in Hive Gaming2 years ago

tips to be (1).png

~ 😘 Hi Hi My Splinterlands family around the world 😘 ~

Back to basic 3 (1).png Ruleset. There are many ways / strategies to win ⚔️ this ruleset depending on the other two rulesets that follow. In this article, we are going to discuss the best way to win this ruleset in general but first of all, as usual, let's talk about the basic concept of the back to basic 3 (1).png ruleset so that we can have better understanding and good strategy at the battlefield 💪.Welcome back to my blog, @queen-silvia. The theme of this week's Battle Mage Secret Challenge is

What is Back to Basics?


Back to Basics : Monsters lose all abilities.

Well, this ruleset cause all monsters in the battlefield lose all of their abilities. If you guys see at the bottom of each card, you will see the some logos which shows the card skill / abilities 🔥. In this ruleset, all of them are neglected and what remains in the cards are their attack (could be melee 💪, ranged 🎯 or magic 🔮), speed ⚡️ (right below the attack attribute) and health point (at the right bottom section of the card).


The big question now is what is the best effective way to win this ruleset? If you guys have your own strategy, feel free to put it in the comment section and let's have discussion. In my opinion, since all of the skills are removed that means all monsters are losing their ability 💥 to counter the opponent attack, so the best way to win this ruleset is to use ultimate attack 🗡. and the king👑 of ultimate attack is the legendary fire 🔥 summoner that we all already know, Yodin Zaku 🦊 (because of his blast effect).

  • The Blast img_combat-rule_explosive-weaponry_150 (1).png ability will give additional damage the monster next to the target 🎯 so it's a bonus damage which could never be negated since the opponent monster doesn't has the reflection shield ability_reflection-shield.png ability due to back to basic ruleset.


Well, This article will be discussing about how to use Yodin Zaku 🦊 effectively at Back to Basics 3 (1).png ruleset effectively and we could even think about how to anticipate if the opponent is using the yodin counter like Lir Deepswimmer 💦 or Ilthain 💨. Alright guys and gals, Let's get started :



There are 3 rulesets in this battle, Here they are :

Keep Your Distance
Taking Sides
Back to basics
Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.
Neutral Monsters may not be used in battles.
Monsters lose all abilities.

Alright, so the ruleset which has the biggest impact to the battle is keep your distance 6 (1).png which means that we can only use ranged 🎯 and magic 🔮 monsters in the battle field. Since ranged attack could not attack in the first position, so we have to utilize magic monster in the frontline especially magic monster with very high health point ♥️ in the first position as a tank. at normal ruleset, we can counter the opponent's magic monsters using silence ability_silence.png and void ability_void.png but since the ruleset is back to basics these abilities are not available so we have no other choice except killing the opponent first.

Another ruleset is Taking Sides 7 (1).png, well this ruleset will prevent us to use neutral monster in the battle field so we have to remember the meta cards of all splinter very well. Meta is the most used cards, the example is Deeplurker 🐬 for water splinter, Fineas Rage 🗡 for Fire Splinter, Queen Mycelia 👑 for Earth Splinter, Pelacor Conjurer 💨 for Life splinter, Cursed Windeku 👿 for Death splinter and Dragon Jumper 🐉 for Dragon Splinter. Well I think everyone has their own meta preference, these cards I have mentioned are the meta cards in my version.


Mana and Splinters


The battle consisted of 47 mana, well high enough for gold league where we can arrange pretty nice team with good combo and support between each monsters. There are only 2 splinters available, Fire 🔥 and Life 💨. We can suspect which summoner that the opponent might use based on the splinters given. At Fire Splinter, the most probably used summoners are Jacek, Yodin, Scargore and at Life Splinter, the most likely summoner to be used are General Sloan, Grand Master Rathe, and Ilthain. Well, among all of those summoners, Yodin 🦊 is the deadliest summoner with his blast img_combat-rule_explosive-weaponry_150 (1).png effect so that's the reason I used him in the battle. We can always use this kind of mathod in every match.

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Level 3 Yodin Zaku

The first card that we are going to discuss is the legendary fire summoner, Yodin Zaku 🦊. This summoner is an offensive-type card since he is giving blast effect to all of friendly monsters, additional +1 Health points ♥️ and +1 ranged damage 🎯. In the battle where there's no water, life and Dragon available for the match, this summoner is very dangerous since there will be No Lir Deepswimmer 💦, Quix 🐉 the Devious and Ilthain 💨 to counter this summoner.

