Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order - With This Skill I Now Feel More Powerful [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Gaming5 months ago


In the last chapter, I participated in the battle of the guerrillas against the Empire. I helped free the Wookiees they were holding as slaves and we managed to drive the Empire off the planet. Then, we received information that the Empire has resumed the search for the tomb of the sage on the planet Zeffo, where we had found a tomb before. If the Empire has resumed its search, it means that there is another tomb there that we have not found. Therefore, we must return to that planet and try to find it before they do.
Apparently the empire is doing a big excavation on the planet, so we will go to that place and try to take advantage of the path they have created. Since I had already explored the planet the first time I came here, I had several shortcuts unlocked that saved me quite a bit of walking.
One thing I love about the game is that it often manages to give you that feeling that you are very small, placing you in front of gigantic structures or machinery. I finally ended up reaching the excavation of the empire and it turns out that they were more advanced than I expected.
I advanced along the path they had created. I encountered several areas filled with soldiers and droids that I had to defeat to continue.
I ended up coming to an area where the second sister was waiting for me. She knew I was coming. After crossing a few words we decided to resume the duel that was interrupted in our first meeting.
I faced her again. But as the combat was developing, we will see that the sister is far superior to us, to the point of leaving us lying on the ground. But when she is about to give us the final blow, our droid friend saves us, activating a barrier that separates the sister from us.
At this point the second sister decides to take off her helmet and reveal her identity. It turns out that she is Cere's padawan, the leader of the ship. In the previous chapter, Cere had told us that her padawan had died at the hands of the empire, but that was not true, the empire found the padawan and turned her into what she is now. The second sister tells us that she has become this because of Cere, and tries to make us see that we cannot trust her, because, just as Cere betrayed her padawan, she will end up betraying us.
Cal decides not to give importance to the words of the second sister and we move on, looking for the tomb of the sage. We will end up reaching the deepest part of the excavation and we will see a group of soldiers confronting a guardian of the tomb, which will indicate that we are on the right track.
After advancing quite a bit, we will end up in a small area full of soldiers. We will face them, but, when we defeat them, a ship will appear and start shooting at us, causing the structure to collapse and we will fall into the void. I wonder how they managed to get such a big ship underground.
While we are falling into the void, Cal has another vision of his master, remembering one of his training sessions where he learned to use the force to attract objects. At the end of the vision we will recover and manage to fall safely into a rocky structure. Now we have unlocked a new ability and can attract objects with the force.
From this point on we will use our new ability to keep moving forward. Attracting vines to swing and completing different mini puzzles. This ability will also allow us to attract enemies and the truth is that it makes me feel powerful.
Finally we will reach the end of the tomb, where there will be a large mechanism that will function as an elevator and will take us to the surface. On the walls of this mechanism will be what we have come for, our hologram friend will analyze the painting on the wall and decipher our next objective. Apparently we need an Astrium, a kind of key that allows the bearer to decipher the mysteries of the force.
Although Cal doesn't know what it is or where to find an Astrium, he decides to return to the ship to share the information with the group. But here something curious happens; while he was returning, a strange enemy called The Hunter appeared.
While I was facing him I was defeated, but I did not die, but I appeared in an unknown area, without my lightsaber and without my partner BD-01. We don't know where we are or who kidnapped us, but we must find a way to escape.
Before escaping we have to find our companion, so we will explore this strange area looking for him. As we explore we will see corpses of different beasts fall through a hole in the ceiling, as if it were a kind of body dump. In the same area of the hole was the cell of our droid friend, so we open it and rescue him.
With BD-01 on our shoulder again, we will look for the exit. The only available path led me to a large area, a kind of coliseum, with public in the stands applauding and shouting. In this place will make his appearance someone called Sorc Tormo, the leader of this place.
We will be subjected to several tests to put on a show. They will place different creatures on the stage and we will have to face all of them, only one will be left standing.
After enduring a couple of rounds, we will see how our ship arrives to the rescue and we will manage to escape. Inside the ship, besides telling our plan to the group, we will face Cere, telling him that we know that the second sister is his former Padawan and asking him why he lied to us.
However, while we are discussing a guerrilla will contact us and tell us that they found Tarfful, the Wookiee we are looking for. Tarfful has agreed to meet us, so we must return to the planet where we fought side by side with the Wookiees in the previous chapter.
Will Tarfful be able to help us find the Astrium? I guess we'll find out next day. I liked meeting and fighting the second sister again in this chapter, but I was a bit annoyed that the fight was interrupted again. But hey, we'll see how events unfold next day.


