Some really great advice you give here and you sure knows your game 😜 lol
I was in the game when it first started 2018 so I been in splinterland looong time 😁 lol
And I know lots of changes make it harder for new players than it used to be and why Great help and advices are Golden worth.
Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers 🤗
Mabye we meet on the Battle field
Hi @saffisara,
Thank You very much for the kind reply. You have been in Splinterlands since 2018? Wow, that's sooo awesome, I wish I knew this game earlier several years ago like you. I do believe you are in so much profit now, Congratulations 😍.
Your Welcome and thank you very much for your support, I am glad that my writing is useful for others
Have a great weekend too. Cheers
What league are you playing? I play silver league with agentsilvia and gold league with my main queen-silvia
Yes it is crazy how the time flies 😜 and back in 2018 we could only collect cards and not play, then the game started but you pushed battle but the computer chose your team and played. Then finally we could play ourselves. First there was only alpha cards, then beta and all rewards were only cards so easier to lvl up. So lots have changed and much fun along the way.
I play right now in Diamond with my smaller account, RL work take much time so I focus on my main that I usually get to champion in but stayed in Diamond at times cause ya... Busy life 😜
But I am addicted to the game and I do what I can to help new players to.
Why I loved reading this and I know your tips Will help others.
And it was Great reading your experience.
Hope you are having a fantastic day and happy weekend 🤗 cheers
I just noticed that you sent me some cards, Thank you very much saffisara, Much appreciated.
I'll keep the cards forever as our proof of friendship, ha ha
Thank you,
I did 😜 lol
I am sneaky and I just felt like sending you some gifts.
You keep them and do whatever you wish... Might Rain more cards later.
Thank you for the gold one.. I saw that one just now.
Happy weekend 🤗❤️