in Hive Gaming2 years ago

tips & tricks (1).png

~ 😘 Hi Hi My Splinterlands family around the world 😘 ~

Welcome back to my blog, @queen-silvia. In today's post, I am gonna talk about some tips and tricks regarding battle strategies on how to do Brawl Clean Sweep at Tier 4 Brawl (as Summoner's Tribe is the only Tier 5 Guild in the world), some thoughts about the last leaderboard and the next leaderboard competition when the new energy system is being implemented. Last season, I managed to finish at the top 10 Gold Leaderboard. Well, I think the next leaderboard will be more interesting and fair since every player, either human or bots will have the same number of battles to compete for the first place in the end of season.

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Alright, Here are some of the topis that we'll cover in this article :

  1. Tips and Tricks for Brawl Clean Sweep (My first time with Summoner's Tribe😻)
  2. How the new Energy Systems will benefit all players in Splinterlands
  3. What's New on Splinterlands?
  4. The announcement of Giveaway #71 Winner 🎉
  5. Giveaway #73 💸

Alright, Let's get started with the first topic :


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To start this section, let's see the result of the latest brawl (Top 3 of Brawl #141) :


Well, Summoner's Tribe 🥇 is dominating the Tier 4 again with a very huge win rate as usual with 80% win rate (133 win and 30 lose) 😮. I think the reason why Summoner's Tribe is always being the top guild is because they have great player in each fray, started from fray #1 to fray #21. Second, They have very strong 💪 gladius cards, most of players have gold level gladius cards as they always get more than 12000 merits in each brawl. Third, Summoner's Tribe have level 7 barracks 🏠 which allow us to use gladiator up to the gold level.

The second guild is Shield of Glory 🥈, my ex-guild. Another guild who have accomplished more than 100 wins with 72% win rate with 110 win and 53 lose 🙄. They have some great players with high level cards either Gold Foil and Regular Foil which makes them in advantage at diamond RF or GF frays. Both of us are banning Scarred Llama Mage 🐎 and Byzantine Kitty 😻. The third guild is Legendary Raptors 🥉 with 60% win rate after 95 win and 68 lose. Well, I'd like to say thank you for all the guilds who have participated in Brawl #141 and Congratulations for the top 3 spot. See you in the next brawl. 😘


And... Here is the Clean Sweepers at Summoner's Tribe guild :


There are 6 players who got clean sweep in this brawl : @giker, @bjyshadow, @bjyshadow, @queen-silvia, @ueyuey, and @matt-dub 👯. I am so happy with the result because that was my first clean sweep ever for my lovely guild, Summoner's Tribe. Among those 6 frays, we have 1 Wild Silver (Regular Foil), 2 Modern Gold (1 Regular Foil and Gold Foil), 1 Wild Gold (Gold Foil), 1 Modern Diamond and 1 Wild Diamond. That means the Clean Sweepers are spread in all of leagues which shows the balance of power💪. This is much better than if all sweepers are concentrated in one league only.

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Well, now let's talk about some tips on how to do Brawl Clean Sweep in Tier 4, There are 3 matches ⚔️ that I want to share to all of you guys, I hope you like it :


Melee Mayhem, Equalizer,38Fire, Death, Earth, Dragon



One of many ways to create team with massive attack is to use Yodin since the summoner will give blast ability_blast.png effect to all of his friendly monsters. What makes Yodin much better option in this battle is because the ruleset was equalizer 27.png which increase health points all of the low HP fire monsters like Serpentine Spy, Spark Pixie and Djinn Inferni. this strategy will make them super strong as they have huge attack as well as HP. Another important ruleset which has to be considered is heavy hitters heavy-hitters (1).png which inflict double damage when the target is stunned, so monsters with stun ability is very important that's why I put Technowizologist come to play. Thank you @happychillmore for the battle, that was a great game.


