Fallout 3 Walkthrough (Modded) Part 311

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

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I turn the power back on before heading to another Vault. This is the thirteenth episode of Washington Malevolence.


Note: The mod was updated since I played it, so things may differ when you play it.

The mods I used in this series are listed here. Also, the complete playlist is now available on Youtube and Odysee

The timestamps are below:

  • 00:40 - I leave Jimmy Shack and fast-travel to Rowe Gap. I take the southwest path towards the cliffs and jump on the home below. A Wastelander on the water attacks me.
  • 02:34 - Stimpaks and chems on the table outside the Moonshiner Shack. I enter the place. The items inside are owned by someone.
  • 03:48 - Back outside. I investigated the area below Rowe Gap but found nothing.
  • 05:59 - I returned to Meridiport and went to the clinic.
  • 07:20 - I entered Lorenzo's Wares but didn't locate the man. I go to Virgo Arms to sell some stuff.
  • 10:57 - I'm at the Clearbank area. I found a Vault-Tec Office - Clearbank (unmarked location). I quietly dispatched the pirates inside.
  • 12:19 - Two Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor were on the bookshelves.
  • 12:37 - I hack the Manifest Terminal. I read the "Maddox Island Vault Listings" entry.
  • 12:45 - Vault 63 information.
  • 13:24 - Vault 65 information.
  • 14:13 - Vault 89 information.
  • 15:13 - Vault 98 information.
  • 16:15 - Other Planned Vaults entry.
  • 16:23 - Vault-Tec Personnel Assignments entry.
  • 16:26 - Order Requisition Forms entry.
  • 16:29 - Other Vault Listings entry.
  • 16:33 - A Tumblers Today is next to the Manifest Terminal.
  • 17:26 - Back outside. I go north to the Clearbank Power Station.
  • 20:28 - I go downstairs through the open trap door (I opened it with the switch near the workbench). I go to the Elevator Door Terminal to unlock it.
  • 21:09 - I follow the path and open the door on the right. I accessed the Auxiliary Power Terminal to activate the systems.
  • 22:28 - I return to the corridor and continue further. I open the door to another area. I had to fix the Broken Fuel Pump (1 conductor) before I used the Main Power Terminal to start the Main Geothermal Generator. Temporary Setbacks is finished. Synchronized Swimming begins.
  • 24:33 - I leave the Power Station and return to Jimmy's shack.
  • 26:46 - Reporting to Jimmy. I chose to go to Vault 98 instead of 63 (which one you pick locks you out of the other). Jimmy will go to the third one in the Power Station. Tank and Chains go to Vault 63.
  • 27:42 - While they talk, Vertibirds fly above us. Jimmy gives me a communicator so we can activate the time locks.
  • 29:49 - To Vault 98. I use the access code on the Control Pod. I hear the radio.
  • 32:00 - The Atrium. I enter the clinic and only find skeletons. I hack the Ward Terminal and read the entries.
  • 32:56 - Event 19-0061; Event 19-0173; Event 19-0344; Event 99-0000. What happened in this place?
  • 34:11 - I open the door and turn right. I go upstairs to the atrium upper area. The door on the other side leads back to the Atrium. I turn left to the Lab.
  • 35:38 - A DC Journal of Internal Medicine is under the skeleton on the operation table.
  • 36:05 - Back in the corridors, I was lost for a second. I check the map.
  • 37:25 - From the corridor (path with debris), I go upstairs and to the left. It's the Overseer Office. The Security Override Switch is on the desk (I unlocked some doors). I collect Alien Epoxy, Small Alien Crystals, and Pre-War Books.
  • 38:18 - Back to the generator room near the entrance. The door on my left can is unlocked. I entered the Vault 98 - Security area.
  • 39:06 - The Outcasts are here (and they are hostile). Disclaimer: Fighting them here didn't anger the Outcasts in the Capital Wasteland. I throw grenades to kill them (there are mini-nukes in a room to the left - be careful).
  • 39:53 - I take their ammo. A storage room on the left. More ammunition, mini-nukes on the shelves, and a unique ZX-98 Cannon. Don't use this weapon in closed spaces. You'll die with the radius and damage of the explosion.
  • 40:33 - Two US Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes are on the floor near the ZX-98.
  • 40:43 - The ZX-98 damage is insane. Consumes a lot of Electron Charge Packs.
  • 41:03 - More enemies downstairs. Grenades are effective.
  • 41:33 - Walking into another Outcast. The room to the east is flooded, so I check the stairs to the north. The room had nothing, so I followed the path back to the first room.
  • 42:49 - The door to my right is locked, so I return to the flooded room below. I kill more Outcasts.
  • 44:56 - The Security Override Switch is activated. I leave the room, and enemies show up. That door upstairs is open now.
  • 46:29 - I activate the Vault 98 Timelock Activator and more talk on the radio.
  • 47:27 - Sam shows up and.. not again. Now he took my keycard. Synchronized Swimming is finished. The Great Bank, Part II begins. I leave the Security area and meet Jimmy and the others outside. The three keycards were taken, and we returned to the shack to plan the attack on the bank.
  • 51:13 - Now we are north of the bank. Pretend you didn't see that dead Pirate flying. Oh, and some wastelanders attacked us.

The battle to get inside the Cape Bank Vault is about to happen.

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