I donno XD
Jade Coccoon, all the Final Fantasies (which was basically what I could get in Australia and then I just cold turkey stopped playing because Final Fantasy is deadly when you're a completionist), the Tomb Raider series (think the only one I didn't like was the one where she had excessive boobs) and the Uncharted series (started because it was a Tomb Raider like game and continued because I loved the characters running commentary, one of my favourites being him quipping WHERE ARE THESE GUYS COMING FROM?! during an enemy wave as I had been wondering exactly the same thing at about that point XD).
I actually also quite enjoyed Skylanders even though the gameplay was super basic because we had fun collecting the little figures but you probably don't want to get into that XP

What’s wrong with her boobs!?!
Ahh I see, you like stories plus collecting! I get it. Did you ever play megaman legends? That was like tomb raider meets megaman lol
I’ll check out the others you listed. I am really sad that ps3 only had ff13. I may have to buy ff8 remastered on the switch store...I guess not every game can be $2. I never finished 6 or 8. And never played 12 or 15. They are high on my list but I don’t wanna rush it cause it’ll be a while before I buy a ps5 to play all the new ones coming, ff7-2,16 and whatever else.
They were like 28J or something to that effect (I have no idea I'm just pulling random sizes out of the air) and didn't make proportional sense. Basically my aesthetics got upset XD
I have not played Megaman Legends. I have not played much of anything recently x_x
Except World of Darkness. I managed to finish the rest of the preludes tonight which nicely proved I could still GM for a decent period of time, I was pretty tired after doing youngest's prelude last weekend but I think that might have had something to do with acting as 11 4yos simultaneously XD (youngest's character is a dodecaplet x_x).