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Taking Sides, Fire and Regret, Melee Mayhem43Fire, Water, Earth, Dragon



Well, after talking about how to create an effective attack with Yodin, Let's talk about how to counter that legendary Summoner. The above battle is showing how to beat Yodin with Mylor. Since the ruleset is Fire and regret img_combat-rule_fire-regret_150.png, there's a low probability that the opponent will play ranged monsters so that's the reason why I used Mylor and it's effectively proven to counter the opponent's 3 melee monsters (Magnor, chimney Wallstop and Serpentine Spy). In order to increase the thorn ability_thorns.png and magic reflect ability_magic-reflect.png damage, amplify from Queen Mycelia is needed. Another thing which is very important to deal with Yodin is the monster at second position should have heal ability_heal.png or reflection shield ability_reflection-shield.png ability to prevent the blast effect spread at the back line. Thank you @champion-slayer for the battle, that was a great game.


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Heavy Hitters, Equal Opportunity, Up to Eleven58Fire, Water, Earth, Life



This is one of the best battle in Brawl because if we see at the battle above, How crazy Gladius card (Lv.2 Tatyana Blade) after getting Martyr ability_martyr.png ability from Venari Marksrat. She has successfully evade the opponent attack 6 times thanks to the dodge ability, 6 speed ⚡️and blind ability for the opponent given by Lir Deepswimmer. Phantom of the Abyss took very important role with his demoralize ability_demoralize.png ability since it reduced all 5 of the opponent monsters melee damage except Forgotten one who has Immune ability_immunity.png ability. I was expecting the opponent will use Yodin and many ranged attack but I am glad to have 100% win rate after the opponent used Jacek as the summoner and huge melee monsters. Thank you @olebulls for the battle, that was a great game.


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Well, Splinterlands has made the new regulations about the number of battles ⚔️ that players can play in a day. The more detail of the information can be seen HERE. The point of the article is that players can only play maximum 50 battle in a day and if they want to play more, they have to pay 💸 the energy (1 energy equals to 1 match) based on the highest league he / she has achieved. The cost of the energy can be seen in the below table :

LeagueCost per 1 energy (DEC)

1. Make the leaderboard competition more fair

Well, before the regulations about the new energy system, bots 🤖 can play as many battle as they want, They can have much more battles than what human player, They also play much faster ⚡️ than human player at several hours before end season, here is the example of how the "suspected" bots exploit the leaderboard system :


I am not accusing those account who plays thousands of battles are bots, they "might be" a bot based on the number of battles they had. Human players will most likely don't have much time ⏰ to play thousands of battles in a season. With the new energy system, It's all about win rate that's going to be matter. The player who has the best win rate will get the best spot at the end of season.


2. Reduce the circulation of DEC


The article says that the DEC or DEC-B used to purchase energy will be burned 🔥 so that means the it will reduce the amount of DEC on the market and bring them back to the peg $0.001 which is very important for the game economy. The DEC reflects the demand of Splinterlands asset within the game.


3. Simplifying the Complexity

We used to have pretty complex calculation ⌨️ to determine the focus point which depends on some factors like the types of the cards played (Gold, alpha and beta will give additional bonus), rating, % of started cards and the ECR, However with the new energy system, the ECR part will be removed 💥 and it makes the focus point more simple. With the new energy being a round number (1,2,3 etc) not percentage anymore, There will be no confusion about how much the ECR will generate after some times, all players will aware that every one day, the 24 energy will be restored.

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We have a very great news this morning with the presence of the new Promo card, Vruz 😮. What makes this cards special are his low mana (2), his splinter type (Dragon), and his abilities (sneak, martyr, and true strike). All of monsters who have martyr ability_martyr.png ability are always being used a lot since they can give additional stats (+1) to all of the adjacent monsters (the same effect as Bloodlust), So having the card at least at lv. 5 is a must. The sale begin on March 21 and players have to stake at least 1000 SPS in order to be eligible to purchase 💸 1 card. So get your staked SPS ready to add this card to your collection guys!