All images/gif shown in this publication have been taken and created by me


En el último capítulo, participé en la batalla de los guerrilleros contra el Imperio. Ayudé a liberar a los wookiees que tenían como esclavos y logramos expulsar al Imperio del planeta. Luego, recibimos información de que el Imperio ha reanudado la búsqueda de la tumba del sabio en el planeta Zeffo, donde ya habíamos encontrado una tumba anteriormente. Si el Imperio ha reanudado su búsqueda, significa que hay otra tumba allí que no hemos encontrado. Por lo tanto, debemos regresar a ese planeta e intentar encontrarla antes que ellos.
Al parecer el imperio está haciendo una gran excavación en el planeta, por lo que nos dirigiremos a ese lugar e intentaremos aprovechar el camino que ellos han creado. Como ya había explorado el planeta la primera vez que vine, tenia varios atajos desbloqueados que me sirvieron para ahorrarme bastante camino.
Algo que tiene el juego y que me encanta, es que muchas veces logra darte ese sentimiento de que eres muy pequeño, colocándote frente estructuras o maquinarias gigantescas. Finalmente terminé llegando a la excavación del imperio y resulta ser de que estaban más avanzados de lo que me esperaba.
Avancé a través del camino que habían creado. Me encontré con varias zonas llenas de soldados y droides que tuve que derrotar para continuar.
Terminé llegando a una zona en la que estaba la segunda hermana esperándome. Ella sabía que yo vendría. Luego de cruzar unas palabras decidimos retomar el duelo que fue interrumpido en nuestro primer encuentro.
Me enfrenté nuevamente a ella. Pero a medida que se iba desarrollando el combate, veremos que la hermana es muy superior a nosotros, al punto de dejarnos tirados en el suelo. Pero cuando está a punto de darnos el golpe final, nuestro amigo droide nos salva, activando una barrera que separa a la hermana de nosotros.
En este momento la segunda hermana decide quitarse el casco y revelar su identidad. Resulta que es la padawan de Cere, la líder de la nave. En el capítulo anterior, Cere nos había contado que su padawan había muerto a manos del imperio, pero eso no era cierto, el imperio encontró a la padawan y la convirtió en lo que es ahora. La segunda hermana nos dice que ella se ha convertido en esto por culpa de Cere, e intenta hacernos ver que no podemos confiar en ella, pues, así como Cere traicionó a su padawan, terminará traicionándonos a nosotros.
Cal decide no darles importancia a las palabras de la segunda hermana y seguimos adelante, buscando la tumba del sabio. Terminaremos llegando a la parte más profunda de la excavación y veremos a un grupo de soldados enfrentándose a un guardián de la tumba, lo que nos indicará que vamos por buen camino.
Luego de avanzar bastante, terminaremos llegando a una pequeña zona llena de soldados. Nos enfrentaremos a ellos, pero, al derrotarlos, aparecerá una nave y comenzará a dispararnos, haciendo que la estructura se derrumbe y caigamos al vacío. Me pregunto como hicieron para meter una nave tan grande bajo tierra.
Mientras estamos cayendo al vacío, Cal tiene otra visión de su maestro, recordando una de sus sesiones de entrenamiento donde aprendió a usar la fuerza para atraer objetos. Al acabar la visión nos recuperaremos y lograremos caer de forma segura en una estructura rocosa. Ahora hemos desbloqueado una nueva habilidad y podemos atraer objetos con la fuerza.
A partir de este punto usaremos nuestra nueva habilidad para seguir avanzando. Atrayendo lianas para columpiarnos y completando distintos mini puzles. Esta habilidad también nos permitirá atraer enemigos y la verdad es que me hace sentir poderoso.
Finalmente llegaremos al final de la tumba, donde habrá un gran mecanismo que funcionará como un ascensor y nos llevará a la superficie. En las paredes de este mecanismo estará lo que hemos venido a buscar, nuestro amigo holograma analizará la pintura en la pared y descifrará nuestro próximo objetivo. Al parecer necesitamos un Astrium, una especie de llave que le permite al portador descifrar los misterios de la fuerza.
Aunque Cal no sabe que es o donde encontrar un Astrium, decide regresar a la nave para compartir la información con el grupo. Pero aquí ocurre algo curioso; Mientras estaba regresando, apareció un extraño enemigo llamado El cazador.
Mientras me estaba enfrentando a él fui derrotado, pero no morí, si no que aparecí en una zona desconocida, sin mi sable laser y sin mi compañero BD-01. No sabemos donde estamos o quien nos secuestró, pero debemos encontrar la manera de escapar.
Antes de escapar tenemos que encontrar a nuestro compañero, así que exploraremos esta extraña zona buscándolo. A medida que exploramos veremos cadáveres de distintas bestias caer por un agujero en el techo, como si fuese una especie de basurero de cuerpos. En la misma zona del agujero estaba la celda de nuestro amigo droide, así que la abrimos y lo rescatamos.
Con BD-01 en nuestro hombro de nuevo, buscaremos la salida. El único camino disponible me llevó a una gran zona, una especie de coliseo, con publico en las gradas aplaudiendo y gritando. En este lugar hará su aparición alguien llamado Sorc Tormo, el líder de este lugar.
Nos someterán a varias pruebas para dar espectáculo. Colocaran distintas criaturas en el escenario y deberemos enfrentarnos a todas ellas, solo uno podrá quedar en pie.
Luego de aguantar un par de rondas, veremos como llega nuestra nave al rescate y lograremos escapar. Dentro de la nave, además de contarle nuestro plan al grupo, encararemos a Cere, diciéndole que sabemos que la segunda hermana es su antigua padawan y preguntándole porque nos mintió.
Sin embargo, mientras estamos discutiendo una guerrillera se pondrá en contacto con nosotros y nos dirá que encontraron a Tarfful, el wookiee que estamos buscando. Tarfful ha aceptando reunirse con nosotros, por lo que debemos regresar al planeta donde luchamos codo a codo con los wookiees en el capítulo anterior.
¿Será que Tarfful podrá ayudarnos a encontrar el Astrium? Supongo que lo averiguaremos el próximo día. Me gustó haberme encontrado y luchado nuevamente con la segunda hermana en este capítulo, pero me molestó un poco que el combate haya sido interrumpido de nuevo. Pero bueno, ya veremos como se desarrollan los acontecimientos el próximo día.


