me in your giveaway.😄
I'm already looking forward to your night fights!
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Very smart idea to make a chart with the best meta cards for even stevens rulesets. I'm surprised that Spirit Miner didn't make the list for neutral, I find its abilities to be very helpful overall (swiftness, blind).
Congrats @jarmeson!
Thanks for another great analysis. I have never heard them called "meta" cards before, but there are definitely some that I find myself reaching for again and again. I suppose they'll be different for everyone, depending on what you have.
Please count me in for your giveaway! IGN: @willendorfia
Have a slice of !PIZZA too!