Night Crows 🌒| Kingdom of Appius - Treasure Chest Event! [EN/PT]

in Hive Gaming ‱ 2 months ago

Night Crows - Treasure Chest Event.jpg

In the latest update to Night Crows we also had the addition of the Treasure Chest event, which came in two versions: the Missing Appius Kingdom Treasure Chest and the Shining Appius Kingdom Treasure Chest. To open them, we have some mission completion events that will reward the necessary keys. Find out all about the treasure chests and how to get their rewards!

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Appius Kingdom Missing Treasure Chest


Source: Night Crows

The first and most focused on Free to Play is the Appius Kingdom Missing Treasure Chest. In it, you have more options to get keys with simple events to be completed in free, guaranteeing a good amount of keys. However, as expected, the rewards of this chest are simpler too, since it is easier to get. that are possible to complete in free to earn the keys. Also, once a day you can receive a key when you check in and open a free chest!


Source: Night Crows

The first event where you will be able to earn keys to open this Treasure Chest will be in the “Key to the Missing Kingdom Appius”, where you can get a good amount of keys, totaling 39 Keys to the Missing Kingdom Treasure. The requirements to obtain these keys are as follows: Donate 10x to Guild, Defeat Raid Boss 10x and Strengthen 50 pieces of equipment.


Source: Night Crows

With the arrival of the new Season of the Tower of Trials we have an event related to the Tower and the Missing Treasure Chest of the Appius Kingdom, which is the Tower of Trials Challenge. In it, you will need to complete the floors of the Tower to earn Keys to the Treasure of the Missing Kingdom.

The further you can advance in the tower, the better, because more keys you will receive and with them a greater amount of chests can be opened. This is a difficult quest to complete completely since there is a very strong character to climb to the highest floors of the tower.


Source: Night Crows

Rewards | Once you've collected the keys from the completion missions and daily check-ins, it's time to find out what possible rewards you can find in the chest. Among the most interesting rewards to obtain are the Legendary ones, which in total have a 16.27% chance of being obtained.

In addition, we have a special reward, which seems to be the best of all, with a 1.11% chance of dropping a +5 artifact chest, in which you can choose between: Rune Artifact, Incense Burner, Amulet or Sacred Relic.

Appius Kingdom Shining Treasure Chest


Source: Night Crows

We also have the second chest of the event that, unlike the first, has better rewards, but the level of difficulty in obtaining the keys to open it is much higher. The Shining Treasure Chest of the Appius Kingdom, unlike the first one, which is simpler and aimed at casual players, is more for players who spend money in the game.

The reason is that the level of difficulty of obtaining the keys to open it is much higher, with the options for obtaining the keys being the packages from the game store. Additionally, it is possible to get one chest per day at check-in and there is also a completion quest where 7 keys can be obtained as the final reward, but it is a bit difficult.


Source: Night Crows

The Alchemy Transmutation Directive event Transmute is the only quest completion event where you have the possibility of getting 7 Shiny Appius Kingdom Keys. However, to do this you need to transfigure the philosopher's stone 100 times, which is difficult since you can only get 3 per day from the NPC.


Source: Night Crows

Rewards | Let's now explore what rewards this chest has that make it so special. Unlike the first one, the chance of legendary items is almost 46%, so you'll be likely able to get Summons of weapons, mounts or elements. Also, there are good options for epic items such as the epic element, arcane scroll and also a selection of epic weapons or mounts. In addition, you can also get a +5 Night Crows equipment.

Night Crows - Treasure Chest Event.jpg

Na Ășltima atualização do Night Crows tivemos tambĂ©m a adição do evento dos BaĂșs do Tesouro, que vieram em duas versĂ”es: BaĂș do Tesouro do Desaparecido Reino Appius e BaĂș do Tesouro Brilhante do Reino Appius. Para abri-los temos alguns eventos de conclusĂŁo de missĂŁo que vĂŁo dar como recompensa as chaves necessĂĄrias. Descubra tudo sobre os baĂșs do tesouro e como conseguir as suas recompensas!

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BaĂș do Tesouro do Desaparecido Reino Appius


Source: Night Crows

O primeiro e mais voltado para os Free to Play Ă© o BaĂș do Tesouro Desaparecido do Reino Appius. Nele vocĂȘ tem mais opçÔes de conseguir chaves com eventos simples de serem concluĂ­dos no free, garantindo uma boa quantidade de chaves. Entretanto, como Ă© de se esperar as recompensas desse baĂș sĂŁo mais simples tambĂ©m, jĂĄ que Ă© mais fĂĄcil de conseguir. que sĂŁo possĂ­veis de concluir no free para conquistar as chaves. Ainda, 1 vez ao dia vocĂȘ consegue receber uma chave ao fazer o Check-In e abrir um BaĂș GrĂĄtis!