Todas las imágenes/gif mostradas en esta publicación han sido tomadas y creadas por mí


I can see that your adventure is taking you beyond fascinating. What you said about the gigantic structures was something I had noticed from your previous content, but not only does it make you look so small in front of that world, but it also allows you to appreciate the good visuals that the game gives you. Honestly, in this type of content where good screenshots abound, I usually end up leaving the text without so much prominence and just appreciate the good screenshots. Sometimes they end up speaking for themselves.

Thanks for continuing to share your incredible adventure in this game, greetings bro!

It's a joy to come across those moments of photography. And sometimes it's so constant, that I end up taking more pictures than I share here haha.

But as the combat was developing, we will see that the sister is far superior to us, to the point of leaving us lying on the ground. But when she is about to give us the final blow, our droid friend saves us, activating a barrier that separates the sister from us.

The beauty of Fallen Order is that it actually makes us feel like a padawan!

 5 months ago  

I am very surprised of the battles you can have in this video game, especially when you face an enemy boss, and I keep saying that I love the graphics of this game, it looks very fun and I'm glad you can play it, I hope to do the same someday.

Estoy muy sorprendido de las batallas que puedes tener en este videojuego, sobre todo cuando te enfrentas a un jefe enemigo, y sigo diciendo que me encantan los gráficos de este juego, se ve muy divertido y me alegro de que puedas jugarlo, espero hacer lo mismo algún día.

 5 months ago  

This game looks so good. And I bet the combat is smooth too. I don't play a lot of story-driven games but I would play this one if I have the chance.

Yes it's great and so far I'm finding it quite light. I needed a game like this, a bit linear and not so dense.

You are certainly farther along than I ever got! Laughs I did decide to put Star Wars on the back burner for now! Got too much to play but heck it is a fun game right? The fighting style is so amazing!