Fallout 3 Walkthrough (Modded) Part 309

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

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I explore the northern areas of Maddox Island on my way to the main quest objective. This is the eleventh episode of Washington Malevolence.


Note: The mod was updated since I played it, so things may differ when you play it.

The mods I used in this series are listed here. Also, the complete playlist is now available on Youtube and Odysee

Timestamps for you:

  • 00:40 - Returning from the Derelict Hangar, I discover the Circle Junction. The Swampfolks in the area aren't hostile.
  • 01:46 - I enter their homes out of curiosity. First house to the south.
  • 02:35 - Second house to the southeast. That Brawler needs to clean the place.
  • 03:05 - Third house (across the street - southeast/east). I didn't want to take items from their homes.
  • 03:59 - Fourth Swampfolk house (east).
  • 04:57 - Fifth Swampfolk's House (east/northeast).
  • 05:37 - Sixth Swampfolk's House (northeast).
  • 06:05 - Seventh Swampfolk's House (north).
  • 06:32 - Eighth Swampfolk's House (northwest)
  • 07:10 - Nineth Swampfolk's House (northwest/west)
  • 08:02 - The map. To reach the swampy areas, I have to go to the path further north.
  • 08:34 - I spot a home to the north/northeast. Some non-hostile Sentry Bots guard the place.
  • 10:01 - I enter the old barn and find some boxes upstairs. The truck trailer was empty.
  • 10:48 - I walk around the fences to reach the home entrance. Trapper's Farmstead has been discovered, but I need a key to open it. I'll return here later. Also, I couldn't take the paper at the door.
  • 13:26 - I follow the road north and find a ruined house. One stimpak on the desk near the bed.
  • 14:19 - I turn northwest. I spot some Night Ghouls attacking something near many old cars. I shoot them and the old vehicles. Things are about to explode in a chain reaction.
  • 17:20 - Looting the Night Ghouls (and the vehicles continue to explode). East Shore Speedway was discovered.
  • 20:05 - A dead Bloodclaw (Imperfection mod) and a Matriarch. The Night Ghouls manage to kill the two. The vehicles continue to explode.
  • 22:11 - I turn west/southwest towards the cliffs. There are some shacks down there.
  • 23:24 - A camping trailer with some medical supplies. I take the path downward. The Rowe Gap is discovered.
  • 24:41 - I enter the Storage shack. It was mostly empty.
  • 25:20 - I proceed through the catwalks and enter the Florist shack. The Nuka Colla Appleseed and a Nuka Cola Atreides are on the desk near the bed. I sleep in the desert town.
  • 26:28 - Back outside. I go northeast and enter the Barracks. More food and beverages were there. A Nuka Cola Harefruit was on the metal shelf. The footlockers near the beds have some ammo.
  • 27:32 - Back outside. I cross the catwalk to the other side and enter Water Pumps shack (nothing to see there).
  • 28:18 - I go west to the Prison shack. Some purified water is on the table. I lockpick the cell door and find a dead wastelander.
  • 29:07 - Back outside. I should have checked the west path but decided to go east/northeast (it leads to the lower areas and near the swamp). I walk uphill between the rocks and to the road heading north.
  • 31:20 - To the south is East Shore Speedway, and some feral ghouls are still alive.
  • 34:40 - Back on track. I spot a makeshift shack to the north. Some chems were on the shelf.
  • 36:33 - I'm attacked by some Pirates further north. I enter the nearby Crossroads Gas Station. Mole Rats live there.
  • 38:04 - I don't think skeletons are supposed to stand still. The safe had a copy of Tumblers Today.
  • 38:18 - A Nuka Cola Quantum is on the office floor (near a desk).
  • 39:28 - Back outside. To the northwest, I discovered Wetland Overlook Campground.
  • 40:31 - Some ammo boxes near the old truck parked nearby.
  • 40:48 - I go northwest towards the beach below. I discovered the Vault 63 entrance on the rocks in the sand.
  • 42:30 - Mirelurks were in the tunnels. The only path not blocked leads to the south door.
  • 45:25 - I go downstairs to the lower area and open another door. More Mirelurks to kill.
  • 47:57 - The Vault Door Control Pod requires an access code I don't have. (From what I understood later) I could only enter Vault 63 by choosing it instead of another Vault in a future quest. I chose the other one.
  • 48:23 - Time to leave the place.
  • 50:29 - Back outside. I walk around the beach before turning southwest to the swamp areas.

I'll be back to the main quest in the following episode.

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