My very first birdie artPersonal Entry on @AxieBuzz 🐝
My friends are playing Axie, and they chat on our group chat that they hate "PINKS". I got curious so I ask them about those PINKS, they said they hate those Pink Axie Birds, I become interested and do my own research. But as I read and watch videos about Axie Birds, I don't know, I'm obsessed with it, and that was the start of my Axie journey, I got motivated to know Axie Infinity well, study all the cards and combos, to make protect my Future Birdies on battle. I keep on searching Birds in the Axie Marketplace, and building my own dream team, my eyes are always shining. When me and my friends hangout, and they have a Bird opponent, I prefer to vote to the bird user instead of my friend. LMFAO🤣! I become excited when my friend fought a bird on Arena, and they were like "Ugh, Bird again!" They really hate Birds because of their insane speed and damage. Pro Bird users have a lot of patience, and predicting moves from opponent, since bird are suicidal, they need to have perfect timing of doing a 1 turn kill to an opponents Axie. And everytime I saw a cheap Bird in the Axie Marketplace, myself is always on temptation, if only I have budget to provide for those birdies. My dream soon is to have a Bird Farm, I know that I can't help myself, I f***ng love them so much.