I've been listening to my favorite Youtubers/streamers who live on video games talking about how they have a series of titles without playing them because they don't have time to play them, now imagine the case of an average adult who lives on a salary and has an office schedule, married, with children, the battle of life becomes uphill to enjoy your favorite video games, if I remember correctly I made a list of games that I have but I have not yet been able to try, due to the little time I have available to devote to my favorite entertainment, clearly I do not live in the middle, so that my life revolves around it.
On the other hand, when I finally get time to play, the question arises that I should play and when you do not carry the thread of a particular video game is hard to start or get hooked on it as you did in your past, I heard Baitybait say that the games like more or less depending on the time you play them.
That is, depending on the mood of the moment the moment of your life, worries, anxiety, happiness, anger or sadness, influence a lot in what kind of games we want to approach, I give you the following example you are very sad and depressed, definitely if you want to get out of that picture you will not play a narrative novel with a tragic ending since the moment of your life does not fit with the video game, Another example would be if you have little time and you want that moment to be used to the maximum, you will not want to play a JRPG where the times are slow, in that moment you want a hack and slash that helps you to enjoy the moment.
So I definitely think that games are related to the emotions of the moment you live, in my case currently being my time very limited it costs me games like Elder ring that require time to understand its mechanics, adapt to the gameplay and explore a huge world, now with the little time I have to play I want to try games like God of War 2018 that has its pauses but always full of action, the check poind always keep you in the last place where you died so your progress does not go back when you lose, also as I'm playing it on hard I do not feel that I am giving the game away.
It is definitely a game that fits with the moment I live relating the adventures of Kratos and his son, which fits with my profile of being a father recently, so I feel identified, while rewarded when I play this title last Saturday, I played about 6 hours to the game which is basically a personal record, as I usually get up to play after 1 hour maximum.
So to conclude I recommend that if a title does not provoke you at the moment do not force yourself to play it try something that fits more to the moment you live, and maybe you give a second chance to that title that you still do not try later.

Dibujo hecho por: @rubenp

I'm going for the part where the two brothers blacksmiths creators of the leviathan axe, Kratos's weapon, give you quests to find items for them in exchange for upgrading your items and armaments, I have freed the 5 spirits that were trapped by the tragedy of the flood, bringing out some more lore of the world, I like that Kratos refuses to accept that he is helping others, telling the son that they do it to improve their equipment and face the main story with better equipment, giving lore to the secondary missions in a subtle way, in the main mission, I just defeated a huge dragon climbing to the chasm of the mountain where Kratos will scatter the ashes of his own wife with his son, fortunately I have not had spoilers of the story, so I thank you that in comments do not leave me anything about the story of the same a greeting.

I think forcing yourself to do anything is never going to end good! Well I do agree that certain moods can affect the type of game you play, I also disagree with it. I know a lot of people who play comptetive shooters to decompress after a long day.
Personally speaking, I love the ME series, It's my pick me up game when my depression is acting up, but I also find the overall ending of the series depressing. I guess it just all depends on the individual!
Good post, btw!
Greetings, I agree with your disagreement, even if it doesn't make much linguistic sense, I think you are right to question the genders, because people act and react very differently and for what others may be stressful can relax others or de-stress them, but the "exemption only confirms the rule".