God of War Ragnarok - part 1 [ESP/ENG]

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

Hello hivean! After finishing Resident Elvil 4 remake, I begin with this second adventure of Kratos and Atreus in this Nordic saga of God of War.

We begin with a summary of the first adventure of this pair, where Atreus is excited to learn that he is a god, Kratos once again uses the weapons of the ancient god of war, and both end up eliminating some gods from this Norse mythology, emphasizing the Freya's son, since he appears at the beginning of the game to exact revenge for this.

¡Hola hivean! luego de terminar con resident elvil 4 remake comienzo con esta segunda aventura de Kratos y Atreus en esta saga nórdica de God of war.

Iniciamos con un resumen de la primera aventura de este par, donde Atreus se emociona al enterarse de que es un dios, Kratos vuelve a utilizar las armas del antiguo dios de la guerra, y ambos acaban eliminando algunos dioses de esta mitología nórdica, recalcando al hijo de Freya, ya que esta al inicio del juego aparece para cobrar venganza por esto.

Before Freya appeared, Atreus was talking about a sick wolf that was at home, when he got home he died and Atreus became very sad. He tells Kratos that he is going to bury him and they argue a little about answers that the boy wants, such as the mysteries of his mother's ashes and what he really wanted, and about his other name "Loki". Here we can see more of a father facet in Kratos than in the previous installment.

Kratos goes to sleep while Atreus returns from burying his friend, but he has a dream about his deceased wife, apparently it alerts him about something, when he wakes up he goes in search of the boy along with Mimir, who always talks a lot and adds a little humor. to things sometimes.

Antes de aparecer Freya, Atreus hablaba de un lobo enfermo que estaba en casa, al llegar a casa fallece y Atreus se pone muy triste. Dice a Kratos que lo va enterrar y discuten un poco acerca de respuestas que quiere el chico, como los misterios de las cenizas de su madre y que quería en realidad, y acerca de su otro nombre "Loki". Aqui podemos ver una faceta mas de padre en Kratos que en la entrega anterior.

Kratos va a dormir mientras Atreus vuelve de enterrar a su amigo, pero tiene un sueño con su fallecida esposa, al parecer lo alerta sobre algo, al despertar va en busca del chico junto con Mimir, quien siempre habla mucho y pone un poco de humor a las cosa en ocasiones.

Upon waking up, Mimir tells him that Atreus is still arriving, and they go in search of him, the first enemies appear, apparently human, and Kratos attacks them mercilessly. The tree that was marked with the protection is cut down and apparently a giant bear killed another bear and they suspect that the animal is after Atreus, we followed the trail and after eliminating some enemies from a distance and melee we finally found the bear, and then of the confrontation when Kratos is about to eliminate him, he becomes Atreus, and apparently it is a new ability that he does not yet control.

Al despertar, Mimir le dice que aun llega Atreus, y van en su búsqueda, aparecen los primeros enemigos, al parecer humanos, y Kratos les da sin piedad. El árbol que estaba marcado con la protección esta cortado y al parecer un oso gigante mató a otro oso y sospechan que el animal va tras Atreus, seguimos el rastro y tras eliminar algunos enemigos a distancia y cuerpo a cuerpo finalmente encontramos al oso, y luego del enfrentamiento cuando Kratos esta por eliminarlo, se convierte en Atreus, y al parecer es una nueva habilidad que no contrala aun.

Atreus regains consciousness but his memories are not clear of how he transformed into an animal. Kratos gives him a lecture about the control of his abilities, and why they are hidden, although Atreus is also right to look for answers that he will not find while hidden. .

Back home Atreus repairs the mark on the tree to hide, but it is strange that they find more looters after putting up the protection, they assume that they were already there before; We eliminate the threat and when we get home there is an unexpected visitor, Thor wants to talk to Kratos, and a few moments later Odin arrives, they want to negotiate peace with Kratos, but he is not convinced by their intentions, and apparently we will have to face Thor in the next post...

Atreus recobra la conciencia pero sus recuerdos no son claros de como se transformo en animal, Kratos le da un sermón, sobre el control de sus habilidades, y el porque de estar ocultos, aunque Atreus también tiene razón al buscar respuestas que no encontrará estando escondidos.

De regreso a casa Atreus repara la marca del árbol para esconderse, pero es extraño que encuentren mas saqueadores después de poner la protección, suponen que ya estaban ahí antes; eliminamos la amenaza y al llegar a casa hay un visita inesperada, Thor quiere hablar con Kratos, y unos momentos después llega Odín, quieren negociar la paz con Kratos, pero a él no le convencen sus intenciones, y al parecer tendremos que enfrentar a Thor en el siguiente post...


La primera vez me sorprendió bastante lo del Oso, porque literalmente Kratos casi lo mata jsjs. El inicio de este juego es increíble. De hecho, lo que ocurrirá en el próximo capitulo, me parece de los mejores momentos de todo el juego en general. Ese enfrentamiento es brutal.

La primera entrega me gusto mucho, esta va por el mismo camino jaja

I see the kid grew close to a young man already. I just hope he won't mess up in this story like he did in the previous installment. You’ve captured the essence of the opening so well. Thor’s sudden appearance adds so much tension. I can't wait to try it on my own.

It's true, I didn't expect these two characters to appear in Kratos' house at the beginning haha

End credit of the previous installment showed them at Kratos's house but having them at the beginning of this installment is something no one should think of.

Oopsie. I noticed the bodyless heads there, lol. But who should be the tiny skull?

hahaha I don't know, I did it with AI

Well done.

Wow! It's not all about Kratos anymore. I grew up playing god of war, seeing how Kratos fights and struggles alone. It's exciting to see that he finally got someone he could maybe share all that experience with

The first games were brutal, I loved them for their fast-paced action, and all the skills, in this one we see Kratos a little calmer, even more so than in the previous game, in fact I think that if it were like in the previous installment, there would be no he let Thor into his house, and if he was Kratos from PS2, he would have ripped his head off and then asked questions haha.

Exactly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣... Actually shocked to see him in some sort of father figure 😂... Always known Kratos to be the rebellious teenager. Is it just me or he looks more elderly?

ha ha ha! If he is a little old to look for lawsuits XD
I already uploaded the second part, the fight with Thor is great.

🤣 on it 😁

 4 months ago  

I played the first one and great to see Atreus having much more abilities. Maybe he will be able to help further in combat now. In the last one he was not too active, just shooting with the arrows and using abilities here and there.

It also helped in combat, although automatically, it was very useful at times, let's hope to see what it does in this adventure.