I walk around Vault 89, meet some people, and start some quests. This is the tenth episode of Washington Malevolence.
Note: The mod was updated since I played it, so things may differ when you play it.
The mods I used in this series are listed here. Also, the complete playlist is now available on Youtube and Odysee
The timestamps are below:
- 00:39 - I enter the Vault 89 - Living Quarters and turn west.
- 01:11 - Apartment 8 is inaccessible.
- 01:16 - Apartment 7. Nothing of value.
- 01:40 - Apartment 6. I met Sandy Cook. She asks me to buy a Nuka Cola for her.
- 02:13 - Apartment 5. Nothing of value.
- 02:26 - The local map. I am on the northwest side of the Living Quarters.
- 02:31 - Apartment 4. This room is more decorated, but nothing much else.
- 02:41 - I pass the Atrium sign and turn left. I continue north and proceed to the door to the Atrium's upper floor. Randy Berry, on the bench, doesn't have much to say.
- 03:29 - I return to the corridor and continue north. Apartment 3 is inaccessible. I turn left to the Classroom. Not many kids attend the class.
- 04:22 - I go to the right side and enter the clinic. I met Doctor Falconetti and Carl Stefan. They are buying stimpaks for 30 caps.
- 06:02 - I returned to the corridor and turned right. I ignore the stairs and enter the Apartment 1. I take two Vault 89 Jumpsuits.
- 06:22 - Apartment 2 is inaccessible.
- 06:25 - I turn left near the Nuka Cola Machine and find the door to the Reactor (not now). I take the stairs to the floor below near the Apartment 1.
- 06:46 - The Atrium is to the left. I enter the diner to my right and meet Cheri Martin. She's responsible for the haircuts in the Vault.
- 07:19 - I meet Brian Ramsey and Darrel Williams in the kitchen. Asking about Darrel's story begins the Lost Branch quest. I'll have to retrieve a Family Tree Book from a restaurant (diner) in Clearbank.
- 08:57 - Talking to Brian Ramsey again. If I offer my help, the Chef's Delight quest begins. I'll need 5 fresh apples, 3 refined punga fruits, and a slab of Brahmin meat.
- 09:39 - I exit through the other door and return to the corridor around the Atrium. I open the Storage door but don't take anything.
- 10:27 - I return upstairs and check the map. I have missed the southeast side of the Living Quarters. First, I go to the Reactor Sub-Level.
- 11:38 - I go downstairs through the sub-level and meet Danny Culver, Noah Hardy, and Martin Terrell. We talk for a bit.
- 13:40 - I return to the corridor and turn to the right. The stairs lead to the Entrance. I begin exploring the area and enter the detention area (I presume). The officers here don't have much to say.
- 15:26 - I hack one of the Desk Terminals. I read the Assign Duties entry. I didn't open the cell.
- 15:51 - The local map. I take the path near the Desk Terminal I hacked and go downstairs. It leads to the Overseer's office, so I return upstairs and back to the Living Quarters.
- 16:44 - Inspecting Apartment 9. Back in the corridor, I turn left before checking the map. I want to go southeast. I check the map before going upstairs.
- 17:55 - Apartment 13 is open, and 14 is inaccessible.
- 18:01 - Apartment 15 can be entered. 16 is not.
- 18:16 - I see a vending machine and turn to my left. Apartment 18 can be entered.
- 18:30 - I turn left again and enter Apartment 17 to find Marion Baker and Ian Horner. Oldi Jimmy talks to them.
- 20:35 - Talking to Jimmy. It's time to leave.
- 22:51 - Marion And Baker show up near the exit. They'll join the team. We return to Jimmy Shack. Old Runner is finished, and Temporary Setbacks begins.
- 24:13 - I fast-travel to Meridiport to sell some stuff I collected.
- 26:42 - Walking around the town looking for the people to sell some stuff. I soon gave up.
- 30:34 - I fast travel to Rolfe Building. I turn south and spot the old diner mentioned by Darrell. I find the History of the Maddox Williams Family on the floor.
- 33:41 - I return to Vault 89 to give the book to Darrell. He lives in Apartment 7. Lost Branch is finished.
- 39:26 - It's time to leave. I return to Old Jimmy Shack, and from there, I go west past Flackland. Nothing to see on the cliffs.
- 45:19 - I go north near the shores and discover the Abandoned Raider Camp. Some water and food are on the shelves.
- 47:03 - I continue north. Yao Guais, Radscorpion, Lighting Bugs, and Fireflies (Imperfection mod) are fighting each other. I continue heading north.
- 50:20 - I spot a landing track to the west. I discovered the Hangar and met Brent von Harman. I learned his story.
- 54:52 - Walking around the area. I soon return to the main island (I'll return here later).
- 58:14 - I go east and uphill until I see some houses.
What will I find there? Continues in the next episode.
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