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Alright guys, now it's time for the giveaway. We have 51 participants for the Giveaway #71. I'd like to say Thank you very much for visiting my blog and joined the giveaway. Here are the list of participants :

@outwars, @gregory-f, @blitzzzz, @jats-0, @poplar-22, @engilhramn, @henruc, @ladymisa, @rayius, @olaf.gui, @monsterbuster, @tinyputerboy, @jdike, @candnpg, @pero82, @seeweed, @ianballantine, @akiraymd, @flummi97, @danideuder, @pulubengdugs, @saydie, @javeson, @maxmaka, @thebighigg, @jhuleader, @vaynard86, @bechibenner, @syel25, @willendorfia, @stonemountain69, @theacks, @mario89, @blitzzzz, @bronko, @clove71, @cpol, @cribbio, @dgi, @gamesworld, @gasaeightyfive, @ianballantine, @jhuleader, @ladymisa, @marcocasario, @oadissin, @olaf.gui, @pero82, @pulubengdugs, @sinistry, @theacks

(Blitzzzz, Bronko, Clove71, Cpol, Cribbio, Dgi, Gamesworld, Gasaeightyfive, Ianballantine, Jhuleader, Ladymisa, Marcocasario, Oadissin, Olaf.gui, Pero82, Pulubengdugs, Sinistry, Theacks got additional 1 ticket as they re-blogged the post)
I hope I don't miss out any names there. Regardless you win or not, I hope you guys keep supporting me by participating in my upcoming giveaways because sharing to the community is fun. Here is the snapshot of the winner :


Congratulations to @javeson for winning Scavo Firebolt. This card has Knock Out ability at maximum level which is very powerful in the battle.

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1 BCX of Scavo Firebolt has been sent to IGN : @javeson, enjoy that Scavo Firebolt 👍. For other participants who didn't win, you can try your luck taking a part in the next giveaway below (Giveaway #73).


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Alright, in the previous post we had a Chaos card for the giveaway. In this giveaway post, there will be 1 Untamed (reward) card that you could possibly win, Here is the card :
Charlock Minotaur

I will use Wheel of Names for the drawing and the name picked out will be given the card prize.

How to participate :
  1. Please put your IGN (In-Game Name) in the comment section.
  2. If you feel like the post is useful feel free to follow me for more battle tips and tricks and 2 weekly giveaways continuously. I'll make sure we will be good friends :)
  3. Upvote is not a requirement but it will be greatly appreciated to increase the quality and the quantity of the next giveaway.
  4. Re-blogging this post will give you 2 tickets, higher tickets, higher chance to win the rewards 😉

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Notes :
  1. The cut off time is the pay-out of this post (7 days). I will put a comment "TIME'S UP" when the time is up.
  2. The winner will be announced in the next giveaways.
  3. If you want to give feedback or critics, feel free to leave any comments. As long they are constructive and not offensive, they will be appreciated.
  4. Started from now, I will tag all of the participants who have joined (in the previous giveaway) in case you want to join the giveaway again, if you want me to stop tagging your IGN, feel free to comment STOP in the comment section.
  5. Every time I posted blogs whether Battle Challenge or Social Media Challenge, there will be 1 card be rewarded for the giveaway winner.

Notification List :

@henruc, @pulubengdugs, @outwars, @akiraymd, @danideuder, @tinyputerboy, @engilhramn, @ianballantine, @jats-0, @olaf.gui, @poplar-22, @mario89, @seeweed, @syel25, @maxmaka, @bechibenner, @arveno, @mxm0unite, @willendorfia, @saydie, @candnpg, @flummi97, @ijat, @dk1trade, @noctury, @jhuleader, @jdike, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @thebighigg, @vaynard86, @pero82, @gregory-f, @circlebubble, @rayius, @javeson, @cpol, @cribbio, @gasaeightyfive, @ianballantine, @jhuleader, @kqaosphreak, @ladymisa, @marcocasario, @maxmaka, @mxm0unite, @oadissin, @pero82, @pulubengdugs, @russia-btc, @bitandi, @obifenom, @cryptoph0823, @hendrot, @kryptofire, @canada804, @mvl2304, @chaosbug, @speedtuning, @seewed, @theacks, @mario89, @dgi, @gamesworld