Tips 💡

Be careful using Yodin Zaku when Water, Life and Dragon available in the battle because the opponent can use Lir, Ilthain or Quix to counter Yodin Zaku.


First Monster

Level 6 Efreet Elder

The first monster that I used in the battle is Efreet Elder. The main reason why I put him is because He has high health points ♥️ (10) to hold the enemies attack in several rounds. In back to basic ruleset , we have to put monsters in the order from the highest HP to the lowest HP. This way we can protect 🛡 monsters with low HP from being killed too early in the battlefield. He has 2 magic 🔮 attack which can inflict 3 damage to the enemies due to the blast effect.

Tips 💡

In Back to basic ruleset, make sure to put monsters in the order from the highest HP to the lowest HP to protect monsters with low HP


Second Monster

Level 3 Ifrit Rising

The second monster is Ifrit Rising. In normal battle he barely used by players because of his ability, recharge which makes him skip every other round. Well, he does double ⚡️ damage but the way he skip his round makes him very vulnerable to be the target of being attacked 🎯 by the opponent and died 🚑 before he shot his attack. However, in back to basics ruleset, he could attack in every round and with his 9 Health Points, He is good enough to be the second tank 🚂 monster.

Tips 💡

Ifrit Rising barely used in normal match due to his recharge but in back to basics he is such a good tank monster with his 9 HP


Third Monster

Level 6 Djinn Apprentice

The third monster is Djinn Apprentice. I put him at the third position because he is a magic 🔮 monster who have the lowest health point ♥️ so both Efreet Elder and Ifrit Rising will protect him holding all of the opponent attack. Talking about attack ⚔️, Djinn Apprentice is very good since he has 3 magic 🔮 damage and the monster is just costs 5 mana only. super effective to build offensive 💪 team either at mid or high mana battle.

Tips 💡

Always put monster with lowest HP at the backmost of line-up (regarding their type of attack).


Forth Monster

Level 6 Ash Mirage

Well, let's move to the ranged 🎯 attack monster now. The forth monster is Ash Mirage 💨. He has the Headwinds ability outside of back to basics ruleset to reduce the opponent's ranged damage by -1 but at the current match, that ability is neglected. He has 6 Health point which makes me put him at the forth position to hold 🛡 the opponent attack first. Another Ash Mirage strength is his speed ⚡️ (5) which makes all of his attack has high chance to hit the enemy.

Tips 💡

Putting monster in order from highest to lowest HP should be implemented not only for magic monsters but also ranged monsters too.


Fifth Monster

Level 5 Lava Launcher

The next monster is Lava Launcher 🎯 . Well although we always remember that this monster have close range ability, keep in mind that at back to basics ruleset, monsters are losing all of his abilities which cause this monster only able to attack from the backline just like the other ranged monsters.

Tips 💡

Putting monster in order from highest to lowest HP should be implemented not only for magic monsters but also ranged monsters too.


Sixth Monster

Level 6 Ferexia General

The last monster is Ferexia General 🤠. Well I put this monster in the last position because he has the lowest HP ♥️ among all of the fire team (only 5 HP) so we have to protect 🛡 him by putting monsters with the highest HP in the first potion. This monster is pretty cool because he has 5 ranged 🎯 damage while he only costs 5 mana only, so the ratio of attack to HP is 0.8. pretty high. The higher ratio, the more offensive card is.

Tips 💡

Put monster who have the lowest HP in the last position

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Alright, all the line up has been explained, Now let's move to the battlefield and see how the strong Yodin Zaku team at Back to basics ruleset.

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Here is the battle looks like in the first round :


I think the battle is unmatched started from the beginning. The ruleset was "Keep Your Distance" 6 (1).png where all melee monsters are not available to be used in the battlefield but the opponent used Tarsa and she is not giving any melee buff to fire team, only additional 1 health point. Meanwhile, The Yodin team have 3 buffs, additional +1 ranged damage, +1 health point and blast img_combat-rule_explosive-weaponry_150 (1).png effect. The team also have monsters who have highest HP ♥️ in order from the highest to the lowest which protect monster with the lowest HP from being attacked too early.

