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RE: Ranking Final Fantasy Games

in Hive Gaming11 months ago

I was really impacted by 7 and 10 as a kid, and 9 was kind of cool. I realized after trying to catch up with the games I missed, 12 and 13 and finishing 8 (cause my disc was F-ed my first playthrough)…I’ve just been chasing the original magic.

The remake is good, but I’m not sure anything else has been since 10, can’t speak for 14 and 11.

Haven’t played 15 or 16 yet. Meh

I only got halfway thought ff6 too cause rom crash. Looks more fun than 15 or 16 tbh

Since coming back to gaming Nier has really taken the spot of what FF used to be for me. Also pretty impressed with Persona series so far

1 FF10
2 FF7 remake
3 ff7
4 ff9
5 everything else I’ve played

Looking forward to part 2 😆


Persona has been consistently great, so I hear, along with Yakuza, which more than a handful of people are saying the best series ever, but... I'm very skeptical. Might be worth you trying given it's japanesey based.

Your ranking of FF isn't too controversial for me, I could easily see myself putting 10 at the top! I didn't though lol