Mafia 2, Eddie orders Henry to kill Leo Galante🩸🔫💰💵/GamingBear Playing from the cave🐻👾#227❗

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)


❗Hola Hivers❗🐝 bienvenidos a un nuevo vídeo, luego del desastre ocurrido en el anterior episodio de mafia 2 es momento de continuar la historia una vez más, para ver que es lo siguiente a ocurrir en la vida de vito, ya que de momento si bien ha podido ganar dinero, las cosas han estado un poco complicadas últimamente, dicho esto acompáñenme ❗y que comience el vídeo ❗🐻🚀🎮

Hello Hivers❗🐝 welcome to a new video, after the disaster that happened in the previous episode of mafia 2 it's time to continue the story once again, to see what's next to happen in vito's life, since at the moment although he has been able to earn money, things have been a bit complicated lately, that said join me, and let the video begin ❗🐻🚀🎮.

Bienvenida 102.png (1).gifAfter vito takes care of the body of the bartender that joe accidentally killed, he heads back to his house, where the next day he receives an unexpected visit, and that is that Henry visits him and asks him to accompany him for a drink at a bar, something that surprises vito and agrees to go with him, so they take Henry's car and go straight to Falcone's bar where Eddie is always found.1 (1832).gif de que vito se encargara del cuerpo del camarero que joe asesino por accidente, este se dirige de nuevo a su casa, en donde al día siguiente recibe una visita inesperada, y es que Henry lo visita y le pide que lo acompañe a tomarse algo a un bar, algo que sorprende a vito y accede a ir con él, por lo que toman el coche de Henry y van directo al bar de Falcone en donde siempre se encuentra Eddie.1 (1833).gif

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1 (7).pngIt is here during the trip that Henry begins to ask Vito about different things, among them if he knows anything about what happened at the hotel where all of Clemente's men died, to which Vito tells him that he has no idea what happened, so Henry tells him that he could have known that Marty died at the place so he thought that Vito and Joe would be at the place, Henry tells him that he knows that what happened to Clemente was something he deserved because of what he did with Vito when he worked with him, Henry tells him that he knows that Falcone had something to do with the attack, however Vito tries not to give any clues that they were the ones who caused the attack.1 (20).gif

1 (8).gifEs aquí durante el trayecto del camino que Henry empieza a preguntarle de diferentes cosas a vito, entre ellas si sabe algo de lo ocurrido en el hotel en donde murieron todos los hombres de clemente, a lo que vito le dice que no tiene ni idea de lo que ha pasado, por lo que Henry le dice que igualmente pudo saber que marty murió en el lugar por lo que pensó que vito y joe estarían en el lugar, a pesar de todo Henry le dice que sabe que lo que le sucedió a clemente era algo que se merecía por lo que hizo con vito al momento de trabajar con él, Henry le dice que sabe que Falcone tuvo algo que ver con el ataque sin embargo vito trata de no dar pistas de que fueron ellos los causantes del ataque.1 (7).webp

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1 (10).gifHenry tells him that he wouldn't mind working for Falcone as he knows that clemente was someone who had betrayed his own, so vito repeats that he has no idea what happened, it is here that Henry reveals that he knows they were on the scene, as he tells vito that he looked ridiculous with joe wearing the mustaches as he saw them the first moment he saw them, and he also says that he understands that he knows they were just doing their job and that he doesn't intend to meddle in that, so he asks vito to talk to Eddie about giving him a job in the Falcone family, so vito agrees to recommend him to Eddie.1 (9).gif

1 (12).gifHenry le dice que no le importaría trabajar para Falcone, ya que sabe que clemente era alguien que había traicionado a los suyos, por lo que vito le repite que no tiene idea de lo sucedido, es aquí donde Henry revela que sabe que estuvieron en el lugar, ya que le dice a vito que se veía ridículo con joe usando los bigotes ya que los vio en el primer momento que los vio, e igualmente dice que entiende que sabe que solo estaban haciendo su trabajo y que no piensa entrometerse en eso, por lo que le pide a vito que hable con Eddie para darle un puesto de trabajo en la familia de los Falcone, por lo que vito accede a recomendarlo con Eddie.1 (11).gif