If you haven't got any Splinterlands account, you can get it here

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Alright, that's the end of this article guys, Thank you for visiting my blog. See you in the next article and giveaway. Take care~


Canva : As a tool for me to create Thumbnail
Bitmoji : As a tool for me to create Avatar



Congrats @javeson!

Thank you for the Charlok Minotaur giveaway! Please count me in. IGN @willendorfia

Not really appropriate since I haven't lashed you lately, but I wanted to show it off, so I'm just gonna whip it out right here... !KOG

View or trade KOG tokens.

Hey there, Champ. You took a pretty hard pounding from our member, back there, on the battlefield. Present this token in any Kingdom of Glory guild glory hole to redeem your complimentary aftercare.

@sinistry, you successfully shared 0.10000000 KOG with @willendorfia and you earned 0.10000000 KOG as tips. (9/10 calls)

Use !KOG command to share KOG! More details available in this post.

Your Welcome and Thanks Willen for participating in the giveaway


This post has been given a 10.0% UpVote by the SplinterBoost Community Curation Bot.
Vote For Witness | Delegate HP | Join Discord

Lir Deepswimmer is a very nice summoner.
IGN canada804

yeah, I use it pretty often to counter ranged attack

Welcome and Thanks for joining Russel

Glad to have you here,

Have a KOG, the native token of Kingdom of Glory Guild, developed by @sinistry :)


Your KOG token balance is not sufficient to send tips. Please stake a minimum of 10 KOG tokens to send tips.

I dropped a link to a post about how to use this in the KoG general channel, and dropped a challenge to earn 1000 $KOG if you, or anyone you know would be interested in trying to claim it. 🙂

!hbitty @jhuleader

Your welcome and Thank you very much for re-blogging the post,

Much appreciated


Thanks for the giveaways. Please count me in.

Good luck, all.


Your Welcome, and Thanks for joining the giveaway, My friend

Good luck and Have a nice day :)

Thanks. IGN: supergtom

Your Welcome and good luck for the giveaway

Have a nice day :)

Hah thanks! I am a bit surpriced I missed a ton even with Jacek with mega speed lol!

yeah, a bit unlucky there XD

See you in the next tournaments, olebulls :)

We will do!

Discord Server.This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share more than 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators in the form of IUC tokens. HP delegators and IUC token holders also get upto 20% additional vote weight.

Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.


100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited..

This post received an extra 2.50% vote for delegating HP / holding IUC tokens.

Wow this was really a good post to read , i did enjoyed reading and did find many things useful from your post. Thanks for sharing yours knowledge.

!giphy thanks


Thank you very much for your kind words, Bhatt Bhai,

Much Appreciated,

Glad to know that :)



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
speedtuning tipped queen-silvia (x1)
queen-silvia tipped engilhramn (x1)
thebighigg tipped queen-silvia (x1)
queen-silvia tipped willendorfia (x1)
queen-silvia tipped jhuleader (x1)
engilhramn tipped queen-silvia (x1)
queen-silvia tipped blitzzzz (x1)
bhattg tipped queen-silvia (x1)
jats-0 tipped queen-silvia (x1)
candnpg tipped queen-silvia (x1) @queen-silvia tipped @jats-0 (x1)

Join us in Discord!

Count me in please. IGN outwars

Sure Outwars, Thanks for joining the giveaway, My friend

Good luck and Have a great day :)

add me pls @ladymisa :)

Alright, Ladymisa, Thanks for joining the giveaway, My friend

Good luck and Have a nice day :)

count me in



Okay Henruc, Thanks for joining the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a great day :)

I agree that the new energy system will benefit every players. But I am somehow conflicted with the buying of energy cause it will not make sense to spent dec for energy with the value of sps right now it would not really contribute for making dec back to peg and those who would probably buy them are those competing on leaderboard to have more battles.

