Hello, dear community video game lovers, for today I want to discuss with you a topic about video games, I made a list of the video games that I have finished, including all the consoles that you have played, at that moment I started to think about how many games I have played since I can remember, the only condition is to have been able to see the credits that appear at the end of each title, the only condition is to have been able to see the credits that appear at the end of each title, once I recompile in a notebook the name came out the number 97, 97 video games finished until I could see the end, I decided to share it with my friends for a group that we have, then the discussions began, what is to pass a game? Did you get the real ending? Did you pass the game to 100%? Or is it enough to see the titles, well the truth is that, for the purposes of this list, it is enough to see the credits of the game for having played the title and see one of its possible endings, like I want to stay at the beginning of Far cry 4 or any other ending.
Similarly, there are games that require you to pass it on a higher difficulty to see the true ending, or even games that require you to pass it by fulfilling a specific condition. This list is not about that, it's about finishing a title until the credits roll.
Of course if you feel like discussing what is really passing a game or prepare a list of games that you found the true ending I invite you to do it for that is this community.
I will make a list of all the video games in which I was able to see the titles:
Metal Gear solid.
Metal Gear solid 2.
Metal Gear solid 3.
Metal Gear solid V.
Final Fantasy VI.
Final Fantasy VII.
Final Fantasy VIII.
Final Fantasy IX.
Final Fantasy X.
Fable 2
Crash bandicoot 2.
Crash bandicoot 3.
crash team racing.
Driver 2.
Driver San Francisco.
Need for speed underground 2.
Need for speed Most wanted.
Need for speed the run.
Need for speed Most wanted 2016.
Bloody Roar 2.
Megaman x4
Megaman x5
Megaman x6
Megaman 8
MediEvil 2.
Castlevania symphony of the night.
Castlevania Curse of darkness.
Onimusha 3.
Dragon ball z ultimate.
Dragon ball GT final bout.
Dragon ball xenoverse 2
Dark soul
Dark soul 2
Dark soul 3
Call of duty moderwarfar.
Call of duty moderwarfar 2.
Call of duty moderwarfar 3.
Call of duty black OPS.
Pokémon Black 2
Pokémon Ruby.
Pokemon Siver.
Pokemon Yellow.
Resident evil.
Resident evil 2
Resident evil 3
Resident evil 4.
Resident evil 5.
Resident evil 6.
Resident Evil Veronica Code.
God of War
God of War 2
God of War 3
God of War ascension.
Guitar Hero 3.
Guitar Hero word tour.
Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas.
Metro 2033.
Metro the last light.
Ninja Gaiden.
The elder scroll V Skyrim.
Alan Wake.
The last of US.
Mortal Kombat V
Mortal Kombat 9
Mortal Kombat Shaolin.
Tenshu 2.
Sniper elite 3.
devil may cry
devil may cry 2
devil may cry 3
devil may cry 4
Dead Space.
Assassins Creed 2.
Assassins Creed Brother hood.
Assassins Revelation.
Assassins Creed 3.
GTA San Andrea.
Larry 2.
Yu-gi-oh forbidden memories.
Yu-gi-oh duel generation.
Far cry 2.
Far Cry 3.
Far Cry 4.
Epic conquest.
Soul rivers
Maybe there are some games that are not yet on the list that I have finished but these are the ones I can remember; I hope that by seeing this list and reading about the topic you have been entertained a greeting.

Fuck! interesting, I really don't remember how many games I've tried, I have a very bad memory! I know I've played a lot, but I don't remember them all, and it would be painful to miss any of them that is really good.
this is not a list of games that I have tried, if not finished, it is different, the truth is that I spent a whole day remembering which games I have finished, the list would be infinitely longer if it was with games that I have tried.