Hello Hivers❗🐝 welcome to a new video, today we have another epic episode of assasins creed rogue, where after saving the colonists and soldiers from the organized attack of the order of assassins and mercenaries, we will have to run another race against time and this time facing once again an old ally from shay cormac's past, that said join me, and let the video begin ❗🐻🚀🎮
❗Hola Hivers❗🐝 bienvenidos a un nuevo vídeo, hoy tenemos otro épico episodio de assasins creed rogue, en donde luego de salvar a los colonos y soldados del ataque organizado de la orden de asesinos y mercenarios, deberemos correr otra carrera contra el tiempo y esta vez enfrentando una vez más a un antiguo aliado del pasado de shay cormac, dicho esto acompáñenme ❗y que comience el vídeo ❗🐻🚀🎮

After shay saved the villagers and settlers in the area that was under attack, it was time to complete another objective and this was to catch and have another of shay cormac's former masters, as they were organizing more attacks against the order and also planned to steal the manuscript as he apparently would have been able to get the information that the manuscript was held by colonel monroe, so shay cormac sets out to try to prevent this attack and confront another of his former masters.
Luego de que shay salvara a los aldeanos y colonos de la zona que estaba siendo atacada, era momento de completar otro objetivo y este era atrapar y de tener a otro de los antiguos maestros de shay cormac, ya que se encontraban organizando mas ataques contra la orden y además planeaba robar el manuscrito ya que al parecer habría podido conseguir la información de que el manuscrito lo tenía el coronel monroe, por lo que shay cormac se dispone a tratar de evitar este ataque y enfrentar a otro de sus antiguos maestros.
Shay is also informed that the attack has begun because when he arrives in the Morrigan to the area of the attack site there are already destroyed ships and many dead allies, so Shay deduces that the target of the attack was the fort that is in the area and where the colonel is, because shay quickly wipes out all enemy forces in the area that prevent his access to the fort, and shay asks his second in command to be aware of any surprise attack against his ship the morrigan, so he also tells him that he must help the colonel to contain the attack and prevent him from finally stealing the manuscript that shay has given him.
Shay es informado además de que el ataque ha comenzado ya que al momento de llegar en el morrigan al área del lugar de ataque ya hay barcos destruidos y muchos aliados muertos, por lo que shay deduce que el objetivo del ataque era el fuerte que se encuentra en la zona y en donde está el coronel, porque rápidamente shay acaba con todas las fuerzas enemigas en la zona que impidan su acceso al fuerte, y shay le pide a su segundo al mando que esté al tanto de cualquier ataque sorpresa contra su barco el morrigan, por lo que además le dice que debe ayudar al coronel a contener el ataque y evitar que robe finalmente el manuscrito que shay le ha dado.
By the time we reach the fort area we can see that it is attacking in a fairly strong way, as they have used artillery and everything is on fire, so Shay decides to hurry to reach Colonel Monroe, when we reach the fort we can see that the enemies are winning because the British forces are disadvantaged due to the casualties they have had in their troops, so Shay decides to even the balance and uses the weapon that created the assassins to kill as many troops as possible and thus save the colonel.
Para cuando alcanzamos la zona del fuerte podemos ver que está atacando de una manera bastante fuerte, ya que han usado artillería y todo esta en llamas, por lo que shay decide apresurarse a alcanzar a el coronel monroe, cuando llegamos al fuerte podemos ver que los enemigos van ganando ya que las fuerzas británicas se encuentran desventajas debido a las bajas que han tenido en sus tropas, por lo que shay decide igualar la balanza y utiliza el arma que crearon los asesinos para acabar con el mayor número de tropas posibles y así poder salvar al coronel.
Shay finally gets Colonel Monroe, and tells him to go to the Morrigan with the manuscript and the survivors while he takes care of one of his former teachers, so the colonel decides to listen to him and goes with his troops towards the Morrigan, finally Shay confronts his former teacher as he finds him in the area and it is a fairly even battle but finally Shay manages to overcome and defeats his teacher with a direct hit, He then begins to interrogate him and tells him that Achilles is a person who doesn't do the right thing, but as expected, his former master tells him that he doesn't have to listen to a vile person brought in by the order, so he tells him that Colonel Monroe is just walking into a trap, Shay realizes what is happening and decides to go to save Monroe once again, while in the background we see how Shay's old teacher ends up dying, when we get to the area we can see that the troops escorting the colonel have been killed, and then we can see the place where the colonel was hiding in flames, shay decides to risk entering the fire and manages to pull the colonel out of the flames, but finally we see how the wounds caused by liam, shay's former ally, are mortal wounds, so shay finally sees colonel Monroe die in his hands, while the colonel in his last moments gives shay his templar ring.
