Fallout 3 Walkthrough (Modded) Part 131

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

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It's the third part of my tour through the ruins of L'Enfant. It's the last one in that area.


The full playlist is now available on Youtube and Odysee.

Timestamps are below:

  • 00:26 - I continue through the streets where super mutants and the enclave troopers fought.
  • 00:55 - I turned west, and some mutants were still alive in the area.
  • 02:15 - An Overlord was in the upper area near the street.
  • 03:10 - I use the nearby stairs to reach that area.
  • 04:35 - More super mutants under the walkway that crosses the street below.
  • 05:25 - There's a Big Book of Science in the Pulowski Preservation Shelter.
  • 05:52 - I return to the street below to loot what I can. I had to return here a couple times to plunder everything.
  • 07:27 - A makeshift camp is hidden in the debris at the end of the street to the north.
  • 08:00 - A US Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes in the open cabinet.
  • 09:35 - I head east through the road. I didn't see anything valuable.
  • 10:05 - Checking the map, I noticed I missed the area north of the Capitol Post. I went there but didn't see anything at first.
  • 14:13 - I returned to where I found the Big Book Of Science. This time I jump past the debris.
  • 14:45 - Sniping the super mutants to the north.
  • 15:17 - That Super Mutant Bone Crusher was probably added by Imperfection - The Definitive Creature mod.
  • 15:45 - I discover L'Enfant Plaza.
  • 16:55 - Checking destroyed building to the east. The path ahead connects with where I found the skill book at 08:00.
  • 17:15 - I realized I didn't look very closely at the building near the Capitol Post. I had to check it.
  • 17:51 - Indeed, I almost missed the Unstable Toad Genetics (DC Interiors).
  • 18:23 - Lots of super mutants are inside.
  • 20:08 - There was a Note on the front desk.
  • 20:51 - Going upstairs.
  • 21:09 - Ammo boxes.
  • 22:21 - Gore bags.
  • 22:46 - More stairs.
  • 23:33 - Sometimes, I forget that skeletons are containers in the DC Interiors mod.
  • 23:49 - First Aid Boxes and gore bags.
  • 24:22 - Stairs to a dead end.
  • 25:30 - Leaving the building.
  • 26:27 - Rad-X withdrawal kicks in again.
  • 27:06 - Fawkes got stuck. I fast-traveled to L'Enfant Plaza, and he followed.
  • 28:01 - The metro entrance leads to Hazmat Disposal Site L5. I can't believe people were dumping radioactive waste under their own buildings.
  • 29:23 - Feral ghouls ahead.
  • 30:10 - That metro car near the door has a workbench, bed, ammo, and first aid boxes.
  • 32:19 - The hole on the train track leads to a cave beneath it.
  • 33:20 - Killing more feral ghouls.
  • 35:41 - Gas Leak ahead.
  • 36:38 - Checking the map.
  • 37:06 - The cave connects with a tunnel. More feral ghouls.
  • 38:33 - Checking the map (again). I need to see what's on the other side of the cave.
  • 39:20 - Well, more feral ghouls and a tunnel.
  • 40:34 - Both sides are connected.
  • 41:03 - Going upstairs to the exit.
  • 42:10 - Outside, in the Mall Southwest. Just in time to see a sandstorm begin.
  • 44:26 - Entering Museum of History.
  • 45:00 - Paying Doctor Barrows To remove my Rad-X addiction. I'll sell some stuff before continuing.
  • 48:25 - Passing by the Washington Monument, I enter the Mirelurk Nesting Hole.
  • 49:14 - I go to the left. Mirelurk King ahead.
  • 52:15 - Checking the local map.
  • 54:32 - I jump and reach the upper area.
  • 55:58 - Jumping on the rubble to reach the top. The Chipper Schematics and a Nuka Cola Quantum are near the skeleton and a Ham Radio. This schematic was added by the New Uniques mod.
  • 56:37 - I'm at the end of the cave. I'll continue near the walls, jumping on the rocks.
  • 57:12 - I jump on the rocks and turn left to find a tunnel. A Chinese Army Spec Ops is on (top of) a wooden box and near a skeleton at the dead end. Also, some ammo and healing items.
  • 58:41 - The path on the right is where I came from. The path on the left is another way to the entrance. I had to jump to reach it.
  • 59:46 - A Mirelurk King.
  • 01:01:41 - Outside, the sandstorm continues.

See you guys in the next episode.

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