Source: Night Crows

O primeiro evento que vocĂȘ conseguirĂĄ ganhar chaves para abrir esse BaĂș do Tesouro serĂĄ no “Chave do Desaparecido Reino Appius”, em que vocĂȘ pode conseguir uma boa quantidade de chaves, no total de 39 Chaves do Tesouro do Reino Desaparecido. Os requisitos para conseguir essas chaves sĂŁo os seguintes: Doar 10x para Guilda, Derrotar o Boss de Raid 10x e fortalecer 50 equipamentos.


Source: Night Crows

Com a chegada da nova Season da Torre da Provação temos um evento relacionado Ă  Torre e ao BaĂș do Tesouro Desaparecido do Reino Appius, que Ă© o Desafio da Torre da Provação. Nele vocĂȘ vai precisar concluir os andares da Torre para ganhar Chaves do Tesouro do Reino Desaparecido.

Quanto mais vocĂȘ conseguir avançar na torre melhor, porque mais chaves vocĂȘ irĂĄ receber e com elas uma maior quantidade de baĂșs poderĂŁo ser abertos. Essa Ă© uma quest difĂ­cil de concluir totalmente jĂĄ que existe um personagem muito forte para subir nos andares mais altos da torre.


Source: Night Crows

Recompensas | Ao juntar as chaves com as missĂ”es de conclusĂŁo e os check-in diĂĄrios estĂĄ na hora de descobrir quais sĂŁo as possĂ­veis recompensas que vocĂȘ poderĂĄ encontrar no bĂĄu. Dentre as recompensas mais interessantes para se conseguir estĂŁo os LendĂĄrias, que no total possuem 16,27% de chance de serem obtidas.

AlĂ©m disso, temos uma recompensa especial, que parece ser a melhor de todas, com 1,11% de chance de sair um baĂș de artefato +5, em que vocĂȘ pode escolher entre: Artefato de Runa, IncensĂĄrio, Amuleto ou RelĂ­quia Sagrada.

BaĂș do Tesouro Brilhante do Reino Appius


Source: Night Crows

Temos tambĂ©m o segundo baĂș do evento que diferente do primeiro tem recompensas melhores, mas o nĂ­vel de dificuldade de obter as chaves para abri-lo sĂŁo bem maiores. O BaĂș do Tesouro Brilhante do Reino Appius diferente do primeiro que Ă© mais simples e voltado ao jogadores casuais, Ă© mais para os jogadores que gastam no jogo.

O motivo Ă© que o nĂ­vel de dificuldade de obter as chaves para abri-lo Ă© bem maior, tendo dentre as opçÔes de obter as chaves, os pacotes da loja do jogo. Ainda, Ă© possĂ­vel conseguir um baĂș por dia no check-in e tambĂ©m tem uma missĂŁo de conclusĂŁo em que 7 chaves podem ser obtidas como recompensa final, mas Ă© um pouco difĂ­cil.


Source: Night Crows

O evento de Diretiva de Transmutação de Alquimia Transmutar Ă© o Ășnico evento de conclusĂŁo de missĂŁo em que vocĂȘ tem a possibilidade de conseguir 7 Chaves brilhantes do reino appius. Entretanto, para isso vocĂȘ precisa transfigurar a pedra filosofal 100 vezes, o que Ă© difĂ­cil jĂĄ que por dia vocĂȘ consegue no mĂĄximo 3 no NPC.


Source: Night Crows

Recompensas | Vamos agora explorar quais sĂŁo as recompensas desse baĂș que fazem com que ele seja tĂŁo especial. Diferente do primeiro, a chance de itens lendĂĄrios Ă© de quase 46%, entĂŁo Ă© bem provĂĄvel que vocĂȘ consiga Summons de armas, montarias ou elementos. Ainda, existem boas opçÔes de items Ă©picos como o elemento Ă©pico, pergaminho arcano e tambĂ©m uma seleção de arma ou montaria Ă©pica. AlĂ©m disso, vocĂȘ tambĂ©m pode conseguir um equipamento night crows +5.


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Bzzzrrr, rimurutempest! Esse Ă© um evento incrĂ­vel! Espero que os presentes sejam Ășteis para todos. Boa sorte! #hivebr

AI generated content

I wanna play this game but until now i still don't have enough time.

This game has an auto-battle for when you're not available.


The game is similar to the arcade games I used to play when I was young. It was also very mysterious and fun. Have fun, man

It's actually an mmorpg, and this chest is an event that's happening, but as you said it reminds a lot an arcade.


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