Shay finalmente consigue al coronel monroe, y le dice que vaya al morrigan con el manuscrito y los sobrevivientes mientras el se ocupa de uno de sus antiguos maestros, por lo que el coronel decide hacerle caso y se va con sus tropas en dirección al morrigan, finalmente shay se enfrenta a su antiguo maestro ya que lo encuentra en la zona y es una batalla bastante igualada pero finalmente shay logra anteponerse y derrota a su maestro con un golpe directo, luego comienza a interrogarlo y le dice que achilles es una persona que no hace lo correcto, pero como era de esperarse su antiguo maestro le dice que no tiene el por que escuchar a un vil traído de la orden, por lo que le dice que el coronel monroe solo va directo a una trampa, a lo que shay se da cuenta de lo que sucede y decide ir a salvar a monroe una vez más, mientras de fondo vemos como el antiguo maestro de shay termina muriendo, al momento de llegar a la zona podemos ver que las tropas que escoltaban al coronel han sido abatidas, y luego podemos ver el lugar donde se ocultaba el coronel en llamas, shay decide arriesgarse a entrar al fuego y logra sacar al coronel de entre las llamas, pero finalmente vemos como las heridas que le ha causado liam el antiguo aliado de shay son heridas mortales, por lo que shay finalmente ve morir al coronel monroe en sus manos, mientras el coronel en sus últimos momentos le da su anillo de templario a shay.
And so much for today's video Hivers, I hope you liked it, but most of all you enjoyed it, what did you think about the battle between shay and one of his former masters, what do you think about the death of colonel monroe, what do you think about the death of colonel monroe, let me know in the comments, let me know in the comments, if you like my content and videos, don't forget to follow me so you don't miss anything in your Hive and 3Speak feed, without more to say I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening, From the Cave SadBear says goodbye, Until another video❗🐻🚀.
All the images and gifs you saw in this post were taken and edited by me from Assasins Creed Rogue INGAME.🐺
Add me on discord if you want to give me suggestions for posts or know any information 🐻SadBear🚀#6392 👽
Videos and Gifs Recorded with Nvidia GTX 1060.🦄 capture.
Visit my channel 🐻GamingBear on 3speak🎮🚀 and Subscribe❗.⚡
Post written by SadBear and translated into English with Deep.DL 📖📝
Y hasta aquí el vídeo de hoy Hivers, espero que les haya gustado, pero sobretodo lo hayan disfrutado, ¿Qué te ha parecido la batalla entre shay y uno de sus antiguos maestros?, ¿Qué opinas de la muerte del coronel monroe?, házmelo saber en los comentarios, si te gusta mi contenido y los vídeos, no olvides seguirme para no perderte de nada en tu feed de Hive y 3Speak, sin más que decir te deseo unos buenos días, tardes o noches, Desde la Cueva se Despide SadBear ❗Hasta otro vídeo❗🐻🚀
Todas las imágenes y gifs que viste en este post fueron sacadas y editadas por mí de Assasins Creed Rogue INGAME.🐺
Agrégame en discord si quieres darme sugerencias para posts o saber alguna información 🐻SadBear🚀#6392 👽
Vídeos y Gifs Grabados con capturadora Nvidia GTX 1060.🦄
Visita mi canal 🐻GamingBear en 3speak🎮🚀 y Suscríbete❗.⚡
Post escrito por SadBear y traducido al inglés con Deep.DL 📖📝
▶️ 3Speak

It looks like it has the same/similar mechanism of Black Flag. If you tried Black Flag, can you say if this one connects to Edward Kenway or not?
This game tells the story of shay cormac, the assassin who became a templar, and the assassin for whom achilles stopped believing in the order and the reason why he did not want to train connor at first in assassins creed 3,
In addition, Adewale and Haytham Kenway appear, this being Edward's son and Adewale his deck captain aboard the Jackdaw, Edward is mentioned on several occasions, but from what it seems when this game takes place, he is already dead, since he was assassinated by the templars in his mansion in england,
thanks for comment friend greetings!
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