Genesis League - Game Mechanics

in Hive Gaming6 days ago


Hi guys,

Today I’ll like to talk about the Genesis league. This is also a play2earn game that has been made by the makers of the moon karts game. Let’s look at what it’s all about.

So the Genesis league game is a card strategy game which can be likened with that of splinterlands. With this one it’s more like fpl; for people who play fantasy league they’ll understand this.

This game uses the major league soccer player roster to do some things. How the game works is that it put 2 players head to head against each other. This is a game that has been built round football. Soccer players will be able to create their favourite players in the MLSPA in the way of NFTs. This NFTs is what will be used to build your team and then compete with them against each other.

It’s a rapid or quick game just like splinterlands. But then it’ll also be on a turn by turn bases. Unlike with spl, you just select your team and the cards play it out. With genesis league players will have to play turn by turn even though the outcome will heavily depend on the kind of cards you choose.

The turn by turn play will be based on single tap actions just like what we see in score hero. So it’ll be really useful if you can think fast enough before it gets to your turn to play.

Players will enter a tournament or ranked play with 30 players. But not all this 30 players will be fielded. There can only be 7 starters, 5 subs and then 10 reserves. Player cards that can be used for this come in regular and gold foil.

As long as this is a soccer game coach cards will be needed as well. As you know it you can’t have a team without a coach.

This is a bit of the game mechanics for today.