Ign: saydie

Yes, I do agree with you saydie,

Most of energy buyers will be those people who are competing for leaderboard because it make sense as they have chance to get great leaderboard prize.

If I am not competing for leaderboard, I won't buy the energy as well

Thanks for the reply, here have a KOG


Your KOG token balance is not sufficient to send tips. Please stake a minimum of 10 KOG tokens to send tips.

!PIZZACount me in @engilhramn

Sure, Engilhramn, Thanks for joining

Good luck and have a pizza too


Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz

Alright Blitzz, Thanks for joining the giveaway,

Thanks also for all of your support to my posts, much appreciated

Good luck and Have a great day :)


Amazing and usefull post as usually. Congratulations for your brawl and top results. Count me in for the givaway. Good luck


Thank you very much jats for the kind words :)

Sure, good luck for the giveaway and have a pizza as well


This was a good one to read. Would like to take part in this giveaway.

My IGN is yahuzah

Thank you for the kind words yahuzah.

Sure, Good luck for the giveaway my friend


Thank you friend.

count me in please!

Okay Akira, Thanks for joining the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a great day :)

Count me in

IGN olaf.gui

Okay Olaf, Thanks for participating the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a nice day :)

Count me in again, please. Many thanks - Ian :)< @ianballantine

Sure Ian, Thanks for participating the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a great day :)

selamat pagi
The promo card looks nice!
!gif good luck

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @noctury

remaining commands 4


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Selamat Pagi Juga

Yeah exactly, tomorrow is the sale so let's get our staked SPS ready 💪

Good luck for you too


very good post, new promo card is good, I try to keep some 😉😉


Thank you for the kind words, speed tuning

Yeah me too, I'll try to get at least 2 Lv.5 Vruz :)

Count me in again thanks! @seeweed

Alright Seeweed, Thanks for participating the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a nice day :)

Congrats on the clean sweep. That's always impressive at any level.

Count me in again for the giveaway.

Thank you for the kind words, Acks

Sure, Thanks for participating the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a great day :)

count me in

Okay Pulubengdugs, Thanks for joining the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a nice day :)

Congrats on the clean sweep, not an easy task! !PIZZA

Thank you for the kind words

yeah It is!, Thanks also for participating in the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a nice day :)


Thank you for the great post as always!
Count me in again please

!lol @thebighigg

Thanks for the kind words as always, thebighigg

Sure, Good luck and Have a nice day my friend :)


count me in

reblogged too

Alright, Thank you very much for reblogging the post, rayius

Good luck and have a nice day :)


Count me in for the giveaway please. @flummi97

Alright Flummi, Thanks for participating the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a nice day :)

Count me in.

!Gif thank you IGN: @vaynard86

Alright Vaynard, Thanks for joining the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a great day :)

count @jdike in

Okay jdike, Thanks for participating in the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a nice day :)

count me in please🙏

!BBH @bechibenner

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/20)@queen-silvia! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bechibenner.

Sure Bechibenner, Thanks for joining the giveaway

Good luck and have pizza too


Another clean sweep?! And you made the leaderboards, again? One word - AWESOME! 💖

Count me in for the giveaway! (reblogged)

!PGM !LOL !LUV !gif cheers ign: @pero82

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @pero82

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

yeah, ha ha, Thanks for the kind words as always, pero my friend

have a pizza and pgm too :)

have a great day as well


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @queen-silvia

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Do you know you can win a Chaos Legion pack and many other things just by following some simple steps ?? Check out our Latest Daily Showcase and Participate our latest Giveaway. Thanks




Count me in

Sure Kryptofire, Thanks for participating the giveaway,

Good luck and Have a nice day :)


Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121