The Power of Blast effect


At Back to Basics 3 (1).png ruleset the reflection shield ability_reflection-shield.png is not available to be used in the battle that means no counter for Blast img_combat-rule_explosive-weaponry_150 (1).png attack so Yodin is over powered in the battle even if the opponent is using summoner with return fire like Ilthain they are still not able to return the magic damage back to the opponent so that's the reason why Yodin team is the deadliest 😈 summoner at Back to basic ruleset. Here is the link if you want to see the complete battle, Enjoy :

📺Click here to see the complete battle📺


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Well, I am so grateful with the last End of Season reward chests because I got so many Soulbound Summoner Cards, 6 BCX Lobb Lowland 🍃, 2 BCX Pembrook Nymph 💦 and 12 BCX Eternan Brune 🔥. It really boost my Soulbound summoners into the next level, currently my Lobb Lowland is at lv.5, Pembrook Nymph at Lv.3, Eternan Brune at lv.4, Franz Rufmane at lv.1, Octavia Shadowmeld at lv.2, and Helios Matriach at lv.2. I think all if them are ready for Bronze tournament except the life splinter but if dragon 🐉 splinter is available then it won't be a problem. Another cool reward from EOS chests was the 2 BCX of legendary water 💦 card, Musa Saline. I need to figure out how to use that card soon.


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Alright guys, now it's time for the giveaway. We have 43 participants for the Giveaway #76. I'd like to say Thank you very much for visiting my blog and joined the giveaway. Here are the list of participants :

@pero82, @ianballantine, @mickvir, @henruc, @outwars, @flummi97, @meta007, @dafusa, @javivisan, @engilhramn, @syel25, @jats-0, @candnpg, @emeraldtiger, @thebighigg, @stamato, @javeson, @allama, @tinyputerboy, @jdike, @olaf.gui, @saydie, @jhuleader, @ladymisa, @rayius, @noctury, @blitzzzz, @gs1, @vaynard86, @alex2alex, @willendorfia, @gregory-f, @allama, @blitzzzz, @cpol, @ianballantine, @jhuleader, @ladymisa, @mickvir, @oadissin, @pablodare2, @pero82, @stamato

(Allama, Blitzzzz, Cpol, Ianballantine, Jhuleader, Ladymisa, Mickvir, Oadissin, Pablodare2, Pero82, Stamato got additional 1 ticket as they re-blogged the post)
I hope I don't miss out any names there. Regardless you win or not, I hope you guys keep supporting me by participating in my upcoming giveaways because sharing to the community is fun. Here is the snapshot of the winner :


Congratulations to @jhuleader for winning Screeching Vulture. This card has Fury, and Snare at maximum level which are very powerful in the battle.

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1 BCX of Screeching Vulture has been sent to IGN : @jhuleader, enjoy that Screeching Vulture 👍. For other participants who didn't win, you can try your luck taking a part in the next giveaway below (Giveaway #78).

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In the previous post we had a Beta card for the giveaway. In this giveaway post, there will be a dice Reward card that you could possibly win, Here is the card :

Goblin Dartling

I will use Wheel of Names for the drawing and the name picked out will be given the card prize.

How to participate :
  1. Please put your IGN (In-Game Name) in the comment section.
  2. If you feel like the post is useful feel free to follow me for more battle tips and tricks and 2 weekly giveaways continuously. I'll make sure we will be good friends :)
  3. Upvote is not a requirement but it will be greatly appreciated to increase the quality of the next giveaway.
  4. Re-blogging this post will give you 2 tickets, higher tickets, higher chance to win the rewards 😉

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Notes :
  1. The cut off time is the pay-out of this post (7 days). I will put a comment "TIME'S UP" when the time is up.
  2. The winner will be announced in the next giveaways.
  3. If you want to give feedback or critics, feel free to leave any comments. As long they are constructive and not offensive, they will be appreciated.
  4. Started from now, I will tag all of the participants who have joined (in the previous giveaway) in case you want to join the giveaway again, if you want me to stop tagging your IGN, feel free to comment STOP in the comment section.
  5. Every time I posted blogs whether Battle Challenge or Social Media Challenge, there will be 1 card be rewarded for the giveaway winner.

