Fallout 3 Walkthrough (Modded) Part 310

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

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I explore the northern areas of Maddox Island on my way to the main quest objective. This is the eleventh episode of Washington Malevolence.


Note: The mod was updated since I played it, so things may differ when you play it.

The mods I used in this series are listed here. Also, the complete playlist is now available on Youtube and Odysee

The timestamps are below:

  • 00:40 - Heading southwest to the swamp.
  • 02:54 - That Derelict Hangar was visited in part 308.
  • 03:40 - Lighting Bugs, Fireflies (Imperfection mod), an Albino Radscorpion, an Abominable Mutant, and a Deathclaw were fighting each other.
  • 04:47 - Mirelurks on the path ahead. Trash Heap (not the one from Point Lookout) was discovered. A mini nuke and bottlecaps are in the open safe.
  • 07:28 - I turn south to the swamp. I missed some stuff on my visit here, but I'll return later.
  • 09:13 - I spotted some smoke and fire to the west. It is a Sentry Bot (after killing everything else around him). The Methane Gas Pis were discovered.
  • 10:20 - Inventory management. I'm so dumb. Why on Earth didn't I give stuff for the followers to carry? Even the MTS-400 can carry some weight.
  • 11:48 - I went north/northwest and found some paths between the trees.
  • 15:06 - A path between the rocks leads me to the west/southwest. I discovered the Abandoned Campsite.
  • 17:57 - The map. I walk around the area before heading south. Some Mirelurks and Albino Radscoprions attacked.
  • 22:00 - Another look at the map. The path between the trees leads to the shores. I found nothing and returned to the left route.
  • 24:29 - Mirelurks ahead, including Overlords (Imperfection - The Definitive Creature Mod). The Greenwood Ruins were discovered. I jump on the sunken homes to avoid getting irradiated.
  • 28:06 - Inspecting the southwest areas. I turn southeast and discover the Derelict Barracks. Jimmy shoots the lock, and we enter.
  • 29:47 - I talk to Sam, and everybody fast-travels to Jimmy's shack near Meridipot. I hear their conversation and Jimmy's explanation.
  • 33:41 - Jimmy says I can take the weapon in his display case. Also, a modified Chinese Assault Rifle (faster fire rate).
  • 34:43 - "This Keycard" and the "Rocky Cape Ban - President's Password" note are added. Also, the President's Keycard.
  • 35:19 - I take the VX-98 Experimental Rifle from the display case. 100 Alien Power Modules and the Modified Chinese Assault Rifle are on the counter to the left.
  • 35:47 - Three ammo boxes. I place some useless items in them.
  • 36:25 - I noticed I was not equipping some apparel, which increased my carry weight (facepalm).
  • 37:18 - Jimmy's terminal requires a key.
  • 37:36 - Repairing my equipment on the workbench.
  • 38:13 - Talking to Ian Horner and hearing his stories.
  • 40:39 - Talking to Marion Baker and hearing her stories. The other folks didn't have much to say.

Tons of things to do in the next episode.

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