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1 (16).pngOnce they arrive at the location vito meets with Eddie and Henry stays nearby to wait to talk to them, vito tells Eddie that he knows someone who worked for clemente who wants to work for them now, so Eddie agrees to talk to Henry and they finally introduce themselves, Eddie say he will be able to join if he completes a job first, so Eddie asks him to finish off the mobster leo so he can earn the job he wants in the family, to which is something that vito is a little upset about since leo was the one who helped him in prison so vito finally decides to warn leo before Henry arrives on the scene to assassinate him.1 (14).gif

1 (20).pngUna vez que llegan al lugar vito se reúne con Eddie y Henry se queda cerca para esperar a hablar con ellos, vito le dice a Eddie que conoce a alguien que trabajaba para clemente que quiere trabajar para ellos ahora, por lo que Eddie accede a hablar con Henry y finalmente se presentan, Eddie dicen que podrá unirse si completa un trabajo antes, por lo que Eddie le pide que acabe con el mafioso leo para así poder ganarse el puesto de trabajo que quiere en la familia, a lo que es algo que vito le afecta un poco ya que leo fue quien lo ayudó en la cárcel por lo que vito decide finalmente avisar a leo antes de que Henry llegue al lugar para asesinarlo.1 (42).gif

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1 (22).pngAnd so much for today's video Hivers, I hope you liked it, but most of all you enjoyed it, do you think Henry will keep his word of not ratting out vito, do you think leo will really decide to disappear after his assassination attempt, let me know in the comments, if you like my content and videos, don't forget to follow me so you don't miss anything in your Hive and 3Speak feed, without more to say I wish you a good days, afternoons or evenings, From the Cave SadBear says goodbye, Until another video❗🐻🚀.1 (21).png

All the images and gifs you saw in this post were taken and edited by me from Mafia 2 INGAME.🐺1 (24).gif

Add me on discord if you want to give me suggestions for posts or know any info 🐻SadBear🚀#6392 👽1 (30).gif

Videos and Gifs Recorded with Nvidia GTX 1060.🦄 capture.1 (31).gif

Visit my channel 🐻GamingBear on 3speak🎮🚀 and Subscribe❗.⚡1 (32).gif

Post written by SadBear and translated to English with Deep.DL 📖📝1 (33).gif

1 (65).gifY hasta aquí el vídeo de hoy Hivers, espero que les haya gustado, pero sobretodo lo hayan disfrutado, ¿Crees que Henry cumplirá su palabra de no delatar a vito?, ¿Crees que leo realmente decidirá desaparecer luego de su intento de asesinato?, házmelo saber en los comentarios, si te gusta mi contenido y los vídeos, no olvides seguirme para no perderte de nada en tu feed de Hive y 3Speak, sin más que decir te deseo unos buenos días, tardes o noches, Desde la Cueva se Despide SadBear ❗Hasta otro vídeo❗🐻🚀1 (35).gif

Todas las imágenes y gifs que viste en este post fueron sacadas y editadas por mí de Mafia 2 INGAME.🐺1 (44).gif

Agrégame en discord si quieres darme sugerencias para posts o saber alguna información 🐻SadBear🚀#6392 👽1 (45).gif

Vídeos y Gifs Grabados con capturadora Nvidia GTX 1060.🦄1 (54).gif

Visita mi canal 🐻GamingBear en 3speak🎮🚀 y Suscríbete❗.⚡1 (55).gif

Post escrito por SadBear y traducido al inglés con Deep.DL 📖📝1 (56).gif

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I really enjoy mafia games or criminal organization issues, for me we should still benefit from a remix of the game Scarface, that game was simply too much both as a movie and as a game in my humble opinion, it is not atoa that we then received as a souvenir GTA Vice City trailing the supposedly same trail of the protagonist, continue with these great posts about the game, have a good night.

 2 years ago  

Without a doubt, Scarface was a game ahead of its time, just like this mafia game, since the amount of details and aspects of the story make you transport yourself directly to the time of the game, in addition to all the curiosities that can be seen as well. during the gameplay, thanks for your comment friend greetings❗🐻🎮🚀

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