Notification List :

@henruc, @pulubengdugs, @outwars, @akiraymd, @danideuder, @tinyputerboy, @engilhramn, @ianballantine, @jats-0, @olaf.gui, @poplar-22, @mario89, @seeweed, @syel25, @bechibenner, @arveno, @mxm0unite, @willendorfia, @saydie, @candnpg, @flummi97, @ijat, @dk1trade, @noctury, @jhuleader, @jdike, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @thebighigg, @vaynard86, @pero82, @gregory-f, @circlebubble, @rayius, @javeson, @cpol, @cribbio, @gasaeightyfive, @ianballantine, @jhuleader, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @marcocasario, @maxmaka, @mxm0unite, @oadissin, @pero82, @pulubengdugs, @russia-btc, @bitandi, @obifenom, @cryptoph0823, @hendrot, @kryptofire, @canada804, @mvl2304, @chaosbug, @speedtuning, @seewed, @theacks, @mario89, @dgi, @gamesworld, @supergtom, @yahuzah, @canada804, @supergtom, @saydie, @cryptoace33, @alex2alex, @shiekhnouman, @subidu, @dafusa, @stamato, @gs1, @meta007, @chaosbug, @badrud, @jfang003, @blitzzzz, @monsterbuster, @middle-earthling, @kid.miniatures, @allama, @mrscryptopanda85, @bronko, @juliocamacho, @sinistry


If you haven't got any Splinterlands account, you can get it here

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Alright, that's the end of this article guys, Thank you for visiting my blog. See you in the next article and giveaway. Take care~


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Bitmoji : As a tool for me to create Avatar



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Thank you for sharing your tips and strategies. Count me in please. IGN outwars

Now I just need a Yodin :)

!PIZZA @candnpg


$PIZZA slices delivered:
candnpg tipped queen-silvia (x1)
kqaosphreak tipped queen-silvia (x1)
jats-0 tipped queen-silvia (x1)
bechibenner tipped queen-silvia (x1)
underlock tipped queen-silvia (x1) @curation-cartel tipped @queen-silvia (x1)

count me in



Yodin is cheating... 😜

!PIZZA @kqaos

Yodin was so OP at one time, not so much any more. But he still shines in Back to Basic ruleset.
IGN: gregory-f

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Congrats to your EOS rewards. I also love collecting my soulbound reward cards :)
!gif good luck

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count me in @jfang003

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 2 years ago (edited) 

Count me in!

Count me in

Ign olaf.gui

Count me in for this nice giveaway card please.
IGN: @flummi97

Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz

Yodin does not need special rules to be a beast xD

Please count me in again!

Great strategy! You owned that! 💖

Count me in for the giveaway!
ign: @pero82

Yay! 🤗
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Delegate HP and earn more, by @queen-silvia.

From the look of things, seems you are a pro on splinter lands.

Thank you offia,

yeah, I have won lots of silver and bronze league tournament :)

Feel free to check my post on queen-silvia

Thanks :)

Possible that you can put me through as well, I will like to know how to play too.

Thanks!!Count me @kran1um for this giveaway

nice battle, gz for the 2bcx for the Musa
count on me in the giveaway

This is a cool strategy that works in the lower leagues as well.
Nice way to deal with the Basic Rule Set.

IGN - inuke.

Count me in again, please. Many thanks - Ian :)< @ianballantine

Amazing post with amazing information!!! I am with the team possible guild, and have to say we are extremely happy and blessed to have you in our server! You're doing great work and truly appreciate you!🤗🤗 My IGN is johndoergflocker. Good luck this season!!!

Hace un tiempo estoy viendo videos sobre este juego para empezar a jugar apenas tenga un tiempo, tambien me registre y de verdad veo que no es un juego tan sencillo, tiene sus mecanicas y su estrategia y la verdad me llama mucho la atencion, muchas gracias por toda la informacion aportada :)

I've been watching videos about this game for a while now to start playing as soon as I have some time, I also registered and I really see that it's not such a simple game, it has its mechanics and its strategy and the truth is that it really catches my attention, thank you very much for all the information provided :)

once again beautiful fights from you, great report.
count me in please🙏

!PIZZA @bechibenner

Nice battle, as usually. Count me in again for the giveaway.


Count me in.

!Gif thank you IGN: @vaynard86

!1UP Good work!


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please add me, thanks. @diochen

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Love the article! Count me in please

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121

Count me @sheikh27 for this give away.