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RE: Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - I might stick with this for a while, not sure yet

in Hive Gaming8 months ago

this game is one of those that failed to captivate me precisely because of how large it is and how uninteresting the map was to me, I felt that the map was gigantic and full of things that you would never go to see because it did not generate much interest or at least for me, and the combat seemed very clunky to me 😧

but it is true what you say and honestly it can be a very interesting game if you get hooked.


have you played any of the other AC games? If so do you have a favorite? I agree that this might end up being too big for me as well. Was talking to a friend of mine that 100% completed this game and it took 200 hours. I am not really all that interested in devoting that level of time to anything really.

 8 months ago  

so far my favorite games have been AC 3 and black flag, I feel that they have been the best installments of the series, and that compared to the current ones, the essence has been lost a lot

Well I think I have gone too far in this one to switch now. I do get a bit bored because it is so immense and almost everything you do just seems like a rehash of everything else that you do but I guess that is just the way these games are. I can't say that I will finish it because yes, it is really long, but it's a decent time sink for now.

The problem I am going to have is that if I decide to switch over to something else I am going to forget the controls... which is something I tend to do regularly.